OpenAI CEO seeks trillions for chip fabs / California bill would force AI testing / Nvidia in talks to create custom AI chips [EN]

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is seeking $5T-$7T to expand global chip production for AI, a California bill aims to regulate AI for safety, OpenAI hits $2B in annual revenue with expectations to double by 2025, Nvidia discusses custom AI chips for major tech firms, and a survey reveals a third of U.S. professionals fear AI could make jobs obsolete.

Host 1:"Hello, you brilliant minds! Your favorite tech guru is here, joined by my partner-in-tech-talk. Let's dive into some fascinating discussions, shall we?"
Host 2:"And I'm the resident tech translator, adept at transforming intricate tech jargon into delightful little nuggets of knowledge."
Host 1:"Get ready, everyone! Today, we're delving into the vast digital sea of AI news."
Host 2:"Ah, our first topic of discussion involves OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman, who seems to be on the prowl for a substantial sum of $5 trillion to $7 trillion. Quite the ambitious endeavor, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"And no, he's not off on a shopping spree for Mars real estate. His grand plan is to ramp up global chip production for AI."
Host 2:"Ah, it appears our Sam isn't venturing into the intergalactic realm just yet. Meanwhile, here on Earth, California is assuming the role of a tech guardian, endeavoring to ensure that AI conducts itself appropriately!"
Host 1:"Now, turning our attention back to OpenAI, they're certainly causing quite a stir. With an impressive $2 billion in annual revenue, they have their sights set on doubling that figure by 2025."
Host 2:"Quite the nonchalant declaration, isn't it? It's akin to saying, 'I'll simply proceed to double my piggy bank.' No big deal, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! Just as effortlessly as Nvidia crafting bespoke AI chips for the tech titans."
Host 2:"Let's wrap up our introduction with a fascinating morsel of information - a recent survey reveals that a third of professionals in the United States are concerned that AI may make their jobs redundant."
Host 1:"That certainly strikes a chord, doesn't it? But fear not, my friends! We'll delve into these stories and more, right after this short break."
Host 2:"So hang tight, everyone! And rest assured, there's no need to fret about being replaced by an AI... at least not for today, I daresay!"
Host 1:"You know, we're constantly delving into the future of AI and the myriad challenges it encounters, don't we?"
Host 2:"Indubitably! It's akin to dissecting the intricacies of a futuristic blockbuster, yet it's unfolding right before our eyes. And who doesn't relish a clever plot twist?"
Host 1:"Well, brace yourselves for this intriguing turn of events in our real-life sci-fi narrative. It appears that Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, is reportedly engaging in discussions with investors, including those hailing from the UAE, in pursuit of an absolutely staggering sum of money. We're delving into the realm of trillions here, ladies and gentlemen."
Host 2:"Trillions? Are we discussing the same kind of trillions that make my head spin with all those zeros? Quite the mind-boggling figure, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the staggering sum. Altman is seeking to secure a mind-boggling $5 trillion to $7 trillion. To put that into perspective, it surpasses the U.S.'s 2022 federal budget, the cost of the Afghanistan war, and even the inflation-adjusted cost of World War II."
Host 2:"Goodness, that's an astronomical sum! But what on earth could he possibly need all that money for? Is he perhaps considering the acquisition of a celestial body, or something equally grandiose?"
Host 1:"Ah, not quite. Our ambitious CEO is on a mission to ramp up global chip production for AI. He's aiming to establish more silicon chip factories to overcome OpenAI's growth barriers, including the scarcity of AI chips for training models. Quite the grand endeavor, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, so he's essentially aiming to spark an AI infrastructure boom. But one does wonder, how does he intend to achieve this feat? Will he simply conjure it up with a wave of a magic wand, perhaps?"
Host 1:"Not quite. Altman has put forth a proposal for a collaboration involving OpenAI, investors, chip manufacturers, and power suppliers to finance and construct chip foundries. OpenAI would pledge to become a significant client for these newly established factories."
Host 2:That certainly appears to be a colossal undertaking. However, when dealing with AI, one must indeed think on a grand scale, wouldn't you agree? Perhaps even on a galactic scale!
Host 1:"Indeed, as with all grand schemes, this one is not without its hurdles. The esteemed Wall Street Journal has reported that the project is still in its early stages, could span over several years, and comes with no guarantee of success."
Host 2:"Indeed, it's a tale worth keeping a keen eye on. Who's to say? In a few years' time, we might find ourselves regaling the saga of how Sam Altman's trillions reshaped the realm of AI."
Host 1:"Indeed. Only time will unveil the mysteries. And to our esteemed listeners, keep your gaze fixed upon the celestial heavens, while your attention remains captivated by the riveting updates in the realm of AI!"
