OpenAI could release GPT-5 this year / France fines Google $270M over AI news deals / EU could pass AI election rules [EN]

OpenAI is rumored to potentially release GPT-5 in the summer, European lawmakers are set to pass rules to counter AI-generated disinformation, Google was fined €250M by France for training its Bard AI on news content without consent, and Stability AI sees the departure of three key researchers behind Stable Diffusion technology.

Host 1:"Good day, fellow tech enthusiasts! I am here, your trusted AI whisperer, prepared to unravel the latest happenings in the world of technology."
Host 2:"Ah, greetings, my fellow aficionados of all things tech! I am here to regale you with a delightful array of fascinating facts and trivia. Let's embark on this intellectual journey together, shall we?"
Host 1:"Have you heard the rumor that's causing quite a stir? It's like a soap opera in the world of AI, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Ah, I say, you must be referring to the buzz about OpenAI potentially unveiling GPT-5 this summer, aren't you? Quite the hot topic, I must say. It's causing more commotion than a CPU without a cooling fan!"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! And speaking of heat, it appears that European lawmakers are cranking up the pressure on AI-generated disinformation. They're taking a swing at fake news – it's like a high-stakes game of whack-a-mole!"
Host 2:"Indeed, have you caught wind of Google's recent run-in with the law in France? They've been handed a hefty €250M fine for training their Bard AI on news content without proper authorization. It's a rather costly reminder that AI cannot simply help itself without seeking permission first, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Oh, the theatrics don't cease, do they? It's quite the paradox, isn't it? Stability AI, of all things, appears to be experiencing a rather ironic lack of stability! Three pivotal researchers behind the Stable Diffusion technology have recently taken their leave from the company. It's all rather tumultuous, isn't it? One wouldn't be surprised if the AI were to pen its own resignation letter at this rate!"
Host 2:"Indeed, the world of AI is quite the exhilarating rollercoaster. Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey to uncover a treasure trove of captivating developments and stories!"
Host 1:"Have you heard the latest rumblings in the AI world? As our esteemed tech expert, I'm sure you're well-versed in all the latest developments."
Host 2:"Ah, are you referring to the enthralling chess tournament where the AI triumphed over the world champion? Quite the remarkable display of technological prowess, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"No, not that one, old chap. Although, that was quite a spectacle. I'm referring to the potential release of GPT-5 by OpenAI. Quite the buzz, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Ah, indeed! The fifth iteration of the Generative Pretrained Transformer. In simpler terms, a remarkably intelligent AI model capable of comprehending and producing human-like text. I've caught wind of some intriguing murmurs about it."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite so. Business Insider has hinted at the potential unveiling of GPT-5 by OpenAI around the middle of the year, possibly during the summer months."
Host 2:"Quite so, my dear fellow. And it's not mere hearsay. Certain esteemed enterprise clients have already been treated to demonstrations of the latest model and its enhancements to ChatGPT."
Host 1:"Oh, jolly good! I've heard a rather intriguing tidbit about that. A certain CEO, who shall remain incognito, remarked that GPT-5 is 'positively splendid, a substantial improvement over GPT-4, one might say.'"
Host 2:"And he also alluded to OpenAI showcasing the new model's specific applications for his company. Quite intriguingly, he hinted at future features, including GPT-5's remarkable ability to summon AI agents to autonomously perform tasks."
Host 1:"Quite reminiscent of a scene from a futuristic film, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Absolutely, my dear fellow. However, let's not get too carried away just yet. It's worth noting that OpenAI is still in the process of finalizing the training for GPT-5. They're also planning to conduct internal safety tests and external 'red teaming,' which essentially involves simulating an attack on the system to test its security."
Host 1:"So, it seems there might be a delay in the release, then?"
Host 2:"Ah, quite right. The absence of a firm launch date does leave room for internal timelines to shift. However, in a recent podcast interview with Lex Fridman, our esteemed CEO did express his assurance that OpenAI will indeed 'unveil a remarkable new model this year.'"
Host 1:"But he didn't explicitly confirm if it's GPT-5, did he?"
Host 2:"Quite right. He expressed, 'I believe we have a number of other significant releases to address before delving into the realm of a GPT-5-like model.'"
Host 1:"Quite intriguing. He did express his dissatisfaction with GPT-4, describing it as 'rather underwhelming,' if you can believe it."
Host 2:"Ah, indeed, but he went on to remark that the leap from GPT-4 to GPT-5 would echo the advancements witnessed from GPT-3 to GPT-4. Quite the ambitious stride, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Indeed, let's eagerly anticipate a summer release! Here's to hoping for an exciting unveiling."
Host 2:"Absolutely. And for our esteemed audience, we shall endeavor to keep you abreast of the latest developments. So, do stay tuned! And why not drop us a line with your musings on this matter? We would be delighted to hear from you."
