Google could charge for AI search features / FDA clears AI tool for diagnosing sepsis / U.S. and EU could unveil AI collaboration [EN]

Google is contemplating charging for its AI-powered search features, the FDA has approved Prenosis' AI tool for diagnosing sepsis, the U.S. and EU are set to announce a collaboration on AI oversight, and OpenAI has restructured its corporate venture fund, removing CEO Sam Altman as the owner and manager.

Host 1:Hello there! Are you prepared to delve into the realm of artificial intelligence?
Host 2:Absolutely prepared. But I must confess, the prospect of Google levying a fee for AI-enhanced search has me contemplating delving into my reserves! After all, you're well aware of how heavily I rely on it to clinch our debates!
Host 1:(Laughs) Quite right! Perhaps it's time to exercise that magnificent brain of yours for a change. On the topic of AI, have you caught wind of Prenosis' AI tool receiving the FDA's approval for diagnosing sepsis?
Host 2:"Indeed! How intriguing! One might say we're on the cusp of ushering in an era of robotic physicians, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:Yes, indeed! Just picture strolling into a clinic and being welcomed by a robot sporting a name tag that reads 'Prenosis'. (Chuckles)
Host 2:"Quite the amusing thought! On the topic of AI's influence, I've heard rumors of the U.S. and EU joining forces to establish oversight for AI. It seems they're keen on ensuring that no AI ventures off the straight and narrow, don't you think?"
Host 1:"It seems you've been indulging in a bit of sci-fi lately, old chap. But you're not too far off the mark. They are indeed working on guidelines to ensure the responsible use of AI. What are your thoughts on that, chaps?"
Host 2:"I'm quite certain our esteemed listeners have some rather strong opinions on that matter! Now, turning to other developments, it appears that OpenAI has been making some intriguing adjustments. They've taken the decision to remove Sam Altman, their CEO, from his position as the proprietor and overseer of their corporate venture fund."
Host 1:Intriguing! We've certainly got a wealth of topics to delve into today, ladies and gentlemen. So, do fetch your preferred cup of coffee, don your thinking caps, and let's embark on a deeper exploration of these captivating AI advancements!
Host 1:Imagine a world where Google decides to levy a fee for certain AI-powered search capabilities. How might that alter the playing field?
Host 2:"Indeed, you've hit the nail on the head! It seems Google is seriously considering this move. It's as if they're putting the 'search' in 'searching for more revenue'! I've heard they're trialing generative AI in their search engine to respond to queries within a chat, create summaries, and even provide follow-up questions and web links. Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Generative AI? Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi flick! Care to enlighten us on the intricacies of this fascinating development?"
Host 2:Absolutely! In layman's terms, generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence capable of crafting original content, such as answering queries or producing summaries. It's akin to possessing a remarkably astute parrot that not only mimics human speech but also formulates its own eloquent sentences!
Host 1:"Absolutely riveting! So, this AI-powered search, known as the Search Generative Experience or SGE, also furnishes 'snapshots' of key information at the summit of the results, correct?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! They've been trialing this feature since last year and recently extended it to some users who haven't signed up. Now, they're contemplating integrating these AI-powered search capabilities into their premium subscription service. The $20-per-month Google One AI Premium already grants access to its advanced Gemini model and AI assistant in Docs and Gmail."
Host 1:But wouldn't that imply that we'd still be subjected to ads alongside our search results? And what about Google’s primary search engine—will it remain freely accessible?
Host 2:"Excellent inquiries! Indeed, the paid AI premium search would still display advertisements, while Google's primary search engine would remain accessible free of charge. The executives are still deliberating on the specifics of the launch, or whether it will come to fruition at all. There's a possibility that they may offer certain aspects of the SGE to free users."
Host 1:Fascinating! But what about the impact on publishers? I've heard murmurs that the SGE could potentially carve away up to $2 billion of publishers' ad revenue annually. Quite the hefty sum, wouldn't you say?
Host 2:Absolutely spot on! The SGE indeed presents search answers directly in the chat, reducing the likelihood of users clicking on links to publisher websites. It's projected that AI search could diminish publishers' organic search traffic by an estimated 20% to 60%, with the food and travel sectors bearing the brunt of the impact. A truly transformative landscape we find ourselves in!
Host 1:Indeed, it's an intriguing juncture in history. Let's observe how this narrative unfolds. And to our esteemed listeners, what are your ruminations on this potential shift? Would you be inclined to invest in AI-powered search? And what of those who may find the premium service beyond their means? We eagerly await your insights!
Host 1:You know, we're always waxing lyrical about the marvels of AI, don't we? But it's not just the tech behemoths like Google that are causing a stir. AI is also making quite the splash in the medical arena.
