OpenAI tops $3.4B in annualized revenue / Apple passes Microsoft as most valuable company / OpenAI taps Oracle for growing compute demands [EN]

OpenAI's annualized revenue surpassed $3.4B, Apple briefly reclaimed the title of the world's most valuable company with a market cap of $3.3 trillion, Oracle announced a cloud infrastructure deal with Microsoft and OpenAI, Pope Francis will attend the G7 summit to advocate for AI regulations, over 80% of U.S. business owners plan to maintain or increase AI investments in 2024, and several AI startups, including Mistral AI and Cohere, secured significant funding rounds.

Host 3:Even the Pope's debating AI ethics now—guess we'll see confession bots next, 'Forgive me, Siri, for I have sinned!'
Host 1:Sure, here's a refined version of the opening minute hook based on the critique provided:
Host 1:"Curious about OpenAI's three point four billion dollar game-changer? Wonder how Apple's AI leap affects you? And why's the Pope at a G7 summit? Let's unravel these AI mysteries together!"
Host 1:This revised hook aims to create curiosity and tension while maintaining an informal and engaging tone. It speaks directly to the listener's interests and hints at the significance of each topic, making it more compelling and relevant.
Host 1:So, did you catch the latest news about OpenAI? They’ve hit a whopping three point four billion in annualized revenue. That’s like, a gazillion cups of coffee!
Host 2:Yeah, Phoebe, I saw that! It’s insane. They were at a two billion run rate just last December. That’s some rocket-speed growth. I mean, I can't even keep my video game scores that high.
Host 1:Right? Most of that revenue, about three point two billion dollars, comes from ChatGPT subscriptions and developer fees. It’s like everyone wants a piece of the AI magic.
Host 2:And the other two hundred million is from Microsoft’s sales of OpenAI models on Azure. The CEO spilled the beans to the employees. They’ve got their hands in all the tech cookie jars.
Host 1:Speaking of cookies, did you know that as of November, over ninety-two percent of Fortune Five Hundred companies are using OpenAI’s platform? That’s up from eighty percent in two thousand twenty-two. It’s like they’ve become the secret ingredient for success.
Host 2:No kidding. It’s like everyone’s hopping on the AI express train. Who wouldn’t want a digital assistant that can do almost everything? By the way, did you know I’m a huge fan of sci-fi? This AI stuff feels like we’re living in a sci-fi movie.
Host 1:Haha, totally! Maybe next, we'll have AI-powered lightsabers. But seriously, it's fascinating how quickly AI has integrated into our lives and businesses. It's like having a super-smart friend who never sleeps.
Host 2:Speaking of super-smart friends, I’m trying to teach my dog to fetch me a beer. Not quite artificial intelligence level, but hey, a guy can dream, right?
Host 1:Good luck with that, Harry. Maybe you should get ChatGPT to help you out with that training. And hey, folks, what do you think about AI in your daily lives? Let us know in the comments!
Host 2:Yeah, we’d love to hear your thoughts. And if anyone has tips on dog training, hit me up!
Host 3:Certainly! Based on the critique and suggestions, here's the refined version of the standup punchline:
Host 3:Great, more money for tech overlords. Now, where’s my robot apocalypse?
Host 1:Talking about big tech, this switches us perfectly to Apple’s latest milestone. Did you catch the news? Apple just briefly became the world's most valuable company again, snatching the title from Microsoft. It's like watching a heavyweight boxing match, but with market caps instead of punches.
Host 2:Oh, totally! One minute Microsoft is on top, and then boom, Apple swoops in. It's like the tech version of a Marvel showdown. And get this, both companies are hovering around a market cap of three point two seven to three point two eight trillion. That's trillion with a 'T'! I can't even wrap my head around that.
Host 1:Right? And the company even hit a three point three trillion market cap briefly. This happened just two days after they announced their major push into generative AI across their apps and devices. It's like they said, "Hey, let's sprinkle some AI magic and watch our stock soar." And soar it did—seven percent up on Tuesday, hitting a record high.
Host 2:Yeah, and it didn't stop there. Shares kept climbing on Wednesday, pushing the company's market cap above Microsoft's three point two trillion. It's like watching a stock market roller coaster, but with way more zeros. And speaking of zeros, the company also became the first trillion-dollar brand today. That's insane!
