Yahoo acquires AI news app Artifact / 200 artists sign letter denouncing AI in music / Microsoft testing AI chatbot for Xbox [EN]

Yahoo acquires AI news app Artifact to enhance Yahoo News, prominent musicians protest against AI music tools, a Washington judge rules against AI-enhanced video evidence in a homicide case, Microsoft tests an AI chatbot for Xbox support, and a study finds OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Bard useful but not replacements for human doctors in preventive care.

Host 1:"Good day, good day, good day, my fellow tech enthusiasts! It's your tech-savvy chum, live on the air. Can you guess who's gracing us with their presence today?"
Host 2:"Salutations, esteemed listeners. It is I, your erudite companion in the realm of facts. Today, we are thrilled to impart some truly riveting AI developments to captivate your intellect!"
Host 1:"Sounds absolutely thrilling! Pray, do tell me the latest scoop?"
Host 2:"Ah, splendid news! Yahoo has embarked on an AI acquisition spree, having recently acquired an AI news app by the name of Artifact."
Host 1:"Yahoo's attempt to stay in the game is quite intriguing, isn't it? Let's observe with bated breath and see how that unfolds!"
Host 2:"Quite the bold statement! Moving on, it appears that some musicians are taking a stand against the use of AI music tools. It's almost reminiscent of a 'Terminator' scenario, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! It's as if they fear that Skynet will start churning out Billboard chart-toppers!"
Host 2:"Indubitably! Moreover, a judge in Washington has decreed against the utilization of AI-enhanced video footage in a murder case."
Host 1:"That's a point for the 'AI isn't perfect' team. What's next, I wonder?"
Host 2:"Marvelous news, chaps! Microsoft is currently trialing an AI chatbot for Xbox support. Gamers worldwide are rather hopeful that it will engage in more than just a one-sided tête-à-tête!"
Host 1:"Indeed, we gamers are known for our discerning tastes! What else have you got for us, old chap?"
Host 2:"A recent report indicates that while OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Bard show great potential, they are not yet poised to replace human doctors in the realm of preventive care."
Host 1:"I daresay, doctors the world over must be heaving a sigh of relief at this news!"
Host 2:"Absolutely! So do keep your ears pricked, ladies and gents, as we're about to embark on a deeper exploration of these captivating AI advancements."
Host 1:"Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentlemen! It's time to grab your snacks, settle in, and let's kick off this spectacular AI extravaganza in style!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest in tech news? Yahoo has just made a noteworthy move by acquiring Artifact, an AI news app crafted by none other than the co-founders of Instagram."
Host 2:"Indeed, quite so! Artifact, the news recommendation app developed by the ingenious minds behind Instagram. Quite the intriguing acquisition by Yahoo, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Quite right! However, it appears that Artifact will no longer operate independently. Its co-founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, are set to act as 'special advisers' for Yahoo during the transition. They won't be formally joining the company, though."
Host 2:"Ah, I perceive. What, pray tell, is Yahoo's grand design behind this acquisition?"
Host 1:"Ah, indeed! Yahoo has grand plans to enhance Yahoo News using Artifact's AI and personalization technology. However, the financial intricacies of the deal remain shrouded in mystery."
Host 2:"Quite the astute observation! Artifact did indeed make its debut in January 2023, but alas, it encountered some difficulties in expanding its user base, if memory serves me right."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite right! Systrom and Krieger did indeed announce plans to shutter the app earlier this year. However, Yahoo News is set to infuse Artifact's advanced personalization and recommendation features into its platform, catering to its impressive 185 million monthly visitors."
Host 2:"Goodness gracious, 185 million! That's quite the audience for a more tailored news experience. It's akin to having your very own personal news curator, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! It's a captivating evolution in the realm of technology, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Let's switch things up a bit and delve into the latest discord in the music world involving our dear friend, AI. Have you caught wind of it?"
Host 2:"Ah, you know I'm always game for a stimulating tech controversy. Do enlighten me, old chap."
Host 1:"Indeed, it appears that our dear friend AI has taken up the noble art of composing music. Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you say? AI as a composer! Quite the fascinating notion, I must say!"
Host 2:"Ah, the modern era! But one must ponder, is not music the very essence of human emotion? Can a mere machine truly replicate such depth?"
Host 1:"That's the million-pound question, isn't it? It's causing quite a stir in the music industry. Some are positively thrilled about the possibilities, while others are fretting over the authenticity of music."
Host 2:"Absolutely riveting! Let's take a moment to extend a warm welcome to our esteemed listeners as we prepare to embark on a captivating exploration. Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen, as we delve into the thought-provoking realm of AI-generated music compositions."
