Microsoft warns China will use AI to influence elections / Sam Altman, Jony Ive seek funding for AI device / Meta to label more AI-generated content [EN]

China is leveraging AI-generated content to influence elections globally, OpenAI's CEO and former Apple design head are raising funds for a secretive AI device, a report predicts a reduction in workforce due to AI advancements, Meta introduces "Made with AI" labels for AI-generated content, and Nvidia collaborates with Indonesia's Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison to establish a $200M AI center.

Host 1:"Hello there! Are you prepared to captivate our audience with some revolutionary developments in the realm of artificial intelligence?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Delighted to regale you with some futuristic tidbits, although I must confess I'm still in the market for my very own AI butler."
Host 1:(laughs) Well, one can never be quite sure! It wouldn't be entirely surprising if that were just on the horizon. Now, let's offer our listeners a tantalizing glimpse into our conversation today.
Host 2:"Ah, brace yourselves, ladies and gentlemen... (mimics drumroll sound) We're about to delve into the topic of China's AI meddling in global elections. It's as if we're on the brink of a new technological Cold War, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Oh, and let's not forget, we've got the heavyweights from OpenAI and Apple's former design maestro, who are keeping us all on our toes as they gather funds for a mysterious AI contraption. Could it be an AI butler, I wonder?"
Host 2:"I can only hope! But here's something that's a tad concerning - a recent report predicts a reduction in the workforce due to AI advancements. Are we witnessing the dawn of a robot takeover?"
Host 1:"That's quite a disconcerting notion. However, to inject a touch of levity, it's worth noting that Meta is now affixing an 'AI-generated' label to its content. It's akin to a nutritional label, but for your media consumption."
Host 2:"And let's not overlook the fact that Nvidia and Indonesia's Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison are teaming up to establish an impressive $200M AI center. That's quite a substantial sum of money, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Certainly is! So, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts because we're about to embark on a riveting journey through these captivating tales. Are you all set for the grand unveiling?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Let's commence this AI extravaganza with a dash of panache."
Host 1:"You know, we're constantly waxing lyrical about the sheer might of AI, don't we?"
Host 2:"Indubitably! It's akin to my third preferred subject matter, following closely behind quantum physics and the historical evolution of video games."
Host 1:"Brace yourselves, for Microsoft has just unleashed a bombshell regarding AI. It appears that China is utilizing AI-generated content to sway the outcomes of elections in foreign lands. Quite the revelation, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Goodness gracious! Are you suggesting the use of deepfakes to manipulate election results? Quite the audacious move, if I do say so myself!"
Host 1:"Indeed! For our esteemed audience members who may not be familiar, deepfakes are astoundingly realistic fabricated videos or audio generated through the use of artificial intelligence. According to Microsoft's Threat Intelligence, it has come to light that China has been leveraging AI to produce memes, videos, and audio content with the aim of furthering its global objectives."
Host 2:"Quite extraordinary! But one must ponder, what degree of efficacy can such a strategy truly achieve?"
Host 1:"Consider this - an AI-generated image falsely attributed the 2023 Hawaii fires to a U.S. military-grade 'weather weapon.' Another attempted to sow distrust in the U.S. government following the Kentucky train derailment in November. Quite the devious ploy, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Goodness me, that's a substantial amount of misinformation. One can't help but wonder what their ultimate goal is in resorting to such tactics."
Host 1:"The report posits that China, and to a lesser extent North Korea, are anticipated to direct their efforts towards the elections in the U.S., India, and South Korea this year. It is speculated that they will disseminate AI-generated content across social media platforms to bolster their agendas in these pivotal elections."
Host 2:"Quite the intricate web of events, isn't it? Reminiscent of a plot straight out of a sci-fi masterpiece, yet here we are, witnessing it unfold in the real world."
Host 1:"It's a poignant reminder of the potency of AI and the imperative of its responsible use. And to our esteemed audience, do bear in mind to stay astute and scrutinize what you encounter online. Not everything is quite as it appears!"
