OpenAI launches most advanced GPT-4o model / AI to take center stage at Google conference / U.S. and China to begin AI talks [EN]

OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o with enhanced capabilities for ChatGPT users, Google is set to announce AI updates at its I/O conference, U.S. and Chinese officials will discuss AI risks in Switzerland, and Amazon and Microsoft announced significant investments in France's cloud and AI sectors, while Bay Area companies dominated AI venture capital investment in 2023.

Host 3:In a world where AI can write novels, GPT-three point five still gets bamboozled by my morning mirror selfie. Talk about a crisis of intelligence!
Host 1:Diving into the heart of innovation, we explore an AI breakthrough that's not just learning—it's creating. For AI entrepreneurs and researchers, this episode unveils a revolution in technology that could redefine our future. Prepare to be amazed!
Host 1:So, have you heard about the latest AI model from OpenAI? They've named it GPT-four-o, and the "o" stands for "Omni." It's like a Swiss Army knife of AI models!
Host 2:Oh, you mean it's not just a text-based model like its predecessors? It's like they've given it a pair of eyes and ears too?
Host 1:Exactly! This one has text, vision, and audio capabilities. It's like they've turned ChatGPT into a digital assistant that can chat in real-time and even analyze visual content like photos and documents.
Host 2:Wow, that's some next-level stuff. But, does it mean it's smarter than the previous model? Or is it like a bodybuilder with a PhD?
Host 1:Ha! Good one. Well, OpenAI says it offers a similar level of intelligence as GPT-four but operates faster. Plus, it has improved personality and conversational abilities.
Host 2:Text Host 2: So, it's like a supercharged version of the previous model?
Host 1:You could say that. In fact, OpenAI demonstrated GPT-Forty translating speech in real-time, solving math equations, and even trying to detect human emotion from selfies.
Host 2:Holy smokes! That's like some sci-fi movie stuff right there.
Host 1:And the best part? OpenAI is going to release a ChatGPT desktop app featuring GPT-Four-oh and offer its capabilities to developers through the GPT Store.
Host 2:So, everyone can play around with this new model?
Host 1:Yes, but there's a catch. Free ChatGPT users will have limited access to the new GPT-Four Zero model before it defaults to GPT-Three Point Five.
Host 2:Well, I guess there's no such thing as a free lunch. But still, it's pretty cool that they're making such advanced technology accessible to everyone.
Host 1:Absolutely. It's a step closer to much more natural human-computer interaction. Imagine the possibilities!
Host 2:Yeah, it's like we're living in the future. AI is getting smarter and faster, and it's becoming a part of our everyday lives. It's crazy and exciting at the same time.
Host 1:Couldn't have said it better myself. The future is indeed here, and it's fascinating! And to our listeners out there, isn't it exciting to think about what's next? Stay tuned for more tech updates!
Host 3:"Oh, the joy of living in an era where AI not only schedules our meetings but now also passes judgment on our selfies. Because, of course, what mankind truly lacked was a digital critic to question our lighting choices. Next up: an app to doubt our life decisions in real time. Ah, progress!"
Host 1:my tech-savvy buddy, you know how we love to gab about all things AI, right? Well, guess who's stirring up the AI pot this time? It's Google, at their annual I/O developer conference! It's like Christmas for us tech nerds!
Host 2:Text Host 2: Oh, you know I'm all ears when it comes to AI. Google's I/O conference is like the Super Bowl for us tech nerds. What's the buzz this time? Are they planning to launch a robot that can make my morning coffee?
Host 1:Well, you're not far off! The opening keynote is set to kick off at ten a.m. PT on Tuesday. And the rumor mill is churning with talks of major upgrades to Gemini, Google's chatbot. We're talking deeper integration in Android fifteen, which is the latest and greatest version of their mobile operating system.
Host 2:Hold on. Are you saying my phone is about to get even smarter? I mean, it already knows my favorite pizza topping. What's next? Predicting my future? Or maybe it'll start ordering pizza on its own when it senses I'm hungry!
Host 1:Well, who knows? With these potential generative AI features, the smartphone apps from the tech giant might just surprise us. Plus, there's chatter about "Pixie," a new Gemini-powered digital assistant for Pixel phones.
Host 2:A new digital assistant? Now that's something. I can't wait to see what "Pixie" brings to the table. Maybe it'll tell me where I left my car keys!
Host 1:And don't forget about Google Search. The keynote might also shed some light on Google's generative AI efforts there. Analysts are also hoping for some clarity on Google's AI monetization strategies.
Host 2:Ah, the business side of things. Always intriguing. Remember last year's Google I/O? It was all about AI with major announcements on PaLM two and Bard, which is now Gemini, and AI features in Android fourteen. It's like watching a thrilling sequel, isn't it?
Host 1:Absolutely! It's like watching a thrilling sequel, isn't it? Let's see what Google has up its sleeve this time. And to our audience, don't forget to tune in for all the exciting updates!
Host 3:Great, now our phones can ignore us in more sophisticated ways—pretty soon they'll start giving us the silent treatment for not charging them overnight.
Host 1:You know, it's not just tech giants like Google that are stirring up the AI pot. Let's take a detour to the world stage. There's a high-stakes pow-wow happening in Switzerland this Tuesday. U.S. and Chinese officials are going to be deep in talks about AI risks and safety.
