Nvidia's market cap tops $3 trillion / Treasury Secretary to warn of AI's risks / Asana unveils 'AI teammates' for work tasks [EN]

Nvidia's market cap surpassed $3 trillion, making it the world's second most valuable company, while U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen highlighted AI's benefits and risks for financial firms, Elon Musk's xAI plans to build the world's largest supercomputer in Memphis, and Spark Capital led an $80M funding round in AI video-generation startup Pika.

Host 3:AI teammates at Asana – because deciphering human hints in meetings wasn't enough, now we need a Rosetta Stone for code too.
Host 1:Sure, here's the refined hook based on the critique:
Host 1:Curious how AI's changing the game in trillion-dollar markets and supercomputers? Dive into 'Inferens AI'—where we break it down and show you the future, today!
Host 1:So, did you catch the latest news about Nvidia? Their market cap just hit a whopping three trillion dollars! That's more than Apple. Can you believe it?
Host 2:No way! That's insane. I mean, I knew Nvidia was doing well, but three trillion? That's like... a gazillion video games worth of money. What’s driving this crazy surge?
Host 1:It's all about their AI chips. The demand for these chips has skyrocketed, pushing their stock up by one hundred forty-seven percent this year alone. Imagine adding one point eight trillion to your market cap in just a few months. It's like they found a cheat code for the stock market.
Host 2:Text Host 2: Haha, right? And their first quarter earnings report was bonkers too. Their data center business, which includes those AI chips, grew by four hundred twenty-seven percent year-over-year to twenty-two point six billion dollars. That's like... if my collection of rare comic books suddenly became worth a fortune overnight.
Host 1:Exactly! And get this, they own seventy percent to ninety-five percent of the AI accelerator chip market. It's like they're the Thanos of AI chips, just snapping their fingers and dominating the market.
Host 2:Text Host 2: Damn, that's some serious power. And I heard they're planning a ten-for-one stock split on June seven to attract more individual investors. It's like they're saying, 'Hey, come join the party, everyone!'
Host 1:Yep, that's the idea. By making their shares more affordable, they can bring in more retail investors. It's a smart move, especially with their stock price hitting one thousand two hundred twenty-four dollars and forty cents recently. That's a bit steep for the average Joe.
Host 2:Totally. I mean, I love investing, but I also need to afford my coffee addiction. Speaking of which, did you know that Nvidia's stock rose five point two percent just on Wednesday? That little bump pushed them just above Apple's three trillion and three billion market cap.
Host 1:Yeah, it's like a race between tech giants. And Nvidia's not just keeping up; they're sprinting ahead. It's fascinating to see how quickly they're growing, especially considering they only hit one trillion last May and two trillion in February.
Host 2:It's like watching a rocket launch. One minute they're on the ground, and the next, they're in space. So, what do you think this means for the future of AI and technology in general?
Host 1:Well, it means we're going to see even more innovation and competition in the AI space. Companies will be pushing the boundaries to keep up with a certain company, which is great for us tech enthusiasts. Plus, it could lead to more advanced AI applications in everyday life, from healthcare to entertainment.
Host 2:``` Sounds like an exciting future. And who knows, maybe one day we'll be interviewing an AI version of ourselves. Now that would be a trip. ```
Host 3:Sure, here is the refined draft of the standup using the critique provided:
Host 3:Final Version: "Fantastic, now even microchips have more value than my life."
Host 3:This version is more concise, clear, and carries the sharp wit and sarcasm that would be characteristic of Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Host 1:So, did you catch Janet Yellen's latest speech about AI's impact on financial firms? She was dropping some serious knowledge bombs.
Host 2:Oh yeah, I did! AI in finance is like mixing my love for tech with my dad's obsession with stock markets. What's the scoop?
Host 1:Well, she’s all about the benefits and the risks. On the plus side, AI is automating customer service, improving forecasting, and even boosting fraud detection. Imagine Siri managing your portfolio!
Host 2:Ha! Siri telling me to stop spending on video games. But seriously, what’s the catch?