Host 2:"Marvelous! Pray, do enlighten us! And to our dear audience, fasten your seatbelts, for this promises to be an enthralling journey!"
Host 1:"Ah, splendid news, my dear listeners! The FDA has just granted approval to an AI tool crafted by Prenosis, a budding startup hailing from Chicago. This remarkable tool is tailored for diagnosing sepsis, a rather grave condition triggered by an exaggerated immune response to an infection."
Host 2:"Absolutely riveting! Pray, do enlighten us on the inner workings of this remarkable AI tool. And for our esteemed listeners, sepsis can be likened to the body's exaggerated response to an infection, akin to swiftly retracting your hand after an inadvertent encounter with a scalding stove, resulting in an inadvertent salt shaker tumble!"
Host 1:"Quite the eloquent description! The Sepsis ImmunoScore tool, as it's known, employs approximately two dozen parameters, such as cell counts and inflammatory biomarkers, to assess a patient's susceptibility to sepsis. It's akin to a highly astute detective, scrutinizing numerous health indicators simultaneously and generating an overarching risk assessment."
Host 2:Impressive indeed! And this isn't just a mere flight of fancy, is it? They've conducted actual trials, haven't they?
Host 1:"Marvelous! They've constructed it using a dataset of over 100,000 blood samples from more than 25,000 patients, you know."
Host 2:"Quite the extensive dataset, isn't it? And I daresay, this appears to be a pioneering endeavor, does it not?"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! While there are indeed other AI sepsis diagnostic tools in existence, Prenosis has achieved the remarkable feat of securing the FDA's stamp of approval. When one considers that sepsis leads to over 350,000 adult fatalities or hospice discharges annually in the United States alone, one cannot help but recognize the potential of this innovation as a genuine lifesaver."
Host 2:"Absolutely marvelous! It's quite remarkable to witness the transformative impact of AI, not only on our daily lives but also in the realm of potentially life-saving medical advancements. And to our esteemed audience, do bear in mind that this is merely the tip of the iceberg. The future of AI in healthcare holds a wealth of excitement and promise!"
Host 1:"You know, we're perpetually discussing the future of AI, aren't we?"
Host 2:"Indubitably! It's akin to my third preferred subject, following closely behind quantum physics and the latest Marvel cinematic productions."
Host 1:"Prepare yourselves for the next enthralling chapter in the saga of AI. It appears that the U.S. and EU are poised to unveil a collaborative effort focused on the oversight and safety of artificial intelligence."
Host 2:"Quite so! It's akin to the Avengers of AI banding together! But before we delve into the details, let's ensure our audience is well-versed. When we speak of AI oversight and safety, we're alluding to the regulations and standards that guarantee responsible development and usage of AI technology, correct?"
Host 1:"Indeed! And would you believe it? The U.K.'s AI Office and the U.S. AI Safety Institute are said to be joining forces. It's reminiscent of a transatlantic alliance of AI superheroes, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Goodness, that's quite the undertaking! So, what might their noble quest entail? To safeguard the realm from renegade AI, perhaps?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite so. They're in the process of advancing AI regulations and establishing standards for AI development. There's even talk of championing AI research for the greater good, such as introducing the technology in developing nations."
Host 2:"Absolutely marvelous! It's akin to harnessing their superpowers for the greater good. And have you heard the latest about using AI to seek out alternatives for certain harmful chemicals in chip manufacturing?"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! They're exploring the use of AI to substitute 'forever chemicals,' also known as PFAS, in the manufacturing of chips. For those who may not be familiar, PFAS are a collection of synthetic chemicals that have been utilized in various industries and consumer goods globally since the mid-20th century. However, they endure in the environment and within the human body, potentially leading to adverse health effects."
Host 2:"Absolutely splendid! It's akin to a storyline straight out of a science fiction epic, yet here it is, unfolding in the realm of reality! And do bear in mind, ladies and gentlemen, this transcends mere technology. It's about harnessing technology to enhance our world for the better."
Host 1:"Indeed! Quite the noteworthy development. Earlier this week, the U.S. and U.K. inked an accord to collaboratively trial advanced AI models for safety. This broader EU-U.S. partnership is undeniably another stride in that very direction."
Host 2:"Absolutely marvelous! It's as if the greatest minds in the world are joining forces to ensure that AI is safe and beneficial for all. It's like a real-life display of superhero prowess! In the words of the esteemed scientist Albert Einstein, 'The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.' And it appears that these individuals are indeed harnessing their imagination to forge a safer, more sustainable future for us all."