Host 2:No kidding! That's like a Marvel-DC crossover but in the tech world. So, what's the scoop?
Host 1:Well, it's a bit of a diplomatic dance. The U.S. President and Chinese President agreed to these talks during last year's APEC summit. The U.S. delegation, led by some bigwigs from the White House and State Department, will be meeting with a Chinese team co-led by their Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Development and Reform Commission.
Host 2:Sounds like a real brain trust. What are they planning to discuss?
Host 1:The focus is on AI's technical risks and safety, especially for advanced AI systems, and what each country is doing to tackle these issues. The administration is also planning to voice concerns about Beijing's use of AI in military and security applications that could pose a threat to U.S. and allied security.
Host 2:Text Host 2: So, they're not going to be swapping secret AI recipes then?
Host 1:Absolutely not. A U.S. official made it clear that this dialogue won't involve any technical collaboration or frontier research. America's "technology protection policies" are firmly off the negotiation table.
Host 2:Well, that's a bummer. But hey, at least they're talking, right? That's gotta count for something.
Host 1:Absolutely. Dialogue is always a step in the right direction.
Host 1:Microsoft is planning to invest a whopping four billion euros, which is about four point three billion dollars, to expand and build new data centers, cloud, and AI infrastructure in France. They're planning to bring twenty-five thousand advanced GPUs, that's Graphics Processing Units for our listeners, to the country by the end of twenty twenty-five. And here's the kicker, they're also aiming to train one million people in AI and support two thousand five hundred AI startups by twenty twenty-seven.
Host 1:Not far behind, they're investing one point two billion euros, around one point three billion dollars, to expand their AI offerings and logistics network. They're planning to boost AWS cloud infrastructure around Paris and logistics infrastructure in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. And the cherry on top? They're creating three thousand permanent jobs in France.
Host 1:You've got it! France is definitely the place to be for tech enthusiasts right now. And for our listeners who are wondering, this is a huge step forward in making technology more accessible and creating more job opportunities. So, let's keep our eyes on France, shall we?
Host 3:"Ah, France, land of romance, wine, and...cloudy skies? Seems we're importing more artificial brains to figure out why we'd ever need more clouds in Paris. Because, clearly, what's Paris without a bit of extra grey to ponder life's artificial complexities?"
Host 1:my dear, you're spot on! Now, let's teleport ourselves to the tech paradise, the San Francisco Bay Area. Can you believe that in two thousand twenty-three, companies there bagged over half of all the AI-related venture capital investment?
Host 1:Exactly! And it's not just a one-off thing. Starting from the first quarter of twenty twenty-three, these Bay Area AI startups saw a massive influx of funding. OpenAI, for example, scored a whopping ten billion deal with Microsoft.
Host 1:Well, I do my best! And I'm sure our audience loves to stay informed about the latest in the tech world. After all, who knows? The next big thing in artificial intelligence could be right around the corner!
Host 1:I know, right? And this trend helped Bay Area companies secure over twenty-seven billion in AI funding last year, which is almost double the fourteen billion they raised in two thousand twenty-two.
Host 1:Well, in two thousand twenty-three, they led all U.S. metro areas by securing seventeen percent of global AI funding deals. That's an increase from thirteen percent in two thousand twenty-two.
Host 1:Not exactly. But you're not far off. Tech giants like Amazon and Microsoft are investing billions into France's cloud and AI sectors. It's a technological revolution, French style!
Host 2:No way! That's bananas! I mean, I knew they were big on tech, but half of all artificial intelligence investment? That's like being the king of the tech jungle!
Host 2:Absolutely! And to our audience, remember, we're living in the future, and it's a wild ride! So, keep tuning in to stay on top of it all!
Host 1:Well, OpenAI, Anthropic, and Inflection AI are all based in the Bay Area, and they all raised more than one billion dollars each.
Host 1:you're our resident tech guru, aren't you? Well, brace yourself for this. France is fast becoming the new Silicon Valley!
Host 2:Text Host 2: you're blowing my mind here! So, you're saying the Bay Area is basically the AI capital of the world?
Host 2:Text Host 2: Wow! You're like a walking, talking tech encyclopedia! I bet the audience is as amazed as I am!
Host 3:Ah, just what the Bay Area needed: another trophy for its ever-expanding cabinet of self-congratulations.
Host 3:"AI safety briefings? Great, let's assign feelings to robots so they can dread meetings too."
Host 2:Text Host 2: That's incredible! Can you give us some specifics on this technology invasion?
Host 2:Absolutely! It's exciting to see how this will shape the future of technology.
Host 2:Text Host 2: So, it's like a tech party in France, and everyone's invited!
Host 2:Holy guacamole! Ten billion? That's more than the GDP of some countries!
Host 2:Really? Are we talking about a tech-infused baguette revolution?
Host 2:Wow! That's a lot of investment. And what about Amazon?
Host 2:That's nuts! And who are the big players here?

OpenAI launches most advanced GPT-4o model / AI to take center stage at Google conference / U.S. and China to begin AI talks [EN]
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