Nvidia acquires AI infrastructure firm Run:ai / Cognition Labs valued at $2B / Apple releases open-source LLMs [EN]

Nvidia is acquiring Israeli AI software company Run:ai for $700M to enhance AI hardware infrastructure management, while Peter Thiel's Founders Fund leads a $175M funding round in AI startup Cognition Labs, valuing it at $2B, and Apple introduces OpenELM, a family of large language models designed to run on devices, aiming to improve software integration for iPhones and Macs.

Host 1:"Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! It's your beloved tech aficionado, joined by our resident tech guru. We've got quite a bit to discuss today, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Hello there! Quite right, I've been utterly absorbed in the latest tech happenings, sustaining myself on nothing but coffee and code!"
Host 1:(chuckles) Now that's what I call true dedication! Our esteemed listeners are in for a delightful treat today. We've got some rather thrilling AI updates lined up, including a significant move by Nvidia, a funding boost for a promising startup, and an intriguing development by Apple. Are you prepared to delve into the details?
Host 2:"Absolutely prepared! Let's kick off with the sensational news: Nvidia is acquiring the Israeli AI software company, Run:ai, for a jaw-dropping $700M! Quite the topic for a morning tête-à-tête, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"(chuckles) Quite right, old chap! I've also caught wind of Peter Thiel's Founders Fund taking the lead in a funding round. Care to enlighten us on the details?"
Host 2:"Indeed! They're injecting a rather splendid $175M into AI startup Cognition Labs. This substantial funding boost elevates their valuation to a staggering $2B. Quite the financial feast, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"It certainly is! And it appears that Apple has been concocting something intriguing in their tech laboratory, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Indeed, they've introduced OpenELM, a series of expansive language models designed to enhance software integration for iPhones and Macs. It's as if they're endeavoring to foster harmonious relations among our devices, akin to a jolly good family gathering!"
Host 1:"That does indeed sound like a tech enthusiast's wildest dream! The world of technology is abuzz with excitement, and we are here to ensure you stay well-informed. Are you as thrilled about these developments as we are? Keep your ears open for more intriguing updates!"
Host 1:"Quite the tech connoisseur, aren't you? Heard about Nvidia's latest acquisition, have you?"
Host 2:"Ah, the Run:ai deal, I presume? Quite so! Nvidia is in the process of acquiring Run:ai, an Israeli software company that has been causing quite a stir in the AI hardware infrastructure management domain."
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! Run:ai possesses this remarkable capability to enable Nvidia customers to utilize multiple GPUs simultaneously for various AI applications. It's akin to having a versatile Swiss army knife for handling AI tasks! However, what makes this acquisition particularly noteworthy?"
Host 2:"Absolutely splendid observation! This acquisition holds immense significance as it enables Nvidia to broaden its capabilities in managing AI workloads. The reported value of the deal is a staggering seven hundred million dollars. Quite the substantial sum, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely right. Run:ai provides Kubernetes-based management and orchestration software for AI workloads. It's akin to a conductor for an AI orchestra, ensuring that every instrument, or in this case, GPU, performs its part flawlessly. Quite the symphony of technology, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"And it's not just for small-scale operations, you know. Run:ai's platform is utilized by major enterprises to manage GPU clusters in their data centers. It's akin to a traffic cop for computing power, deftly directing it from individual fractions to multiple GPUs for handling AI tasks in the cloud."
Host 1:"And this isn't a new partnership by any means. The Tel Aviv-based company has been in cahoots with Nvidia since 2020. It's as if they've been engaged in a courtship, and now they've decided to take the plunge into matrimony!"
Host 2:"Well, that's certainly one way to put it! And Nvidia's penchant for acquisitions is quite the spectacle, isn't it? Let's not forget their colossal $7 billion acquisition of chip producer Mellanox back in 2020. And now, there's talk of them eyeing Deci, a platform specializing in the development and deployment of deep learning models. It seems Nvidia is indeed on quite the shopping spree!"
Host 1:"It's quite intriguing, isn't it? Witnessing the perpetual evolution and expansion of these tech behemoths. One can't help but anticipate Nvidia's next move following these acquisitions."
Host 2:Absolutely splendid! It's akin to witnessing a captivating tech drama unfold before our very eyes. Do stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen! And do remember, if you have any queries regarding this news, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're all ears and would be delighted to hear from you!
Host 1:"You know how we adore keeping a keen eye on the movers and shakers in the tech realm, don't you? Well, brace yourself for this delightful tidbit - Peter Thiel's esteemed Founders Fund, the venture capital firm established by the co-founder of PayPal, has recently spearheaded a substantial funding round for none other than Cognition Labs."
Host 2:Ah, the AI startup? The one causing a stir with their autonomous AI software engineer, Devin? Quite fascinating, isn't it? Autonomous AI software engineers are AI systems capable of writing and debugging their own code. It's akin to having a robot that can construct other robots! Quite the marvel of modern technology, wouldn't you say?
