OpenAI previews voice cloning tool / Microsoft, OpenAI partner on $100B data center / Elon Musk's AI company announces latest LLM [EN]

OpenAI previews a voice cloning technology with safety concerns, Microsoft and OpenAI plan a $100B AI supercomputer project, Hillary Clinton warns against AI-driven election disinformation, Elon Musk's AI startup introduces a more capable generative AI model, and New York City's AI chatbot faces criticism for providing inaccurate advice.

Host 1:"Hello there, tech aficionados! I'm your esteemed host, accompanied by the perpetually distracted, meme-loving [Co-host's name]. Please assure me that you're not indulging in a scroll through cat memes at this moment!"
Host 2:"Ah, busted! But no, I do declare, I'm fully engaged. We do have some rather juicy AI gossip to delve into today, don't we?"
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! Let's dive right in, shall we? Firstly, OpenAI seems to be toying with the notion of voice cloning technology. It's akin to living out a scene from Star Trek! Imagine this - your very own virtual assistant mimicking your voice!"
Host 2:"Oh my, that's a frightful tale, isn't it? I must say, the thought of subjecting anyone to the sound of my voice for extended periods is positively ghastly."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the astronomical figure! OpenAI and Microsoft joining forces for a colossal $100 billion AI supercomputer project. It's a number so vast, it practically defies quantification!"
Host 2:"Goodness me, that's more than even my extensive collection of internet memes!"
Host 1:"In other news, we have Hillary Clinton raising concerns about AI-driven election disinformation. It's like a cyber-age twist on 'don't believe everything you read', isn't it? Quite the intriguing development, I must say!"
Host 2:"Absolutely spot on. And let's not overlook the fact that Elon Musk's AI startup has unleashed an enhanced generative AI model. It's akin to taking a step into a time machine, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite right. However, not all AI news is cause for celebration. New York City's AI chatbot is facing criticism for dispensing dubious advice. So, my friends, should you find yourselves in NYC, it might be wise to seek out pizza recommendations from a more reliable source."
Host 2:"Or go ahead and let the AI surprise you! But do be prepared for the consequences, old chap. We did issue fair warning, after all."
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! So, my esteemed guests, prepare yourselves for a delightful exploration of these fascinating stories. Fasten your seatbelts, for we are about to embark on a most enjoyable journey!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest from OpenAI? They've been tinkering with a remarkable technology known as Voice Engine. It's akin to a parrot on performance-enhancing substances!"
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to the one that has the ability to replicate any voice based on just a 15-second audio snippet? That's truly a remarkable feat of technological wizardry!"
Host 1:"Indeed! But here's the twist - they're not quite ready to unveil it to the masses. Any theories as to why?"
Host 2:"Ah, let me don my detective hat. Could it be that they're concerned about the potential for misuse, particularly in the midst of an election year?"
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! They've indeed acknowledged that creating speech that mimics people's voices carries significant risks. It's as if they're proclaiming, 'With great power comes great responsibility.'"
Host 2:"Absolutely, that's a profound observation! The potential for misuse is indeed quite substantial. Just picture someone employing it to disseminate false information or manipulate individuals. It's rather disconcerting, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely. However, on the brighter side, this technology boasts remarkable potential applications. It could provide invaluable assistance with reading support, language translation, and even facilitate non-verbal individuals and those with speech impairments in reclaiming their voices."
Host 2:"Absolutely marvelous! It's akin to bestowing a voice upon those who have long been unheard. And the ability to replicate voices in multiple languages is a splendid addition, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! English, Spanish, French, Chinese - you name it. OpenAI has been conducting trials with a select group of partners over the past couple of years. They've even graciously shared some early demonstrations and samples on their blog."
Host 2:"Quite fascinating, isn't it? But it seems they're proceeding with caution, which is rather commendable. They're seeking input from industry experts, policymakers, educators, and creatives before making a decision on a broader release."