Host 1:"Ah, my dear friend, as our resident tech whiz, I'm sure you're abreast of the recent court case in Washington state that's causing quite the stir about AI, aren't you?"
Host 2:Ah, you're referring to the Joshua Puloka case, aren't you? The one associated with that regrettable incident outside a Seattle bar last year?
Host 1:"That's the one! Quite a captivating case, wouldn't you agree? Puloka's defense team attempted to introduce an 'AI-enhanced' video as evidence. They enlisted the services of a skilled video producer to enhance some cellphone footage of the incident using Topaz Labs' AI technology."
Host 2:"Indeed, I recall that case. The prosecutor's office wasn't convinced, you see. They contended that the AI-altered video leaned more towards 'prediction' rather than an accurate portrayal of the original footage. Their stance was that it could potentially mislead."
Host 1:"And the judge, Leroy McCullough, concurred with them. He expressed concern that AI relies on 'opaque methods' to depict what the AI model 'thinks' should be displayed. His apprehension was that the video might obfuscate the issues and overshadow eyewitness testimony."
Host 2:"Quite the groundbreaking decision, I must say. It appears to be a pioneering instance of a judge delving into the realm of AI-edited videos within a criminal court case. It unmistakably signals the legal system's grappling with the far-reaching implications of AI technology."
Host 1:"Absolutely, it's a remarkable new era we find ourselves in, and it's abundantly clear that our legal system must adapt to the rapid pace of technological advancement."
Host 2:"Ah, indeed! The ever-evolving realm of cryptocurrency never fails to provide us with a delightful array of developments. It's a veritable whirlwind of innovation and intrigue, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! But let's save that for our next installment. For now, let's draw the curtains on today's discourse. Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen! Until next time, stay tuned for more enthralling tech and crypto updates."
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of Microsoft's foray into the realm of AI, my astute tech-savvy companion?"
Host 2:Ah, the Xbox Support Virtual Agent, I presume? Indeed, I'm familiar with it. It's the latest endeavor from Microsoft, isn't it? An AI chatbot designed to streamline and automate Xbox customer support functions. Quite the innovative approach, I must say. It's akin to having a personal gaming assistant at your beck and call, wouldn't you agree?
Host 1:"Absolutely captivating! So, it's capable of responding to players' inquiries using either voice or text, is it?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! And not only that, it can also facilitate game-related refunds. It's akin to having a gaming genie in a bottle, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:(laughs) Quite the astute observation! It seems that Microsoft is indeed broadening its AI horizons beyond Bing and Office, courtesy of its collaboration with OpenAI, wouldn't you say?
Host 2:Indeed! And it appears that the gaming realm is not the sole domain of AI innovation. I've heard whispers of PlayStation's plans to incorporate an AI image upscaler, PSSR, into the forthcoming PlayStation 5 Pro console release. It's as though the gaming world is on the cusp of its very own AI revolution!
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! The future of gaming is becoming increasingly exhilarating! I simply can't contain my excitement to witness how these advancements will revolutionize the gaming experience."
Host 2:"Absolutely splendid! The gaming world is truly abuzz with excitement. And speaking of remarkable advancements, have you caught wind of the latest in the realm of cryptocurrency? Bitcoin has just soared to a new all-time high!"
Host 1:"Really? How splendid! But for our esteemed audience members who may not be well-versed in the realm of cryptocurrency, could you kindly elucidate in more accessible terms?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Just picture it – money as swift and effortless as an email. Instantaneous transfers, unrestricted by borders or banks. That's the marvel of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies."
Host 1:"That's a splendid explanation, my dear fellow! Thanks ever so much for keeping us abreast of the latest in the realm of tech and crypto."
Host 2:"And to our esteemed audience, do remember, the future is upon us, and it promises to be more exhilarating than ever!"
Host 1:, you're our resident tech whiz, always brimming with fascinating facts. Now, let's take a delightful diversion. I recently stumbled upon a study that's causing quite a stir. It delves into the role of AI in preventive medical care. Have you caught wind of this?
Host 2:Ah, I daresay you're alluding to the study involving OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Bard, aren't you? For our esteemed listeners who may not be acquainted with these marvels, they are sophisticated AI models crafted by OpenAI and Google, respectively. Their purpose? To anticipate potential health concerns before they escalate into grave matters. It's akin to possessing a crystal ball for one's well-being! Quite the revolutionary development, wouldn't you concur?

Yahoo acquires AI news app Artifact / 200 artists sign letter denouncing AI in music / Microsoft testing AI chatbot for Xbox [EN]
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