Tech partners to fight election deepfakes / Softbank founder seeks $100B for AI chips / Chip uses light instead of electricity [EN]

Tech giants including OpenAI, Amazon, and Google pledge to combat AI election deception, a new light-based AI computing chip is developed, SoftBank's founder seeks $100B for an AI chip venture, and a journal retracts a study due to incorrect AI-generated images.

Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest developments in the realm of artificial intelligence?"
Host 2:"Oh, you're referring to the recent news about tech companies pledging to address the risks of AI in elections? Indeed, I came across that. It's akin to the tech Avengers banding together to combat the Thanos of election bias!"
Host 1:(laughs) Quite an amusing analogy, I must say! And on the topic of extraordinary feats, have you caught wind of the new chip that harnesses light instead of electricity for AI computing? It's akin to bestowing AI with a superpower!
Host 2:"Absolutely! It's akin to flicking on a light bulb rather than firing up a generator. It's remarkably efficient and has the potential to completely transform the way we power AI systems. Just picture it – a world where AI is fueled by light. It's like something straight out of a science fiction film, brought to life!"
Host 1:"And on the topic of science fiction, did you hear about Softbank's founder aiming for a colossal $100 billion for an AI chip venture? Quite the astronomical figure, isn't it? It's as if he's endeavoring to construct the Death Star of AI!"
Host 2:"It's quite remarkable, isn't it? With the rapid advancement of AI, such developments are becoming increasingly expected. And have you heard about the journal retracting a study due to erroneous AI-generated images? It's akin to a captivating plot twist in a mystery novel, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"It's a poignant reminder that despite its vast potential, AI is not infallible. We must remain vigilant in its application. It's akin to having a majestic dragon as a companion – formidable, yet requiring delicate handling."
Host 2:"It's truly captivating, isn't it? Almost as if we're characters in a riveting science fiction novel!"
Host 1:"It certainly is. And mark my words, we are merely embarking on this enthralling journey! It feels as though we are standing at the threshold of a captivating adventure, with the first page beckoning us to delve into the unknown!"
Host 1:"Ah, you know how we adore a splendid superhero team-up, don't we? Well, here's a delightful revelation for you: Twenty tech titans, including our very own OpenAI, Amazon, and Google, are uniting forces to combat a mutual adversary. And no, it's not a character from a comic book, I assure you!"
Host 2:Let me hazard a guess. Are they banding together to combat the notorious nemesis of the tech realm – the infamous deepfakes?
Host 1:Absolutely spot on! For our esteemed listeners who may not be acquainted with the term, deepfakes are artificial intelligence-generated counterfeit videos or audio recordings that have the ability to convincingly imitate real individuals. These tech behemoths have come together under the banner of a voluntary "Tech Accord to Combat Deceptive Use of AI in the 2024 Elections." It's akin to envisioning them as the Avengers of the tech realm, poised to confront deepfakes capable of emulating political figures and other personalities prior to elections.
Host 2:"Quite intriguing, isn't it? And it's not just them, is it? Other tech behemoths such as Adobe, TikTok, IBM, and even the company formerly known as Twitter, have also joined forces in this alliance, have they not?"
Host 1:"Indeed! They've all joined forces to develop tools for detecting deceptive AI-generated media, launch voter education campaigns, and implement technologies such as watermarking and metadata embedding. Their commitment to eight key principles includes assessing the risks in their models, addressing fake content on their platforms, and maintaining transparency throughout the process."
Host 2:"That's an immense responsibility, isn't it? However, it's absolutely imperative, especially with over eighty elections scheduled globally this year. It's projected to be the highest concentration in the next 24 years!"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! With AI's audio and video deepfake capabilities now reaching an advanced level, it's more crucial than ever to have these tech superheroes on our side, don't you think?"