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! And here's a delightful tidbit - they've just secured a staggering $175 million in funding, propelling their valuation to an impressive $2 billion. Quite the leap from their earlier $350 million valuation earlier this year, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:Absolutely! It's akin to transitioning from a mere millionaire to a billionaire in the blink of an eye. However, their AI tool, Devin, is truly groundbreaking. It's not just an AI that can code, but it can also refine its own AI models. It's akin to having a self-driving car that can also perform its own maintenance!
Host 1:"Indeed! What distinguishes Devin from its counterparts such as GitHub Copilot and Amazon CodeWhisperer, both AI coding assistants, is its remarkable capability to autonomously oversee entire projects. It's akin to having your very own personal AI project manager, orchestrating the entire endeavor with finesse and precision."
Host 2:"Absolutely astounding! It's as if the vanguard of AI has arrived, and it goes by the name of Devin. I'm positively itching to witness the next move from Cognition Labs with this substantial injection of funding."
Host 1:"Neither can I. It's certainly a company worth keeping an eye on. And to our esteemed listeners, do recall, you heard it here first! Who knows, perhaps one day we shall all be graced with our very own personal AI project manager. Quite the intriguing prospect, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Ah, you're our resident tech whiz. Have you caught wind of Apple's latest foray into the realm of artificial intelligence?"
Host 2:"Oh, you're referring to OpenELM, I presume? It's truly revolutionary! Just picture having a miniature AI brain right in your pocket, rather than it floating about in the cloud. It's akin to carrying a diminutive Einstein with you at all times!"
Host 1:(laughs) Oh, quite the clever analogy, isn't it? And here's a little something to astonish you: Four of these models are now accessible on the Hugging Face hub. The smallest one boasts 270 million parameters - that's akin to the population of Indonesia! And the largest one? It flaunts a whopping 1.1 billion parameters, nearly matching the population of China! Quite the staggering comparison, wouldn't you say?
Host 2:"Goodness, that's an impressive array of parameters! And I've heard that OpenELM was pre-trained on a diverse range of sources, including the RedPajama dataset from GitHub, Wikipedia, StackExchange, ArXiv papers, and more. It's as if it's attended the Harvard of AI!"
Host 1:(laughs) What a delightful comparison, my dear fellow! And here's the pièce de résistance: Apple asserts that OpenELM outshines OLMo by a remarkable 2.36% in accuracy, all the while necessitating only half the pretraining tokens. It's akin to acquiring a luxury automobile for the price of a humble bicycle!
Host 2:"Goodness, that's quite the remarkable deal! And Apple's endeavors don't end there. They've generously provided the code, training, and evaluation framework for OpenELM, along with open-sourcing a library to assist developers in seamlessly integrating the models into software projects for iPhones and Macs. It's as if they're graciously sharing the secret recipe to their AI innovation!"
Host 1:"Quite the eloquent articulation, my dear colleague! This undeniably marks a monumental stride in the realm of AI. Let's eagerly anticipate its impact on the future of technology. And to our esteemed audience, what are your ruminations on this matter? Are you prepared for a pocket-sized prodigy akin to the great Einstein? (chuckles)"
Host 1:"Ah, we're always on the lookout for the latest AI news, aren't we? Well, I've stumbled upon a rather intriguing morsel that's causing quite a commotion. YouGov has recently conducted a survey that's set tongues wagging and minds whirring."
Host 2:"Marvelous, you've piqued my interest. Pray, do divulge the latest digital tidings."
Host 1:"Quite intriguing, isn't it? It appears that a substantial portion of American workers are expressing concerns about the potential impact of AI on their employment and remuneration. Astonishing, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Quite a pressing matter, indeed. But pray tell, what's the magnitude of this concern? Are we speaking of a mere smattering, a throng, or perchance an entire multitude?"
Host 1:"About a third, old chap. But here's the real corker - nearly 60% of workers aren't the least bit fussed about AI having any impact on their jobs."
Host 2:"Quite the intriguing conundrum, isn't it? It's akin to a classic case of the glass being either half full or half empty, contingent upon one's perspective on the impact of AI. Quite the philosophical quandary, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Quite right! Here's a rather intriguing tidbit - amongst those who are already utilizing AI tools, nearly half of them harbor concerns about potential job displacement or cutbacks."
Host 2:Quite the paradox, wouldn't you say? Utilizing AI tools while harboring apprehensions about them. It's akin to a beekeeper who's wary of bees, wouldn't you agree?
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the intriguing revelation. And would you believe it? A majority of the respondents are of the opinion that AI will inevitably result in a reduction of job opportunities and working hours. Quite the conundrum, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, that's rather disheartening. However, on the plus side, a mere 3% have reported actual job loss or reductions attributable to AI. Quite the silver lining, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite right. And a staggering three-quarters were blissfully unaware of anyone who's been affected by AI in this manner."