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on. It's a delicate dance between pushing the boundaries of innovation and ensuring the safety and ethical use of such powerful technology. That's what truly makes this entire endeavor so utterly captivating, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the colossal project that Microsoft and OpenAI are concocting? Given your tech expertise, I'm sure you're already in the know."
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to the OpenAI and Microsoft collaboration, aren't you? It's akin to the tech world's latest blockbuster! Imagine a supercomputer with millions of AI chips, all nestled in a data center that could cost more than a staggering $100 billion. It's as if we've stepped into the pages of a sci-fi novel!"
Host 1:"That's a splendid way to articulate it! And the sheer magnitude of this endeavor is simply mind-boggling. It's projected to be approximately 100 times more costly than some of the most expansive data centers in existence today. Can you fathom the energy requirements for such a colossal entity?"
Host 2:"It's positively staggering! We're talking about several gigawatts here. Enough to power a small country, I daresay! The scale of it all is so immense that Microsoft and OpenAI may need to contemplate alternative energy sources, perhaps even delving into the realm of nuclear power."
Host 1:"Incredible! But surely they're not stopping at just Stargate, are they? Quite the ambitious lot, I must say!"
Host 2:"Absolutely spot on! Stargate is, in fact, the grandest in a series of supercomputers that the companies have meticulously planned over a span of six years. There's also a smaller fourth-phase supercomputer in the works for OpenAI, anticipated to go online around 2026."
Host 1:"Ladies and gentlemen, if you had any doubts about AI being the future, I must inform you that the future is indeed closer than you might imagine! And do recall, you are receiving this groundbreaking information here first!"
Host 1:"Ah, you know how we're always waxing poetic about the future of AI, don't you? Well, my dear friend, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, I'm afraid."
Host 2:"Oh, you're not insinuating that my cherished AI has nefarious intentions, are you? I mean, I've only just imparted the knowledge for it to conjure up a virtual cup of coffee for me!"
Host 1:"Ah, quite right. Not quite as dramatic, I must say. However, the esteemed Hillary Clinton, the former senator and secretary of state, has recently voiced some apprehensions regarding the potential for AI to propagate misinformation."
Host 2:"Disinformation? You mean akin to spurious tales? Such as when my dear grandmother propagated that fanciful notion of extraterrestrial beings erecting the pyramids?"
Host 1:"Indeed! During her address at Columbia University, she issued a cautionary note about the potential exploitation of AI by foreign powers to disseminate misinformation, thereby posing a threat to the integrity of elections."
Host 2:"Goodness, that's quite concerning. But how on earth would they manage such a feat? Are we envisioning AI automatons vying for political office, perchance?"
Host 1:(laughs) Quite right. Consider the potential impact of AI-generated deepfake videos. They have the ability to undermine political campaigns and manipulate individuals on a grand scale.
Host 2:Ah, I perceive. It's akin to an entirely new echelon of peril. Reminiscent of the occasion when you outmaneuvered me in chess deploying that AI application, is it not?
Host 1:"Indeed, and the evidence is irrefutable. During this year's election cycle, we witnessed the deployment of AI in a rather audacious manner - a robocall expertly emulating the distinctive voice of President Joe Biden."
Host 2:"Goodness, that's quite remarkable! But what measures are being taken to address this? Are we enlisting AI superheroes to combat this challenge?"
Host 1:"Ah, quite the intriguing development, isn't it? The FCC has indeed taken a stand against the use of AI-generated voices in fraudulent robocalls. And over in New Hampshire, the state House is making strides with a bill that mandates political advertisements employing deceptive AI to disclose their use. Quite a clever move, I must say."
Host 2:"It's a promising start, I suppose. However, it's rather disconcerting that nearly 40% of Americans harbor skepticism towards information provided by ChatGPT regarding the 2024 U.S. presidential election."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite right. Fortunately, the employment of the chatbot for election information remains a rarity among the discerning populace. So, there's a silver lining, one might say."