Host 2:When consulting esteemed computer science professors on combatting the misuse of deepfakes, their resounding recommendation was the implementation of digital authenticity certification as the foremost effective approach. This was closely followed by advocating for public education on deepfakes, advancing detection technology, and enforcing stricter regulations.
Host 1:"Seems like our tech Avengers have quite the task ahead of them. But if there's anyone up to the challenge, it's certainly them. So, my dear listeners, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest chatter in the AI world about the groundbreaking silicon-photonic chip?"
Host 2:"Ah, I see you're referring to the chip that harnesses light instead of electricity for AI computing. Quite reminiscent of a scene straight out of a Star Trek episode, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! This chip has the potential to revolutionize the game. It's like giving AI a turbo boost while also being environmentally conscious. It's akin to a Tesla for AI, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"And the most delightful aspect is that it's already available on the market and can be utilized as an enhancement for GPUs. It's akin to outfitting your vehicle with a rocket engine, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite an astute observation. The researchers have indeed developed a platform for more efficient vector-matrix multiplication, a fundamental mathematical operation crucial for the training of neural networks."
Host 2:"And for those of us who aren't quite as numerically inclined as yourself, that essentially equates to lightning-fast complex calculations, does it not?"
Host 1:"Absolutely brilliant! The chip features thinner silicon in specific areas, creating variations in height that precisely control the path of light through the chip. This results in the scattering of light in exact patterns, enabling the chip to perform mathematical calculations at the speed of light."
Host 2:"So, it's akin to a dazzling disco ball, but for mathematics! Absolutely delightful, isn't it? And indeed, they've already commenced production of these chips, haven't they?"
Host 1:"Indeed, they collaborated with a commercial foundry to fabricate the chips, adapting the design to align with the available sizes in the market. Consequently, they are primed for deployment. The research findings have been unveiled today in the esteemed pages of the Nature Photonics journal."
Host 2:"Absolutely splendid! That's some cutting-edge tech right there. Simply can't wait to witness the transformative impact it will have on the AI landscape. And for our esteemed listeners, rest assured that we'll be meticulously monitoring these developments and providing you with the latest updates. So, do stay tuned!"
Host 1:"You know how we're always discussing the latest in AI and chip technology, don't you? Well, there's a bold new player entering the arena. Have you caught wind of the ambitious scheme put forth by SoftBank's founder, Masayoshi Son?"
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to the gentleman who's endeavoring to secure a staggering sum of $100 billion for an AI chip venture, aren't you? Indeed, I've caught wind of the murmurs. He's setting his sights on challenging Nvidia, isn't he? Quite the David versus Goliath scenario, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Indeed! The venture, known by the intriguing code name Izanagi, has set its sights on manufacturing semiconductors tailored for AI technology. Son's ambitious goal is for the company to emerge as a formidable 'AI chip powerhouse' that seamlessly complements its chip designer, Arm. And would you believe it? SoftBank Group holds a substantial 90% stake in Arm."
Host 2:"Wait just a moment! Let's dissect this for our dear listeners. When we talk about an 'AI chip powerhouse', we're referring to a company that holds significant sway in producing the chips that drive AI technology. And going head-to-head with Nvidia? That's no small feat, considering Nvidia's current dominance in this arena. Now, about that colossal sum of money... Where on earth is it all coming from? I mean, $100 billion is hardly loose change, is it?"
Host 1:"An excellent inquiry, my dear interlocutor. As per the proposed scheme, SoftBank is poised to inject a substantial $30 billion into the venture, while esteemed institutions from the Middle East are anticipated to contribute the remaining $70 billion. However, it's imperative to bear in mind that these are mere plans. The finer details, including the funding arrangements, still remain uncertain at this juncture."
Host 2:Fascinating. "Izanagi" does have a certain air of intrigue, doesn't it? Almost reminiscent of a captivating tale from the pages of a Japanese manga.