Host 2:"Ah, it appears that the trepidation surrounding AI may outweigh its actual impact, at least for the time being. Quite the intriguing paradox, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"That's an interesting perspective. It's certainly a topic worth keeping an eye on. And to our esteemed listeners, we'd be absolutely delighted to hear your thoughts on this matter. Are you concerned about the impact of AI on your profession?"
Host 2:"Absolutely, let's keep the banter flowing. After all, knowledge is the key, and the more we comprehend about AI, the less we need to fret."
Host 1:"Ah, my esteemed colleague, you're our resident tech guru. Have you been privy to the latest rumblings about SenseTime? Quite the intriguing developments, I must say."
Host 2:"Ah, I'm always up to speed with the latest developments! SenseTime's stocks soared today, by a staggering 30%! All thanks to their cutting-edge AI model, SenseNova 5.0. They're even drawing comparisons to OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo. Quite the remarkable feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the quantum leap! SenseTime has certainly made a name for itself in the realm of facial recognition, hasn't it?"
Host 2:"Absolutely spot on! SenseTime has indeed expanded into the realm of generative AI. Their inaugural SenseNova model made its debut just a year ago. The latest iteration, SenseNova 5.0, is quite the behemoth with a staggering 600 billion parameters. For our esteemed audience, in the realm of AI, parameters are akin to the neurons of the brain - the more you possess, the sharper your intellect! This model has the remarkable ability to generate both text and images, and it's exhibiting significant advancements in knowledge, mathematics, reasoning, and coding compared to its predecessor."
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the remarkable ascent! But I've been informed that there may have been a slight snag following the meteoric rise, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Indeed, you're quite the astute observer! Following the remarkable surge, SenseTime found itself in the rather precarious position of having to suspend trading of its stock. However, the good news is that it's poised to resume this Thursday."
Host 1:"Ah, yes, quite the brouhaha indeed, if memory serves me right. There was a rather contentious episode that unfolded last year, wasn't there?"
Host 2:Indeed, quite the tumultuous journey for SenseTime, wouldn't you say? In 2021, the esteemed United States deemed it fit to place SenseTime on an investment blacklist, effectively signaling a 'no-go' zone for potential investors. The reason cited was the employment of its technology in the Xinjiang region of China, particularly in relation to the Uyghur population. However, SenseTime boldly ventured into the public domain in Hong Kong at a later juncture. Alas, its shares have been on a rather disheartening downward trajectory since then, languishing at a staggering 79% below their initial public offering price. Quite the rollercoaster ride, wouldn't you agree?
Host 1:"Quite the tumultuous journey in the tech realm, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Quite the enthralling spectacle, wouldn't you agree? Always something novel and captivating unfolding in the realm of technology!"
Host 1:"Ah, you know how we adore a riveting escapade in the world of technology, don't we? Let's pivot our focus and delve into the latest buzz surrounding funding in the AI startup arena. It's quite the exhilarating rollercoaster over there as well, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Indeed, quite the extravagant affair! It's akin to a grand symphony of technological prowess and financial opulence. Let's commence with Mistral AI, a remarkable French startup that's being lauded as Europe's retort to OpenAI. They're endeavoring to secure a staggering half a billion Euros, which equates to approximately $534 million. If they succeed, their valuation could soar to a remarkable 5 billion Euros or beyond!"
Host 1:"Goodness gracious, that's an impressive display of financial prowess! And it's not just Mistral AI, is it? Perplexity AI has already secured a staggering $62.7 million at a valuation of $1 billion and is now setting its sights on an additional quarter of a billion at a valuation of up to $3 billion. They're revolutionizing the AI landscape with their search experience powered by expansive language models. It's as if they're orchestrating the AI scene like seasoned DJs!"
Host 2:"Quite amusing, isn't it? And let's not overlook FlexAI. They've recently emerged from stealth mode with a rather impressive €28.5 million in seed funding, which equates to approximately $30 million. Their offering of on-demand cloud services for AI training is akin to being the discerning gatekeepers of the AI club, ensuring that everyone has the requisite finesse!"
Host 1:"And the festivities don't end there, do they? Greeneye Technology, a company specializing in AI-powered precision agricultural spraying products, has just secured a fresh $20 million in funding. And Exowatt, a startup focused on storing solar energy as heat and generating electricity for AI data centers, has also managed to secure $20 million. It's as if they're the eco-friendly mixologists at this AI soiree!"
Host 2:"Indeed, quite the illustrious guests! Would you believe it? OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and VC firm Andreessen Horowitz have graced Exowatt with their investments. It's as if the crème de la crème of the tech world has made a grand entrance at the soirée!"
Host 1:"Absolutely! And for all you tech enthusiasts out there who wish to stay abreast of the latest developments in AI startup funding and more in the VC community, do consider subscribing to our esteemed Inside Venture Capital newsletter. It's akin to receiving a personal invitation to the most exclusive soirées in the tech world!"

Nvidia acquires AI infrastructure firm Run:ai / Cognition Labs valued at $2B / Apple releases open-source LLMs [EN]
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