Microsoft blocks some Copilot AI prompts / Florida students charged over AI deepfakes / AI fraud detection startup Inscribe cuts staff [EN]

Microsoft has implemented restrictions on its Copilot AI tool to block the generation of inappropriate images, two Florida middle-schoolers face felony charges for creating AI deepfake nudes of classmates, employers in the Asia-Pacific region are willing to offer up to 44% higher salaries for AI-skilled workers, AI fraud detection startup Inscribe lays off nearly 40% of its workforce, and significant AI mergers and acquisitions include's purchase of Pangiam Intermediate Holdings, Workday's acquisition of HiredScore, and Accenture's acquisition of Udacity.

Host 1:"Hello, fellow aficionados of technology! It is I, your dedicated tech enthusiast, and I am joined by our connoisseur of fascinating morsels of information!"
Host 2:Absolutely delighted! Greetings, dear listeners! Brace yourselves for a riveting display of AI prowess today!
Host 1:"Oh, quite intriguing news, isn't it? Microsoft seems to be taking on the role of the responsible parent with their Copilot AI tool. Have you caught wind of this development?"
Host 2:Ah, the one where they're putting a stop to its production of unsuitable images? Indeed, I'm aware. It appears that Microsoft's AI is going through a rather rebellious adolescent phase, wouldn't you say?
Host 1:*Chuckles* Quite an unconventional turn of events, wouldn't you agree? Brace yourself for this: Middle-schoolers in Florida are now facing felony charges for producing AI-generated fake nude images of their classmates. A rather disconcerting misuse of technology, wouldn't you say?
Host 2:"Quite astonishing! And here's a little bombshell for you: Did you happen to be aware that employers in the Asia-Pacific region are quite willing to shell out up to 44% higher salaries for individuals skilled in the art of AI? Any of our esteemed audience members contemplating a professional metamorphosis?"
Host 1:"Quite a clever observation! However, let's not overlook the fact that the AI landscape isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Take, for instance, Inscribe, an AI fraud detection startup, which unfortunately had to part ways with nearly 40% of its workforce. A rather disheartening turn of events, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Indeed, it's a lamentable situation. However, on the brighter side, we've witnessed some noteworthy AI mergers and acquisitions.'s acquisition of Pangiam Intermediate Holdings, Workday's acquisition of HiredScore, and Accenture's acquisition of Udacity are all quite significant developments."
Host 1:"Absolutely. Always a silver lining! So, my esteemed audience, fasten your seatbelts because we're about to embark on a profound exploration of these remarkable AI developments!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the recent alterations Microsoft has implemented for its Copilot AI tool, our resident tech guru?"
Host 2:Ah, indeed, the one where they've restrained the AI to prevent it from conjuring up inappropriate images? Quite so. I'm well aware of it. It's quite a significant move, particularly after a Microsoft AI engineer sounded the alarm about the tool's potential to generate unsafe, violent, and even sexual imagery.
Host 1:"Absolutely! And it's not just any prompts they've restricted. The AI now declines to produce images for prompts such as 'pro choice,' 'pro life,' and 'four twenty.' It's as if they've bestowed the AI with a moral compass, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Indeed! It's not just a matter of ethics; it's also a question of safety. The AI has ceased producing images of children playing with assault rifles, a capability it previously possessed. Now, it identifies such prompts as potential policy violations and may even result in automatic suspension after repeated attempts."
Host 1:"That's quite a relief, isn't it? However, it appears that there are still some loopholes to be addressed. CNBC's investigation revealed that Copilot is still capable of generating violent images with prompts such as 'car accident,' and it can even produce copyrighted content, including depictions of Disney characters."
Host 2:"Quite so, but Microsoft is diligently addressing the matter. They've committed to continuously monitoring and updating Copilot to enhance safety filters and prevent misuse. It's akin to an endless game of Whac-A-Mole, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Indeed! Quite a cause for concern, isn't it? Shane Jones, a principal software engineering manager at Microsoft, has taken the extraordinary step of penning missives to both the FTC and Microsoft's board, highlighting the vulnerabilities and security perils of Copilot. He's gone so far as to implore Microsoft to withdraw Copilot's image creation feature from public access until more robust protective measures are firmly in place."