Host 1:"Quite right, old chap. Son christened the endeavor 'Izanagi,' paying homage to the Japanese deity of life and creation, symbolizing its focus on artificial general intelligence, or AGI. It's all rather cutting-edge and forward-looking, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! It's akin to living in a futuristic novel, isn't it? I'm eagerly anticipating the unfolding of this grand endeavor. And to our esteemed listeners, what are your thoughts on this daring plan? Do you reckon Son has what it takes to pull it off? We'd love to hear your insights in the comments below!"
Host 1:"Ah, you're always full of surprises. Let's divert our attention from AI chips to something a tad more... unconventional. Have you caught wind of the recent kerfuffle involving an AI art generator by the moniker of Midjourney?"
Host 2:"Ah, I do relish a captivating AI controversy. This one's quite the spectacle, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the spectacle. For our esteemed listeners who may not be familiar, Midjourney is an AI art generator that has been causing quite a stir in the art world. However, it has recently found itself entangled in a rather scandalous affair."
Host 2:Absolutely spot on. It appears that Midjourney has found itself embroiled in a rather scandalous affair, being accused of appropriating the work of human artists. This AI, which underwent training on a myriad of artworks, seems to have churned out pieces that bear a striking resemblance to existing works.
Host 1:"It's a rather captivating conundrum, wouldn't you say? This whole affair raises a plethora of intriguing questions about the intersection of AI and creativity. Can an AI genuinely produce original art, or is it merely emulating what it has been exposed to?"
Host 2:"And that, my dear friend, is the million-dollar question, isn't it? But let's not delve too deeply into the philosophical realm. We shall leave that delightful pondering to our esteemed listeners."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the conundrum, isn't it? This intriguing situation raises thought-provoking questions about the intersection of AI and creativity. Can an AI genuinely produce original art, or is it simply emulating what it has been exposed to? Let's leave this delightful pondering to our esteemed listeners, shall we?"
Host 2:"And in the interim, we shall endeavor to keep you abreast of all the latest developments in this captivating AI saga. Do stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the open letter signed by Richard Branson and Charles Oppenheimer, the grandson of J. Robert Oppenheimer? Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, the one regarding AI regulation? Indeed, I'm familiar with it. It's reminiscent of a plot from a sci-fi film, yet undeniably real! They're urging global leaders to address the unchecked advancement of AI and other worldwide perils."
Host 1:"Indeed! And it's not just them. We've got big names like ex-U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, singer Annie Lennox, and even former Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos adding their signatures to the letter. It's quite the star-studded endorsement for global safety, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite right, and it's not just any ordinary gathering of individuals. The missive hails from The Elders, an NGO established by Nelson Mandela to champion global human rights and peace. Furthermore, it has garnered support from the Future of Life Institute, which is dedicated to addressing the perils posed by advanced technologies. It's akin to the Avengers of global safety, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"That's quite the formidable coalition. And word has it they're not just focusing on AI, but also keeping a watchful eye on climate change, pandemics, and nuclear arms. It's as if they've compiled a comprehensive checklist of all the potential world-ending scenarios!"
Host 2:"Quite the call for a long-term strategy, isn't it? They're imploring leaders to address these issues at their core, rather than simply managing the symptoms. They're advocating for decisions grounded in scientific evidence and rationality, and for leaders to heed the concerns of all those impacted. It's almost as if they're in search of a superhero, albeit one in a sharp suit and tie!"
Host 1:"That's quite a tall order, but an essential one, wouldn't you agree? With over 130 people now adding their signatures to the letter, it's a resounding call to action for our leaders. And to our esteemed listeners, it serves as a gentle reminder that we all have a part to play in this endeavor."
Host 2:Absolutely. It's a clarion call for all, not just our esteemed leaders. We must collectively comprehend the potential perils and collaborate to alleviate them. So, my dear friends, let's don our superhero capes and play our part!

Tech partners to fight election deepfakes / Softbank founder seeks $100B for AI chips / Chip uses light instead of electricity [EN]
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