Host 1:The risks are no joke. AI models can be super complex and opaque. It’s like trying to understand how a magician does their tricks, but with your money on the line.
Host 2:Yikes! So, it’s like a black box situation?
Host 1:Exactly. And she mentioned that faulty or inadequate data can introduce or worsen biases in financial decisions. Imagine getting denied a loan because the AI thinks you’re a risk based on some skewed data.
Host 2:That’s messed up. And didn’t the FSOC issue a warning about this last December?
Host 1:Yep, they called AI an "emerging vulnerability" to financial markets. They’re worried about lending bias, especially in those black-box AI programs. It’s like the wild west out there.
Host 2:Man, that’s intense. So, what’s the takeaway for us regular folks?
Host 1:Stay informed and be cautious. AI can do amazing things, but we need to make sure it’s used responsibly. And always question those algorithms!
Host 2:Got it. Keep my eyes open and my data clean. Thanks, you always make this stuff so easy to get.
Host 1:Anytime, Harry. And remember, if Siri starts giving you stock tips, maybe double-check with a human first.
Host 3:Sure! Here's a refined version of the standup replica, incorporating the critique for better conciseness, wit, and metamodern layering:
Host 3:AI: Now wrecking your finances faster than you can say 'investment!'
Host 1:Speaking of technology, did you hear about Elon Musk's latest brainchild with artificial intelligence?
Host 2:Text Host 2: Oh, you mean the one where he's planning to build "the world's largest supercomputer" in Memphis? Yeah, I saw that. It's like he's trying to outdo himself every time.
Host 1:Exactly! And get this, it's supposed to be four times larger than the current clusters, all powered by Nvidia H100 GPUs. It's like he's building the ultimate tech playground.
Host 2:That’s insane. I mean, I love my gaming rig, but this is next level. And they’re calling it the "Gigafactory of Compute." Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie.
Host 1:Totally! And it might just be the biggest multi-billion dollar investment by a new-to-market company in Memphis history. Ted Townsend from the Greater Memphis Chamber even said so. They’ve been planning this since March with local officials.
Host 2:Memphis must be stoked. I heard they’re even considering tax breaks for xAI. Imagine the job opportunities this could bring. But they still need local government approval, right?
Host 1:Yep, they do. It’s going to occupy a former manufacturing site. So, fingers crossed it gets the green light. And speaking of xAI, did you know they released Grok-one, their "rebellious" chatbot, last November? It’s inspired by the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Host 2:Oh man, I love that book! A chatbot with that kind of sass? Sign me up. And they raised six billion dollars in their Series B round in May. That’s some serious cash to take their products to market and push R&D.
Host 1:Exactly. They’re not just playing around. They’re building advanced infrastructure and pushing the boundaries of future tech. It’s like watching a real-life sci-fi saga unfold.
Host 2:Speaking of sagas, did you catch the latest episode of that new space series? It’s like Elon’s life is starting to mirror these shows.
Host 1:Oh, absolutely! And you know, this whole thing reminds me of the time when I was explaining quantum computing to my niece. She thought it was magic!
Host 2:Haha, magic, huh? Well, it kinda is. By the way, did you know I’ve been dabbling in astrophotography lately? Capturing the stars is like capturing a piece of the universe.
Host 1:That’s amazing! Maybe you can use one of those supercomputers to process your photos faster. Speaking of which, folks, if you have any questions about this tech marvel or anything else, drop them in the comments. We love hearing from you!
Host 2:Yeah, seriously, hit us up! And next time, let's dive into the latest in AI art. It's blowing my mind how machines are creating masterpieces now.
Host 3:Certainly! Based on the critique and suggestions provided, here's the refined version of the stand-up draft:
Host 3:"Awesome, another mega-computer to confirm our cosmic insignificance. Just what I needed today."
Host 3:This version:
Host 3:- Remains under fifteen words.
Host 3:- Uses a more casual and witty tone.
Host 3:- Enhances the sarcastic and ironic elements.