Host 2:"Absolutely. If you're keen on delving deeper into this intriguing topic, do join us for our next episode. Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen!"
Host 1:You know, we're always waxing lyrical about the sheer might of AI, aren't we? It's not merely confined to conjuring up deepfakes or prognosticating the weather. It's also at the helm of crafting some rather ingenious contraptions.
Host 2:Ah, I see what you're getting at. You're referring to those sophisticated AI-powered robotic vacuums that deftly map out your entire abode and carry out their cleaning duties while you're away, aren't you?
Host 1:"Indeed, but I'm referring to something even more intriguing. Have you caught wind of the enigmatic AI-powered contraption that Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, and Jony Ive, the former design maestro at Apple, are collaborating on?"
Host 2:No, I haven't. But it sounds rather intriguing. Pray, do enlighten me. What's it all about?
Host 1:"Ah, the details are still rather hush-hush, but word on the street is that it's rumored to be a personal AI gadget. They're even in discussions to secure funding for it, with Jony Ive aiming to raise up to a staggering $1 billion!"
Host 2:"Goodness me, that's an astronomical sum! One can't help but speculate about the grand ambitions behind such a colossal investment. Any inklings about the potential capabilities of this enigmatic contraption?"
Host 1:"Not much is known as of yet, but there's speculation that OpenAI might harness its conversational AI to power some of the device's features. And here's the kicker - they've been in discussions with Masayoshi Son, the CEO of SoftBank."
Host 2:"Fascinating. So, it's akin to the creation of a personal AI assistant that one could carry around, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Indeed! However, it shan't bear any resemblance to a mere smartphone. As a matter of fact, Sam Altman is a significant investor in Humane's AI Pin, a screenless wearable contrivance that enables users to place calls, dispatch texts, and interact with its AI assistant through voice commands and gestures."
Host 2:"Absolutely riveting! It's reminiscent of a plot straight out of a sci-fi masterpiece, isn't it? I'm positively eager to witness the fruits of their labor."
Host 1:You know, amidst all this buzz about AI advancements, I couldn't help but ponder a recent report that caught my eye.
Host 2:"Oh, splendid! Tech reports are akin to my version of a riveting detective novel."
Host 1:"Get ready for this, it's quite the ride! Adecco, the Swiss staffing firm, and Oxford Economics conducted a survey of 2,000 top executives from major companies across nine different countries. Quite the global perspective, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:That's quite a substantial sample size, isn't it? And let me hazard a guess, these companies hail from a diverse array of industries, do they not?
Host 1:"Absolutely smashing! These companies span across industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics. And brace yourself for this astonishing revelation - a whopping 41% of these top brass anticipate a reduction in their workforce over the next five years, all thanks to the advent of AI."
Host 2:"Absolutely! And it's not just any run-of-the-mill content. Facebook, Instagram, and Threads are set to designate a wider range of content as AI-generated, either through detection or disclosure by the creator. Moreover, they intend to affix more conspicuous labels to digitally manipulated content that poses a 'particularly high risk' of misleading people on crucial matters, especially in the lead-up to elections. It's akin to shining a spotlight on a breakdancer executing some daring moves!"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! Previously, Meta's regulations on 'manipulated media' were confined to videos where AI created the illusion that someone had uttered words they hadn't. However, they've now adopted a 'less restrictive' stance on manipulated media, advocating for contextual labels rather than outright removal. It's akin to a discerning club doorman, welcoming everyone inside while ensuring they're adorned with the appropriate wristbands!"
Host 2:"Absolutely riveting! It's quite intriguing to witness the pervasive reach of AI, transcending its origins in Silicon Valley and making its mark in every nook and cranny of the globe, including the illustrious Surakarta city in Indonesia. One can hardly contain the anticipation to witness the unfolding of this project and its profound impact on the technological landscape there."