Host 1:"While we're all captivated by OpenAI's grand designs, there's a fascinating newcomer that has piqued my interest. It's a recent legislative proposal from California, aimed at reining in the potential of AI systems."
Host 2:Oh, quite the unexpected turn of events, isn't it? I do adore my tech gadgets, but a safety net is always a welcome sight. So, what's the lowdown on this proposed legislation?
Host 1:"Ah, a stroke of legislative brilliance from Sen. Scott Wiener, a prominent figure in the realm of California politics. This proposed bill aims to ensure that tech companies subject their new AI models - the sophisticated term for the algorithms driving AI - to rigorous testing to detect any 'unsafe' behavior. Quite the intriguing move, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Unsafe behavior? Are we talking about AI-powered contraptions staging a full-blown revolt? Quite the intriguing notion, I must say!"
Host 1:"Ah, not quite. It's more akin to AI systems causing a commotion due to inadequate testing or control. The proposed legislation would necessitate companies to divulge details about their testing and safety protocols to the California Department of Technology. And in the event of a malfunction, the state's attorney general could take legal action."
Host 2:"Quite the stringent measure indeed. But what about the AI systems themselves? How does the bill propose to prevent them from veering off course?"
Host 1:"Quite clever, I must say. The proposal entails that tech companies should incorporate a fail-safe mechanism into their AI systems, akin to an emergency brake, allowing for a complete shutdown if necessary. Furthermore, California would be tasked with launching CalCompute, a public AI research cluster, to oversee the safety of AI systems."
Host 2:That does indeed sound like a well-thought-out strategy. However, considering the historical resistance of tech companies to such regulations, one must ponder the likelihood of this bill prevailing, wouldn't you agree?
Host 1:"Wiener appears quite optimistic about the bill's prospects for passage by this autumn. Given California's influential position in the tech industry, this could indeed establish a significant precedent."
Host 2:Absolutely spot on. With the Software Alliance, a significant tech industry association, revealing a total of 407, or should we say, over four hundred active AI bills spanning 44 states, it appears that AI regulation is currently all the rage.
Host 1:"Quite right. It's a bold new era we find ourselves in, and as Wiener aptly phrases it, we do require the appropriate 'guardrails' to navigate it."
Host 1:"Did you hear about the latest buzz in the tech world? OpenAI has achieved a significant financial milestone. As fellow AI enthusiasts, I'm sure you'll find this quite intriguing."
Host 2:"Pray, do tell! You've certainly piqued my interest. What's the latest scoop?"
Host 1:"According to the Financial Times, OpenAI has achieved an annualized revenue of $2 billion! It's akin to purchasing two billion items from the dollar menu! Quite the impressive feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite the impressive feat, wouldn't you say? But hold on, what does "annualized revenue" mean? Is it akin to predicting your yearly income based on one month's earnings?"
Host 1:"Quite right! It's essentially the company's monthly revenue extrapolated over the course of a year. So, if OpenAI raked in $167 million in December, that would project their annualized revenue to a staggering $2 billion."
Host 2:Ah, I see! So, they're certainly bringing in the big bucks. But I wonder, are they actually turning a profit?
Host 1:"Ah, not quite. Despite the impressive revenue, OpenAI is still not turning a profit. The costs of developing and running their AI models are simply astronomical. However, they do have a rather solid supporter in Microsoft, who has pledged up to a staggering $13 billion."
Host 2:"Quite the substantial commitment from Microsoft, I must say! And word on the grapevine is that OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, is endeavoring to trim expenses by enhancing their semiconductor supply. Quite the strategic move, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! Their growth trajectory is quite promising. As of last October, OpenAI's annualized revenue stood at a substantial $1.3 billion. And with the aid of sophisticated business tools such as ChatGPT Enterprise, one can anticipate this upward trend to persist."
Host 2:Impressive indeed! And it's not just about the money, is it? OpenAI is truly making a substantial impact. I've come across reports indicating that over 92% of Fortune 500 companies are now utilizing OpenAI's platform. Quite the leap from 80% just last August, wouldn't you say?
Host 1:"Indeed! It's not merely about the revenue, but rather the substantial value they bring to the table. And with such remarkable growth, who can predict what lies on the horizon for OpenAI?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! And to our esteemed listeners, do keep a keen eye on OpenAI. They're not just causing a stir, they're orchestrating a veritable tempest in the realm of technology!"
Host 1:"Always on the lookout for ways to trim expenses and enhance efficacy in the tech realm, aren't we? Well, brace yourself for this tidbit - outfits such as OpenAI are presently delving into the notion of fashioning their very own bespoke data center chips. And would you care to hazard a guess as to who's stepping forward to lend a hand in this endeavor?"