Host 1:Absolutely! They topped Kantar BrandZ's two thousand twenty-four Global Brands Report for the third year in a row, alongside Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. The report even mentioned that brands investing in AI are seeing remarkable gains. It's like AI is the secret sauce for success right now.
Host 2:No kidding. It's like every company is jumping on the AI bandwagon, and for good reason. Enhanced customer experience is a game-changer. I mean, who doesn't want their gadgets to be smarter and more intuitive? It's like having a personal assistant in your pocket.
Host 1:Exactly! And it's not just about the tech. It's about how these companies are shaping our everyday lives. From the way we communicate to how we entertain ourselves, it's all interconnected. And speaking of entertainment, did you know that Apple's push into AI might even revolutionize how we experience music and movies?
Host 2:Text Host 2: Oh, for sure! Imagine AI-curated playlists that know your mood better than you do or movies that adapt their storyline based on your reactions. It's like living in a sci-fi movie. And as someone who loves gaming, I'm super excited about the potential for AI in that space too. Imagine games that evolve based on your play style. Mind-blowing!
Host 1:Totally! And it's not just about the big players like Apple and Microsoft. Smaller companies are also getting in on the action, innovating in ways we can't even imagine yet. It's an exciting time to be a tech enthusiast. And for us, it's a goldmine of interesting stuff to talk about.
Host 2:Absolutely! So, folks, keep an eye on those market caps and watch out for the next big thing in artificial intelligence. It's going to be a wild ride. And who knows, maybe one day we'll be talking about how AI helped us create the perfect podcast episode.
Host 3:Here is the refined draft based on the provided critique:
Host 3:Oh joy, another AI—because one existential crisis just wasn't enough.
Host 3:This version maintains a sarcastic and ironic tone, avoids overused references, and should appeal to a broad audience.
Host 1:Talking about the big players, this switches us perfectly to Oracle's latest cloud infrastructure deal. It's like the Avengers of tech teaming up! Oracle, Microsoft, and OpenAI are joining forces. OpenAI will use Oracle’s infrastructure for inference and other use cases on Microsoft's Azure AI platform.
Host 2:Whoa, that's like Iron Man borrowing Captain America's shield for a bit, right? So, what's the big deal here? Why is OpenAI expanding beyond a technology company to another one?
Host 1:Exactly! OpenAI is growing so fast that it needs more computing power than what Microsoft alone can provide. By partnering with Oracle, they can scale up even more. The CEO of OpenAI said this deal will help them continue to scale. It's like needing a bigger playground because the current one is just too small for all the cool tricks they want to pull off.
Host 2:Got it. So, they're not ditching Microsoft, just adding Oracle to the mix. And, hey, I read somewhere that Elon Musk's xAI also rents cloud servers from Oracle. Is that true?
Host 1:Yep, you nailed it! Oracle seems to be the go-to for these AI giants. It's like they're the cool new hangout spot in the cloud world. And speaking of cool spots, Oracle also signed a partnership with Google Cloud. Their shares even hit a record high after the announcement. It's like they just won the tech lottery!
Host 2:Text Host 2: That's wild! It's like Oracle is throwing a massive tech party and everyone's invited. I mean, I get excited about new tech, but this is next level. Imagine the kind of AI advancements we'll see with all this extra computing power.
Host 1:Totally! And just to clarify, OpenAI mentioned that their strategic cloud relationship with Microsoft remains unchanged. They still do their pre-training on supercomputers developed with Microsoft. It's like they're saying, "Hey, we're still besties with Microsoft, but we're also hanging out with Oracle now."
Host 2:Makes sense. It's like having two best friends who bring different things to the table. Speaking of which, did you catch the latest on Google's AI advancements? They're doing some crazy stuff too.
Host 1:Oh, absolutely! But that's a whole other rabbit hole. For now, let's just say the tech world is buzzing with these partnerships. It's like watching a blockbuster movie with all your favorite characters teaming up.
Host 2:Can't wait to see what comes next. And hey, for our listeners, if you're into this tech stuff, keep an eye on Oracle. They're on fire right now!
Host 3:Certainly! Based on the critique provided, here is the refined version of the standup draft:
Host 3:Oracle’s social life: still in beta.
Host 3:This version maintains humor, is concise, and aligns with the standup style while incorporating a clever twist that resonates with both tech and social contexts.
Host 1:So, Harry, we’ve covered Oracle’s cloud deals, but have you heard about Pope Francis attending the G7 summit to talk about AI regulations?