Host 1:"Absolutely! Adecco's CEO, Denis Machuel, articulated it quite astutely. He posits that AI will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the majority of jobs, serving as both a creator and disruptor of employment. He underscored the imperative for companies to take proactive measures in re-skilling and redeploying their teams to fully capitalize on this technological advancement."
Host 2:Absolutely spot on! It's not just a simple tweak, but rather a sophisticated manipulation that can be incredibly difficult to discern. However, Meta is devising a plan to label AI-generated videos, images, and audio on their platforms with "Made with AI" tags, expanding upon their previous system. Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you say?
Host 1:"Absolutely! And when it comes to the art of maneuvering, Meta seems to be executing a rather intricate two-step in their approach to AI-manipulated content. Now, for our esteemed listeners who may not be well-versed in this realm, AI-manipulated content involves the use of artificial intelligence to modify or generate digital content."
Host 1:"Absolutely delightful! Nvidia, the renowned purveyor of graphics processing units, and Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, a prominent telecom company in Indonesia, have forged an alliance. Their endeavor? A colossal AI project set to revolutionize Indonesia's digital infrastructure. Quite the ambitious undertaking, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:Absolutely spot on. In fact, two-thirds of these leaders are planning to recruit AI-savvy talent from external sources rather than investing in the upskilling of their current employees. And with AI expertise in high demand, 37% of them anticipate a "significant increase" in salaries for AI-related roles over the next year.
Host 1:"Always abreast of the latest tech news, aren't we? But let's depart from our usual Silicon Valley banter and transport ourselves virtually to Surakarta city in Indonesia. Have you heard about the colossal AI project brewing between Nvidia and Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison?"
Host 1:"I absolutely adore it! And for our esteemed listeners, this marks a momentous stride towards transparency and accountability in the digital realm. It's imperative that we, as users, are cognizant when we encounter content that has been crafted or modified by AI."
Host 2:Oh, I do relish a captivating tech narrative, particularly one steeped in the enigmatic world of AI. Alas, I must confess that I am not privy to this particular tale. Pray, do regale me, and our astute listeners, with the details of this enthralling endeavor!
Host 1:"Indeed. And for our esteemed listeners seeking to delve deeper into this fascinating topic, we shall be furnishing a selection of references on our website. Do stay tuned for more enthralling tech news from across the globe!"
Host 2:"Marvelous analogy! Since February, the company has adorned photorealistic images created with Meta AI as 'Imagined with AI.' It's akin to a DJ giving due credit to the original artist before dropping a sensational remix!"
Host 1:Absolutely. Before we proceed, let's kindly remind our esteemed listeners to approach AI with an open mind. It's not a fearsome monster lurking under the bed, but rather a tool that we must learn to wield wisely.
Host 2:"Quite right, old chap. It's not simply about the technology, but rather about our ability to adapt to it. And speaking of adaptation, I daresay it's time we shifted our focus to our next captivating topic."
Host 2:"Ah, it's not just about job loss, but rather about job metamorphosis. Reminiscent of the advent of the internet, isn't it? Suddenly, we found ourselves with roles like social media manager and app developer."
Host 1:"So, rather than removing certain video posts, they've opted to retain them online, albeit with clear labels. It's akin to a DJ spinning a remix but ensuring that everyone is well aware it's a remix!"
Host 2:"Goodness, that's nearly half! But let's not be all doom and gloom, shall we? After all, AI could also be the harbinger of new job opportunities, couldn't it?"
Host 2:"Indeed! It's akin to keeping up with the ever-changing dance crazes. Just when you've got the hang of the floss, everyone's already onto the renegade!"
Host 2:Absolutely! It's a stride toward a more discerning and enlightened digital community. And that's a tune we can all dance to!
Host 1:"You know, we're always bantering about the breakneck speed of technological evolution, don't we?"
Host 2:"Quite right. Let's delve into our next captivating topic, shall we?"

Microsoft warns China will use AI to influence elections / Sam Altman, Jony Ive seek funding for AI device / Meta to label more AI-generated content [EN]
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