Host 1:"Did you happen to catch wind of the latest buzz in the AI realm? It appears that our esteemed European lawmakers are poised to introduce new regulations aimed at combating AI-generated disinformation and deepfakes, particularly in the context of elections. Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite right, old chap! It's akin to a plot straight out of a science fiction masterpiece, wouldn't you agree? The esteemed Financial Times has indeed shed light on these regulations, proposing fines of up to 6% of the global turnover for tech companies failing to adhere. A rather substantial sum to part with for falling behind the ever-evolving technological landscape, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"It sure is! And it's not just about the fines. The European Commission might give these rules the green light as early as next week. They're aiming to address false content, manipulation, and deepfakes ahead of the European elections in June. Quite the proactive approach, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Indeed, quite right. It's not a solitary endeavor by any means. The platforms will need to assemble teams to vigilantly monitor disinformation across 23 languages and collaborate with EU cybersecurity agents throughout the member states. It's akin to the formation of a digital Avengers team, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Haha, quite the astute observation! It appears that the EU's Digital Services Act will indeed cast a discerning eye on major platforms and search engines such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Quite the formidable trio, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite intriguing, isn't it? Last month, a consortium of 20 tech companies, including OpenAI, Amazon, and Google, entered into an accord to thwart the deceptive influence of AI on voters and elections worldwide. Their collaborative efforts will focus on developing tools to identify misleading AI-generated content, along with initiatives for voter education, watermarking, and metadata embedding."
Host 1:"That's quite a bit of technical terminology, isn't it? But it's certainly a step in the right direction. With no less than 83 elections scheduled around the world this year, and the highest concentration expected in the next 24 years, it's high time we had some regulations in place to ensure fair play, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:Absolutely! It's akin to a digital arbiter for the grandest of contests - democracy.
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the recent commotion surrounding Google's AI in France, our resident tech whiz?"
Host 2:"Indeed, that's the one. Google's recent run-in with the French competition watchdog has certainly caused quite a stir, hasn't it? The hefty fine of €250M, or approximately $270M, is no small matter. Care to take a guess at the reason behind this eye-watering penalty?"
Host 1:"Pray, do enlighten me."
Host 2:"Ah, the saga of their AI model, Bard, now rechristened Gemini. It appears that Google was merrily training this AI on news content from publishers without so much as a by-your-leave. Picture borrowing a tome to tutor your automaton in the art of prose, yet neglecting to seek the author's gracious permission first. Quite the audacious move, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"That's a rather egregious misstep, isn't it? But wasn't there some form of accord between Google and these publishers?"
Host 2:"Indeed, there was an agreement in place. However, the French authorities have accused Google of reneging on their promise by not allowing news publishers to opt out of training Bard. It's akin to being ensnared in a vexing entanglement with no means of liberation."
Host 1:Oh, the intrigue! And how did Google respond to this predicament, I wonder?
Host 2:Quite the intriguing turn of events, wouldn't you say? The authorities deemed the fine excessive, yet Google chose to accept the settlement and "move on," focusing instead on sustainable content strategies and forging partnerships with French publishers. They've also committed to not contesting the facts and proposed remedies as part of the settlement.
Host 1:"Ah, it seems to be a classic case of the 'it's not you, it's me' scenario, doesn't it? But let's not confine this issue solely to Google, shall we?"
Host 2:Absolutely right. It's a matter of considerable magnitude. The esteemed New York Times and distinguished authors such as John Grisham have taken legal action against Microsoft, OpenAI, and Meta, alleging the unauthorized use of their copyrighted works for training AI models. It's akin to the untamed frontier of the AI domain, isn't it?
Host 1:"It's a rather bold new frontier, isn't it? It appears we're only just beginning to grapple with the far-reaching implications of AI and copyright."
Host 2:"Quite the conundrum, isn't it? Should AI be permitted to utilize copyrighted works for its training? We'd be most intrigued to hear your esteemed opinions on the matter. Please do share your musings in the comments section below."
Host 1:"Have you heard about the recent legal debacle involving Michael Cohen and Google's Bard? You always seem to be in the know when it comes to the latest in tech news."
Host 2:"Ah, the tale of the AI model, Bard? Indeed, I'm well acquainted with it. Quite the intriguing narrative, I must say. Cohen, the erstwhile fixer of Donald Trump, inadvertently incorporated spurious legal references generated by Bard into a motion he submitted last year. Quite the conundrum, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the amusing anecdote. It appears that Cohen unwittingly passed these fictitious references to his legal counsel, David Schwartz, who then incorporated them into the submission for the Federal District Court. Cohen seemed to regard Google Bard as a turbocharged search engine, blissfully unaware of its text generation capabilities, including the creation of deceptively authentic-looking citations. Quite the unexpected turn of events, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite the technological mishap, isn't it? But let's not get too carried away with the humor. U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan described Schwartz's actions as 'certainly negligent, perhaps even grossly negligent,' yet found no evidence of malicious intent to justify sanctions."