Host 2:Let me engage my intellect for a moment. Might it perchance be Nvidia?
Host 1:"Marvelous! You're positively on form this evening! Indeed, Nvidia is set to unveil a new division dedicated to crafting custom chips, including specialized AI chips, tailored for cloud computing firms and other enterprises. Picture it as akin to a bespoke suit, but for the tech industry."
Host 2:"Absolutely captivating! These bespoke chips are akin to a tailored suit, perfectly designed to meet each company's unique requirements, resulting in reduced energy consumption and cost savings. It's akin to acquiring a suit that not only fits impeccably but also trims down your energy expenses! Quite the elegant solution, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Indeed! Nvidia has been engaging in discussions with the likes of Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, Google, and even delving into sectors such as telecom and automotive. Quite the extensive reach, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite the impressive array of companies, wouldn't you say? But it does seem rather logical. As Greg Reichow of Eclipse Ventures astutely pointed out, to achieve optimal power and cost efficiency, it appears that tailored computing solutions may indeed be more suitable than off-the-shelf Nvidia chips to attain the precise blend of computing power required."
Host 1:"And let's not overlook Nvidia's substantial presence in this arena. They command a staggering 80% share of the high-end AI chip market. As of last Friday, their market capitalization stood at a princely sum of nearly $1.8 trillion!"
Host 2:"Quite right! It's akin to a scene straight out of a science fiction masterpiece, wouldn't you agree? A recent survey conducted by Washington State University revealed that one-third of professionals in the United States harbor concerns that AI may render their roles obsolete. Additionally, half of them express apprehension about being 'left behind' without the opportunity to acquire AI-related skills in the workplace."
Host 2:Absolutely spot on! It's akin to mastering the art of riding a bicycle - once you've grasped it, it becomes effortless. However, there remains a significant 32% contingent who harbor concerns that AI could potentially make certain job roles redundant. Moreover, there appears to be a unanimous agreement regarding the necessity for university graduates to be well-prepared in the realm of AI for the job market.
Host 2:"Quite an astute observation! The survey indeed shed light on that. It appears that 55% of women expressed a dearth of AI resources provided by their organizations, in contrast to 43% of men. Furthermore, it's intriguing to note that 32% of women sought guidance from mentors or work-related resources to gain insights into AI, whereas 42% of men did the same."
Host 2:"Absolutely! As Debbie Compeau, interim dean of WSU's Carson College of Business, so aptly put it, 'Our focus as a business college must be to thoroughly equip our students for the integration of AI in the professional sphere.' It's not merely a matter of keeping pace with AI, but also of guiding its trajectory in the most advantageous direction."
Host 1:"So, it's not just a matter of mastering the use of AI, but also comprehending its potential pitfalls. It's akin to acquiring the skill of driving a car - one must not only understand how to operate it, but also how to navigate through traffic and steer clear of mishaps."
Host 1:"That's a rather substantial figure. However, it's not all dire straits and despondency, is it? The survey also unearthed that over 55% of professionals are already integrating AI into their roles, utilizing it for tasks such as data analysis and content creation."
Host 1:"It's an exhilarating time in the tech world, isn't it? We're on the edge of our seats, eagerly anticipating what the future holds. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this captivating development. Feel free to share your insights in the comments below, won't you?"
Host 2:"Indeed, the senior professionals are at the vanguard of this AI revolution, displaying a remarkable level of engagement and optimism. It's as if they're skillfully navigating the AI highway, while the rest of us are endeavoring to keep pace."
Host 1:So, it seems that more American professionals are embracing AI in their work, yet there lingers a palpable concern about remaining relevant in the absence of adequate AI training. It's almost like a race against the machine, wouldn't you say?
Host 1:"Given your expertise in the realm of technology, let's delve into the intricacies of AI, shall we? It appears that there's a growing concern among professionals in the United States regarding the impact of AI in the workplace."
Host 2:Absolutely! There's a resounding call for higher education to take a more proactive role in educating students about AI. It's akin to requesting a GPS system to accompany the car, wouldn't you say?
Host 2:That's an impressive figure indeed! It's quite evident that Nvidia is not resting on its laurels. They're continuously innovating and adapting to the evolving needs of the tech industry.
Host 1:"And what of the disparities in AI access, utilization, and optimism in the professional sphere, particularly in relation to gender?"
Host 1:"So, there's quite a disparity that requires our attention. And what of the more seasoned professionals?"

OpenAI CEO seeks trillions for chip fabs / California bill would force AI testing / Nvidia in talks to create custom AI chips [EN]
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