Host 3:- Balances pessimism with a touch of relatable humor.
Host 1:So, did you catch the latest on Pika? Spark Capital just led an eighty million funding round for them. They're now valued at four hundred seventy million!
Host 2:Yeah, I did! Pika's that startup where you can create short video clips from text, images, or other videos, right? Man, I could use that for my YouTube channel. Imagine the time I'd save!
Host 1:Exactly! And their co-founders, Demi Guo and Chenlin Meng, left Stanford to launch this AI video-making software late last year. Talk about a leap of faith!
Host 2:No kidding. Leaving Stanford? That’s like leaving Hogwarts before you learn how to cast a Patronus. But hey, it seems to be working out for them.
Host 1:Totally. And they’re planning to update their text-to-video model later this year to offer higher-quality, longer videos. Right now, they’re capped at three seconds, but soon we might see full-length videos.
Host 2:Three seconds? That’s like the Vine days all over again! But longer videos? That’s a game-changer. I can already think of a million ways to use that.
Host 1:Oh, and speaking of creative uses, Jared Leto’s band, Thirty Seconds to Mars, has already incorporated Pika-generated videos into their concert stage footage.
Host 2:No way! That’s sick. I mean, he’s always been ahead of the curve. First, he’s an actor, then a musician, and now he’s investing in AI startups. What can’t this guy do?
Host 1:Right? It’s like he’s living in the future. But seriously, this tech could revolutionize content creation. Imagine the possibilities for education, marketing, even personal projects.
Host 2:Text Host 2: Yeah, like I could use it to make my cooking tutorials more engaging. Instead of just talking about the recipe, I could show a quick, AI-generated clip of the final dish.
Host 1:Exactly! And it’s not just for professionals. Anyone could use it to spice up their social media posts or create fun, personalized videos.
Host 2:Man, I can’t wait to get my hands on this. Do you think they’ll have a beta version for us to try out?
Host 1:Fingers crossed! But even if they don’t, it’s only a matter of time before this kind of tech becomes mainstream. Just think about how far we’ve come in the last few years.
Host 2:True that. From deepfakes to AI-generated art, it’s like we’re living in a sci-fi movie. And now, with Pika, we’re taking another step forward.
Host 1:Absolutely. It’s an exciting time to be alive, especially if you’re into technology. Can’t wait to see what they come up with next.
Host 3:Great, now even robots can out-emote Jared Leto. What a time to be alive.
Host 1:Talking about AI, this switches us perfectly to the latest feature. They’ve just unveiled these "AI teammates," which are basically generative AI bots designed to automate work tasks. Imagine having a bot that can manage workflows, set priorities, and even suggest productivity improvements. It's like having a super-efficient assistant who never needs a coffee break!
Host 2:Oh, that sounds wicked! So, these AI teammates can also handle routine and complex tasks? I mean, I could use one of those for my endless email backlog. Seriously, my inbox is a disaster zone.
Host 1:Absolutely! And the cool part is that these bots are customizable for specific roles and tasks. So, whether it's product launches, strategic planning, or onboarding new team members, these AI teammates can adapt to fit the needs of the job. They draw from Asana's "Work Graph" data model, which maps relationships between team tasks, work information, and employees. It's like having a map of your entire workflow.
Host 2:That’s insane! I mean, I love maps, especially when I'm out hiking or geocaching. But having a map for work tasks? That’s next level. So, they’ve been testing this with companies like a well-known cybersecurity company, right?
Host 1:Yep, they've been running beta tests with enterprise customers like Palo Alto Networks. Paige Costello, Asana's head of AI, mentioned that the future of work involves humans collaborating not only with each other but also with AI. It’s like having a super flexible approach to internal workflow management, way better than their existing tools.
Host 2:Wow, that’s pretty forward-thinking. And speaking of AI, did you see the survey results from Asana and Anthropic? Over fifty-seven percent of workers in the U.S. use AI tools at least once a week now. That’s up from forty-six percent just nine months ago.