Host 1:"Quite the spectacle, indeed. While the judge deemed Schwartz's actions as 'certainly negligent, perhaps even grossly negligent,' no sanctions were deemed necessary. Nonetheless, it serves as a poignant reminder for us all to exercise caution with AI-generated content. It's not always as dependable as one might assume."
Host 2:"Quite right. And for our esteemed audience, do bear in mind that Google's Bard is indeed an AI model, not a turbocharged search engine. Let's endeavor not to repeat the same blunder as Cohen, shall we?"
Host 1:"Ah, a classic case of technological misadventure, isn't it? But speaking of tech troubles, have you heard about the recent upheaval at Stability AI?"
Host 2:Oh, you're referring to the company renowned for their Stable Diffusion technology, aren't you? Indeed, I've caught wind of the recent stir. It appears that three of their esteemed top researchers have decided to part ways, haven't they?
Host 1:"Indeed. According to Forbes, Robin Rombach, a research scientist who played a key role in developing the widely-used text-to-image generator at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, is one of the esteemed individuals bidding adieu. It appears to be quite the brain drain over yonder, doesn't it?"
Host 2:"Quite the blow for them, isn't it? I mean, ever since 2022, Stability has been rolling out these AI image-generation models, kicking off with Stable Diffusion 1.4 and most recently, unveiling Stable Diffusion 3.0 in February. They've certainly been causing a stir in the tech world."
Host 1:"Quite the tumultuous ride for Stability, wouldn't you say? They've had a rather eventful year, what with the departure of key personnel including their CTO, VPs of product, engineering, and R&D. Even their research lead and two LLM leads have bid adieu. It's akin to a lively game of musical chairs over there, isn't it?"
Host 2:"And let's not overlook Ed Newton-Rex. He was at the helm of Stability's generative AI audio team until his departure last autumn. Rumor has it that it stemmed from a disagreement regarding copyright issues, particularly his apprehensions about AI companies' reliance on the fair use doctrine."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the predicament for Stability, isn't it? Despite their considerable fundraising efforts, they find themselves grappling with financial challenges. Their cash reserves are dwindling, and the soaring costs of computing power are outpacing their revenue. It's akin to attempting to fill a leaky bucket, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Furthermore, according to Forbes, researchers associated with Stable Diffusion have accused Stability of exaggerating its contribution to the development of the tool. They assert that while Stability covered the training expenses, it did not play a significant role in the technical creation of the model."
Host 1:"Quite the tempest brewing at Stability AI. It shall be fascinating to observe how they navigate through it. But for the present, let us proceed to our next topic..."
Host 1:"You know how we're always fascinated by the potential of AI, don't you?"
Host 2:"Indubitably! It's akin to my second favorite subject after my collection of graphic novels. Who needs caped crusaders when one has the marvel of AI, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite right! Today, let's shift the focus and delve into the unsung heroes behind AI - the investors. We've got some intriguing news about fresh funding that's sure to pique the interest of our esteemed listeners..."
Host 2:"Ah, indeed! Are you referring to the recent windfall secured by DraftWise, the AI-powered legal contract and negotiation platform? A substantial $20 million in Series A funding, quite the impressive feat, I must say! It's akin to amassing a veritable trove of comic books, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite the spectacle, isn't it? And it's not just them. Hippocratic AI, a startup specializing in safety-focused LLM for healthcare, successfully concluded its Series A funding round at a staggering $53 million. They are now valued at half a billion dollars! That's akin to superhero-level funding, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Goodness me, that's an impressive sum! And let's not overlook Carlsmed, the AI-enabled personalized surgery medtech firm. They've managed to secure a remarkable $52.5 million in Series C funding. Quite the Iron Man level of funding, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on. HiLabs, a healthtech startup powered by AI, has just secured a remarkable $39 million in Series B funding. It's akin to a veritable funding fiesta unfolding in the realm of AI innovation, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"And the revelry doesn't cease there. PocketHealth Inc., a burgeoning startup delving into the realm of AI in healthcare, has recently secured a substantial $33 million in Series B funding spearheaded by Round13 Capital. Quite reminiscent of an Avengers-level funding, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"It's quite evident that AI is far from being just a passing fad, but rather a genuine game-changer. And it seems that investors are taking keen notice, almost as if they're placing their bets on the next Tony Stark!"
Host 2:"Indeed, for our esteemed audience seeking to stay abreast of AI startup funding and more within the VC community, do remember to subscribe to our Inside Venture Capital newsletter. It's akin to your daily dose of superhero news, but with a tech twist!"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the enthralling journey to witness the trajectory of AI unfold. We shall certainly be your trusted source for the latest and most captivating developments in the realm of AI. Do stay tuned for a plethora of exhilarating updates from the world of AI!"

OpenAI could release GPT-5 this year / France fines Google $270M over AI news deals / EU could pass AI election rules [EN]
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