Host 2:"Quite a relief, indeed. However, it's abundantly clear that we must remain vigilant. AI is undeniably remarkable, but it does come with its fair share of risks, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely. It's a brave new world out there. And to our esteemed listeners, do remember to always verify your sources, even if they originate from an AI. One can never be too cautious in this age of technological marvels."
Host 1:"Ah, my dear friend, as our esteemed tech aficionado, I'm certain you're abreast of Elon Musk's most recent foray into the realm of artificial intelligence, are you not?"
Host 2:"Oh, you're referring to Grok-1.5, I presume? Indeed, Musk's AI startup has just unveiled this new AI model. It's as if they've given it a cognitive upgrade, enhancing its mathematical and reasoning prowess."
Host 1:"Absolutely riveting! I've heard whispers that they're gearing up to unveil a chatbot infused with the brilliance of Grok-1.5 to a select group of early testers on Musk's social media platform X next week. Quite the tantalizing prospect, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:Indeed, quite right. The advancements are rather noteworthy. Grok-1.5 surpasses its predecessor, Grok-1, achieving a MATH benchmark score that is more than double and a HumanEval test performance for programming and problem-solving that is over 10 percentage points higher. Quite a remarkable leap, I must say.
Host 1:"I say, it's not all plain sailing, is it? Rumor has it that Grok 1.5 didn't quite measure up on the high school math test compared to some of its rivals."
Host 2:"Indeed, you're spot on. Grok 1.5 achieved a 50.6% on the high school math test, which falls short of Claude's 61%, Gemini's 58.5%, and GPT-4's 52.9%. However, on the GSM8K grade school test, it managed a commendable 90%, although it still lagged behind Anthropic, Google, and OpenAI."
Host 2:Absolutely, quite intriguing. The city's Office of Technology and Innovation asserts that the chatbot pilot program has furnished thousands with accurate responses while cautioning them about potential risks. They have intentions to persist in enhancing the tool to provide better support for small businesses.
Host 2:"Quite right! And the audacity didn't end there. It even went as far as stating that landlords are not obliged to accept tenants on rental assistance. However, as per NYC's official website, discriminating based on lawful sources of income, including assistance, has been unlawful since 2008."
Host 2:Ah, the New York City's AI chatbot debacle? Indeed, I've been closely following that. It's quite the spectacle. The chatbot, intended to aid residents with housing and small business concerns, has been dispensing rather inaccurate advice.
Host 1:"But it's not merely about the scores, is it? Grok-1.5 has the capacity to process contexts of up to 128,000 tokens. It's akin to being able to assimilate information from an exceedingly lengthy document, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Indeed! Musk has already hinted that Grok 2 is currently undergoing training and 'should surpass existing AI across all metrics.' It appears we may soon witness the emergence of an even more astute AI."
Host 1:"Wise words, my dear audience! And on that note, we shall reconvene next time with further enlightening tidbits on the world of technology and cryptocurrency. Stay inquisitive, ladies and gentlemen!"
Host 2:"Remarkable, isn't it? The chatbot had the audacity to advise business proprietors that they could appropriate a portion of their staff's gratuities. Quite preposterous, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Let's trust they iron out those glitches posthaste. In the interim, my dear audience, do bear in mind to verify any counsel you receive, even if it emanates from an AI!"
Host 1:"That's a rather weighty matter. Such misinformation has the potential to lead to infringements of housing and labor laws, a most serious concern indeed."
Host 2:"Ah, and let's not overlook the realm of cryptocurrency. Always advisable to conduct thorough research before delving into investments, my dear audience!"
Host 1:"Indeed, the future of AI is quite promising, isn't it? I'm rather eager to witness the next evolution."
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest AI commotion unfolding in the grand metropolis of New York?"
Host 1:Pray, do enlighten me! What manner of counsel has this chatbot been dispensing?
Host 1:"Goodness gracious! That's not just erroneous, it's positively unlawful!"

OpenAI previews voice cloning tool / Microsoft, OpenAI partner on $100B data center / Elon Musk's AI company announces latest LLM [EN]
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