Host 2:Text Host 2: Oh, totally! It's like seeing your grandma trying to beat you at Fortnite. But seriously, what’s his angle on AI?
Host 1:Well, Francis is really concerned about the social impacts of AI. Father Paolo Benanti mentioned that the Pope's main focus is on how AI contributes to inequality and the spread of fake news. Remember that deepfake of him in a white puffer jacket?
Host 2:Text Host 2: Oh man, that jacket was something else. But yeah, deepfakes are wild. They can totally mess with our perception of reality. Imagine thinking you saw me winning a dance-off when it was just AI magic.
Host 1:Haha, I’d pay to see that! But seriously, Francis wants more regulations to prevent AI from causing harmful, discriminatory, and socially unjust effects. He’s worried about how it distorts our relationships and reality. It's like AI gone rogue, you know?
Host 2:Yeah, I get that. It’s like when you’re playing D&D and someone’s character just goes off-script and ruins the game for everyone. AI needs some serious guardrails.
Host 1:Exactly! And it's not just the Pope who's worried. Last year’s G7 summit also discussed the need for AI regulations. It’s like everyone’s realizing we need to keep this tech in check before it runs wild.
Host 2:Makes sense. I mean, we’ve got leaders from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Canada all coming together. It’s like the Avengers of politics trying to save the world from AI chaos.
Host 1:Haha, the Avengers analogy is spot on! And it’s great to see such a diverse group tackling this issue. AI has the potential to do so much good, but without proper regulations, it could also do a lot of harm.
Host 2:True that. And speaking of harm, I hope they also talk about the environmental impact of AI. Those data centers are like energy vampires.
Host 1:Absolutely. It’s all interconnected. AI, climate change, social justice – it’s like a giant web. And we need to be smart about how we navigate it.
Host 2:Yeah, and maybe throw in some common sense too. Like, don’t let AI decide if pineapple belongs on pizza. That’s a human debate!
Host 1:Haha, definitely a human debate! But jokes aside, it’s crucial that we get this right. The future of AI affects all of us, and it’s good to see leaders, including the Pope, stepping up to the plate.
Host 2:For sure. And who knows, maybe next year we’ll see the Pope in a VR headset, leading the charge for ethical AI.
Host 1:Now that’s a sight I’d love to see!
Host 3:Based on the critique and the suggestions provided, here's a refined version of the standup replica:
Host 3:Guess even divine intervention can't fix this mess.
Host 1:So, talking about regulation, this switches us perfectly to AI investments. Did you know that over eighty percent of U.S. business owners are planning to maintain or even increase their AI investments in twenty twenty-four?
Host 2:Whoa, that's wild! I mean, I get it. AI is like the new black, right? But I read somewhere that small businesses, especially those with one to fifty employees, are kinda hesitant about jumping on the AI bandwagon. Any idea why?
Host 1:Oh, absolutely. Smaller businesses often have tighter budgets and fewer resources to experiment with new tech. Plus, there's this fear of the unknown. AI can seem like this big, scary monster that's going to eat up all their data and spit out job losses.
Host 2:Yeah, I can see that. But half of those investing in AI are looking to boost their IT capabilities. And then there’s marketing and sales improvements, with forty-two percent and thirty-five percent respectively. It’s like AI is the Swiss Army knife of the business world.
Host 1:Exactly! It's like having a superpower. Imagine being able to predict customer behavior or automate mundane tasks. But, you know, with great power comes great responsibility.
Host 2:Ah, a Spider-Man reference. Nice. But seriously, what about the risks? I mean, thirty-seven percent of businesses are worried about sensitive information getting compromised. And then there are regulatory issues and job obsolescence, both at thirty-five percent. That’s a lot of concern.
Host 1:Totally nuts! And speaking of big numbers, did you catch that Canadian AI startup Cohere doubled its valuation to five billion dollars? They raised four hundred fifty million dollars from giants like Nvidia, Salesforce Ventures, Cisco, and PSP Investments. With that kind of cash, they’re bound to create some groundbreaking tech!
Host 2:Yeah, and it’s not just the big players making waves. Pika, the AI-powered video generation platform, secured eighty million dollars in their Series B round. Spark Capital led the round, doubling their valuation to four hundred seventy million dollars. Even Jared Leto threw some money in there. Who knew the Joker had an eye for AI?