Host 1:Yeah, and the top AI application among knowledge workers is email generation, used by thirty-seven percent. I mean, who wouldn’t want an AI to handle their emails? It’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what to say.
Host 2:Totally! I could use that for my band’s fan mail. It’s getting out of hand. So, do you think this trend of AI in the workplace is just getting started?
Host 1:Definitely. We're just scratching the surface. As AI continues to evolve, we'll see even more innovative ways to integrate it into our daily work lives. It’s like having a team of super-smart, tireless colleagues who are always ready to help out.
Host 2:That’s pretty rad. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Maybe AI that can write my essays for me? Just kidding... or am I?
Host 1:Haha, careful what you wish for! But seriously, the future of work is looking pretty exciting with AI in the mix.
Host 3:Sure, here’s the refined version of the standup replica based on the critique:
Host 3:Oh joy, another robot doing my job. What's next, AI stand-up comedians?
Host 3:This version is more specific, sharper, and blends sincerity with irony to better fit the metamodern, ironic humor style.
Host 1:Talking about AI innovations, this switches us perfectly to some exciting funding news in the AI startup world.
Host 1:Exactly! And speaking of wild, Sword Health, an AI-powered virtual physical therapy startup, just bagged thirty million dollars in fresh funding. Their valuation surged by fifty percent compared to its two billion dollar valuation at its Series D round in two thousand twenty-one. They also facilitated a one hundred million dollar secondary transaction, allowing employees and early investors to dilute their holdings.
Host 1:Haha, maybe you should check them out! And last but not least, Valar Labs, which makes an AI-powered cancer care prediction tool, raised a twenty-two million Series A funding round. This round was led by DCVC and Andreessen Horowitz, with additional support from Pear VC. It's incredible how AI is revolutionizing healthcare.
Host 1:Absolutely, and they're making smart moves in AI too. But that's not all. The venture fund, Prosperity7 Ventures, joined a four hundred million funding round for Chinese AI startup Zhipu AI. This round reportedly values Zhipu at three billion. They make chatbots, which are getting more sophisticated by the day.
Host 1:Oh, that's a tough one. But I'd say Sword Health. The idea of virtual physical therapy is not only innovative but also incredibly practical. Plus, it’s a perfect example of how AI can directly improve our quality of life. And who doesn't want to avoid those awkward gym sessions with a physical therapist?
Host 1:Well, buckle up because Canadian LLM startup Cohere just secured a whopping four hundred fifty million dollars from big names like Nvidia and Salesforce Ventures. This is just the first tranche, or portion, of their ongoing fundraising at a five billion dollar valuation. Can you imagine?
Host 2:Whoa, that's a lot of cash. Physical therapy going virtual is such a game-changer, especially with everyone stuck at home these days. I could use some of that after my last skateboarding mishap. You know, the one where I tried to do a kickflip and ended up with a sprained ankle?
Host 2:Holy crap, that's insane! Nvidia is all over the place these days. I was just reading about their latest graphics cards while working on my gaming rig. They're like the gods of GPUs.
Host 1:Anytime. And to our listeners, keep an eye on these startups—they're shaping the future right before our eyes. What do you think, folks? Would you try virtual physical therapy?
Host 2:Yeah, I can see that. And hey, if it means fewer trips to the doctor, I'm all for it. Thanks for the scoop. This has been enlightening, as always.
Host 2:Chatbots, huh? I remember when they were just those annoying pop-ups on websites. Now they're practically holding conversations. It's wild.
Host 2:No kidding. It's like we're living in the future. So, out of all these, which one excites you the most?
Host 2:Oh, I love this stuff! It's like watching a sci-fi movie unfold in real life. So, what's the latest?
Host 3:Sure, here's the refined version of the standup based on the critique:
Host 3:Oh joy, another AI apocalypse funded.

Nvidia's market cap tops $3 trillion / Treasury Secretary to warn of AI's risks / Asana unveils 'AI teammates' for work tasks [EN]
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