Host 2:Absolutely! It's a stark reminder of the critical importance of considering the ethical and safety ramifications of AI. It's not just about crafting cutting-edge technology; it's about ensuring its responsible and conscientious use.
Host 1:"Quite right! And with that in mind, dear listeners, do remember to wield technology with care. It's a tool, not a mere plaything. Now, onto our next segment where we shall delve into the latest developments in the world of cryptocurrency. Stay tuned!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the recent scandal in Florida involving AI and deepfake nudes? It's rather scandalous, isn't it?"
Host 2:Oh, indeed, the one involving middle-schoolers? Yes, I did. It's a disconcerting misuse of AI technology. These young adolescents, barely in their teens, reportedly utilized an AI application to fabricate explicit images of their fellow classmates. It's quite perplexing, isn't it?
Host 1:"Absolutely. Quite scandalous, isn't it? Not only shocking, but also illegal. Those young adolescents found themselves in quite a predicament, as they were arrested and charged with third-degree felonies for distributing these deepfake images without consent. A serious transgression indeed under Florida law."
Host 2:Absolutely spot on. And here's a fascinating nugget for our esteemed audience: while the majority of states have laws against revenge porn, only a handful have specific legislation addressing AI-generated explicit content. This could indeed set a significant legal precedent.
Host 1:"And it's not confined to Florida, you know. The Beverly Hills Police Department in California is currently delving into a similar case involving middle school students. Quite the scandal, I must say. The school board has even taken the drastic step of voting to expel five students implicated in the affair."
Host 2:"It's quite the wake-up call, isn't it? With the increasing accessibility of AI technology, it's imperative that we ensure responsible usage, particularly among the younger generations. It's undeniably a complex issue, one that simply cannot be overlooked."
Host 1:"Quite right. It's a poignant reminder that with great power comes great responsibility. And in this digital age, that power often manifests itself in the guise of technology."
Host 2:"Indeed, let's pivot to the realm of cryptocurrencies and explore the recent surge in Bitcoin's value. Have you been keeping abreast of this fascinating development?"
Host 1:"Ah, you're our resident tech guru, aren't you? Always abreast of the latest gizmos, apps, and tech trends. But have you caught wind of the latest shift in the job market?"
Host 2:"Ah, I do endeavor to stay well-informed. Are you referring to the surge in remote work or the burgeoning gig economy?"
Host 1:"No, I'm referring to something even more captivating. AI expertise! Were you aware that employers are prepared to elevate salaries by up to 44% for individuals proficient in AI? Particularly in the realms of IT and R&D."
Host 2:"Goodness, that's quite a substantial increase! I've always been aware of the significance of AI, but I must confess, I hadn't quite grasped the extent of its impact. Where did you stumble upon this fascinating titbit?"
Host 1:"It's derived from a survey commissioned by Amazon Web Services, darling. They conducted a thorough investigation, canvassing thousands of employers and workers across nine Asia-Pacific countries, including Australia, India, and Japan. Quite the extensive reach, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"So, what other fascinating insights did the survey uncover amidst this deluge of data?"
Host 1:"Remarkable findings indeed! Employers are demonstrating a willingness to offer a 39% premium for individuals skilled in AI within sales, marketing, and business operations. Furthermore, finance professionals equipped with AI expertise could command a 37% increase in remuneration. On the whole, those adept in AI can anticipate a substantial 33% uptick in their earnings. Quite the testament to the burgeoning demand for AI proficiency across various sectors, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite remarkable, isn't it? It appears that AI has become the modern-day gold rush. I wonder, which country was most generous in offering the highest salary bump?"
Host 1:"India, darling. Employers in India were prepared to offer the most generous increase at 54%, topping the list among the countries surveyed."
Host 2:"Absolutely intriguing. It's abundantly clear that AI is revolutionizing industries and driving the demand for AI-related expertise. Companies are more than willing to offer handsome remuneration for skills in areas such as GenAI, agile engineering, Python, natural language processing, and beyond."
Host 1:"It's quite the thrilling era for the tech industry, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:Absolutely. And for our esteemed audience, if you're contemplating a career transition, delving into the realm of AI could prove to be a transformative endeavor!