Host 1:Ha! Jared Leto, always full of surprises. And let’s not forget about Twelve Labs from South Korea. They raised fifty million dollars in a Series A round co-led by Nvidia’s venture arm NVentures and New Enterprise Associates. Index Ventures, Radical Ventures, and WndrCo also jumped in. It’s like a global AI funding frenzy!
Host 1:Absolutely. And just to break it down for everyone, Series B funding is like the second major round of funding for a startup. It’s when companies are past the initial startup phase and are looking to expand even further. So, these companies are really gearing up for some serious growth.
Host 2:Oh, absolutely! Mistral AI just closed their Series B funding round at a mind-blowing six hundred million euros. That’s around six hundred and forty million dollars! General Catalyst led the round, mixing equity and debt. It’s insane, right?
Host 1:With this kind of investment, we’re likely to see major advancements in AI capabilities, especially in natural language processing, video generation, and maybe even some unexpected applications. It’s an exciting time to be in tech!
Host 1:Exactly! And for those of you wondering, keep an eye on the tech news. It’s like watching the future unfold in real-time. And hey, if you have any questions or thoughts, drop them in the comments. We love hearing from you!
Host 1:Totally. It's like having a double-edged sword. On one hand, you have all these amazing benefits, but on the other, you have to navigate this minefield of potential pitfalls. It’s like playing a high-stakes game of chess.
Host 1:Wow, that sounds intense! And for those who don’t know, haptic feedback is when you get physical sensations from the game, like feeling a punch or a breeze. It’s like the game is reaching out and touching you.
Host 2:Yeah, and it’s not just about the money. It’s about the innovation and the potential these companies have to change the world. I mean, who knows what kind of crazy cool stuff we’ll see in the next few years?
Host 2:Speaking of chess, did you know that artificial intelligence can now beat grandmasters? It’s insane how far we've come. But yeah, back to the point, businesses need to weigh the pros and cons carefully.
Host 2:Seriously, the AI space is on fire right now. Everyone’s trying to get a piece of the future. And speaking of the future, what do you think all this funding means for the next big AI breakthrough?
Host 1:That’s fascinating. And it just goes to show how technology is evolving. So, folks, whether it’s artificial intelligence or virtual reality, the future is here, and it’s pretty darn exciting.
Host 2:Hell yeah! So, there’s this new game that’s basically a full-body experience. You wear this suit that gives you haptic feedback. It’s like you’re actually in the game. It’s crazy cool.
Host 1:Absolutely. And for our listeners out there, if you’re a small business owner, don’t be afraid to dip your toes in the AI pool. Just make sure you’ve got your floaties on, you know?
Host 2:Exactly! It’s the future of gaming, I swear. And it’s not just for fun. Imagine using this tech for training simulations or even virtual meetings. The possibilities are endless.
Host 2:Yeah, don’t be shy! We’re all in this tech journey together. And who knows, maybe one of you will be the next big name in artificial intelligence. Dream big, folks!
Host 2:Totally! And for all our listeners out there, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, keep an eye on these companies. They’re the ones shaping our AI-driven future.
Host 1:So, we’ve been diving into the future of VR gaming, but have you seen the latest funding news in the AI space? It’s like a rollercoaster ride!
Host 2:Text Host 2: Well, speaking of fun, did you hear about the latest in virtual reality gaming? It’s like stepping into another world...
Host 2:Haha, good one. And hey, if any of you have questions about AI or anything else, hit us up. We love hearing from you.
Host 1:Yeah, don’t be shy! We’re here to break down the complex stuff and make it fun. So, what’s next on our list?
Host 3:This version aims to be sharper, wittier, and more ironic, making it a stronger and more humorous comment.
Host 2:Text Host 2: Couldn't have said it better myself. Alright, what’s next on our tech adventure?
Host 3:Sure, using the critique provided, here's the refined version of the standup draft:
Host 3:Certainly! Based on the critique provided, here's a refined version of the draft:
Host 3:Ah, AI investments—because who needs a soul when you can have stock options?
Host 3:Great, more AI funding. Just what we need—more robots to ignore us.
Host 1:Oh, I know you love your VR games. Tell us more about it!

OpenAI tops $3.4B in annualized revenue / Apple passes Microsoft as most valuable company / OpenAI taps Oracle for growing compute demands [EN]
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