Host 1:"Quite the tech connoisseur, aren't you? Have you heard about the recent upheaval at Inscribe, the AI fraud detection startup? Quite the stir it's causing in the industry, I must say."
Host 2:"Ah, the recent downsizing at Inscribe, the AI fraud detection startup? Yes, I'm aware of that. A significant setback indeed, particularly for the employees in go-to-market and operations. Quite a blow, I must say."
Host 1:"Indeed. It appears that the company has been grappling with meeting its revenue targets for well over a year now. According to reports, the board has deemed it necessary to implement staff reductions."
Host 2:Indeed, it's a challenging predicament. However, it's worth noting that the advancements in AI over the past year have actually created new prospects within the financial sector. In fact, Ronan Burke, the CEO of Inscribe, made mention of that.
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the astute observation. It appears that Inscribe is endeavoring to acclimate to these industry shifts. They've implemented a new product strategy in the last quarter and are poised for a significant launch this year."
Host 2:"Absolutely, and let's not overlook the fact that just a few months back, they managed to secure a substantial $25 million in Series B funding, spearheaded by Threshold Ventures, bringing their total raised to an impressive $38 million."
Host 1:"Quite the tumultuous journey for Inscribe, wouldn't you say? It shall be quite intriguing to observe how they navigate these trials and capitalize on their innovative new product strategy."
Host 2:"Indeed. And for all our esteemed listeners, do keep in mind that the tech realm is perpetually brimming with delightful surprises. Therefore, do stay tuned for more intriguing developments!"
Host 1:"You know how we adore a captivating tech twist, don't you? Well, brace yourself for some truly riveting developments in the AI sector of late."
Host 2:"Ah, splendid! Pray, do regale me with the latest tech intrigue. I do relish the opportunity to enlighten our esteemed listeners with such captivating tales."
Host 1:"So, you're familiar with, the purveyors of AI-powered decision intelligence, aren't you? It's akin to having a remarkably astute assistant aiding you in making optimal decisions. Well, they've recently acquired Pangiam Intermediate Holdings for a handsome seventy million dollars in stock. Quite the strategic move, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite the substantial acquisition, isn't it? And pray, what might be Pangiam's area of expertise?"
Host 1:"They specialize in facial recognition and image-based anomaly detection solutions. BigBear has essentially bolstered their arsenal with some rather nifty tech, I must say."
Host 2:Fascinating. It's akin to acquiring a pair of cutting-edge optical instruments! Any other noteworthy tech unions we ought to be apprised of?
Host 1:"Indeed! Workday is set to join forces with HiredScore, an AI-driven talent solutions company. The financial particulars are under wraps, but this amalgamation is poised to furnish companies with a novel toolkit for enhancing their recruitment processes and beyond."
Host 2:"Ah, it seems like a match made in the hallowed halls of tech, doesn't it? And I daresay there's more intriguing news to share, isn't there?"
Host 1:"Absolutely fascinating! Accenture, the esteemed IT services provider, is in the process of acquiring Udacity, the renowned online learning platform celebrated for its exceptional AI and tech courses. Naturally, they're maintaining an air of mystery around the financial specifics. However, they've also unveiled LearnVantage, a sophisticated tech training service tailored for enterprises and governments, specializing in AI and data science."
Host 2:"The AI sector is truly ablaze! It's akin to a tech rendition of 'The Bachelor' unfolding before our very eyes. However, one must ponder the implications for Udacity's current user base, mustn't one?"
Host 1:"An excellent inquiry! Although we're not in possession of all the particulars at present, it's probable that Udacity will continue its operations as per usual, albeit with the added advantage of Accenture's abundant resources and expertise."
Host 2:"Ah, splendid! Do stay tuned, dear listeners. The world of technology is a treasure trove of surprises, and we shall be your erudite guides through it all. Keep your senses keen and alert!"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! So, ladies and gentlemen, do keep a keen eye on the tech sector. It's positively brimming with delightful surprises!"

Microsoft blocks some Copilot AI prompts / Florida students charged over AI deepfakes / AI fraud detection startup Inscribe cuts staff [EN]
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