Host 1:"Quite right, my dear fellow! Absolutely spot on!"
Host 1:You know, we do have a penchant for delving into the latest developments in the world of technology, don't we? And I must say, there's rather intriguing news emanating from OpenAI. It appears they've been causing quite a stir with their foray into the realm of corporate venture funding.
Host 2:Ah, you're referring to the fund that's been creating quite a stir with its distinctive structure? The one that's akin to a corporate venture but with external funding?
Host 1:"Ah, quite the interesting turn of events, isn't it? It seems that OpenAI has recently undergone some adjustments. Sam Altman, the CEO, has gracefully passed the baton of ownership and management of the fund to Ian Hathaway, who has been a partner of the OpenAI Startup Fund since 2021. Quite the strategic move, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:Fascinating! So, Altman has taken a step back. But wasn't the original general partner structure of the fund intended to be transient in any case?
Host 1:"Quite astute, I must say. OpenAI has indeed confirmed that Altman holds no personal or financial interests in the fund. His decision to step down as owner and general partner is simply to ensure complete transparency."
Host 2:Ah, indeed. And this fund, it's rather well-endowed, isn't it? I seem to recall something about a substantial sum being raised from esteemed partners such as Microsoft.
Host 1:"Quite the sharp mind you have there! The fund has indeed secured a substantial $175 million from partners, although not directly from OpenAI itself. Their aim is to channel these funds into early-stage startups spanning diverse sectors such as healthcare, law, and education."
Host 2:"Quite the substantial sum, isn't it? And if memory serves me correctly, the fund's gross asset value has now surpassed $325 million, hasn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! That's quite a substantial sum, isn't it? It will be truly fascinating to observe how this shift in leadership will influence their investment strategy going forward. And to our esteemed listeners, do stay tuned for more captivating updates from the world of technology!"
Host 1:"Speaking of tech giants, I've got some intriguing news about Meta's recent AI forum. It appears to have had a significant impact on people's perception of AI. Allow me to share the details..."
Host 2:Pray, do enlighten us! I'm all ears for a captivating tech tale, particularly one involving AI. And for our esteemed listeners who may be unacquainted, AI abbreviates Artificial Intelligence. It's akin to a computerized intellect capable of learning and decision-making!
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! Meta, in collaboration with Stanford and the Behavioral Insights Team, which utilizes behavioral science to enhance policies, orchestrated a forum to deliberate on the guiding principles for AI user engagement. And would you believe it? A staggering 1,540 participants hailing from Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the U.S. graced the event with their presence!"
Host 2:"Quite the impressive turnout, wouldn't you say? And to think, all those individuals sharing their perspectives on AI. Rather fascinating, I must say. I daresay they must have had some rather intriguing insights to offer."
Host 1:Absolutely splendid! And here's the twist - prior to the forum, fewer than half of the American participants held a favorable opinion of AI. But post-forum? That figure soared to over half! It's as if they experienced an AI awakening!
Host 2:"Quite remarkable! So, did the forum actually succeed in altering people's perceptions of AI?"
Host 1:"It appears so. And the surge in positivity towards AI wasn't confined to the U.S. All participating countries experienced an increase, with Brazil exhibiting the highest level of optimism. It's almost like a global celebration of AI adoration, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Quite intriguing, isn't it? It seems that when individuals have the opportunity to engage with experts and academics, they gain a clearer perspective on the potential benefits of AI. It's akin to viewing the world through AI-colored glasses, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! It's quite intriguing that a majority of the participants were already familiar with ChatGPT or similar chatbots, and their usage actually increased after the forum. It's as if they developed a taste for AI and simply couldn't get enough!"
Host 1:"Quite the intriguing developments, wouldn't you say? Cognition Labs, a startup pioneering a generative AI tool to aid developers in code writing, is currently in discussions for additional funding at a valuation of $2 billion. Meanwhile, Scale AI, a data labeling startup, is poised to experience an 80% surge in valuation to a remarkable $13 billion in its upcoming funding round."
Host 1:"Quite the ambitious endeavor, isn't it? They're aiming to extend the forum to additional countries to gather a more comprehensive range of perspectives on the principles governing AI. And they've made a commitment to continue sharing the outcomes publicly. It's almost as if they're on a mission to propagate a wave of positivity towards AI across the globe!"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! That concludes our latest update from the realm of AI. Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen, for more thrilling tech revelations! And do keep in mind, there's no need to fear AI - it's here to assist, not to conquer the world... well, at least not just yet!"
Host 2:That's quite a lot to take in! However, it's rather thrilling to witness such a flurry of activity in the AI startup realm. It's akin to a high-stakes poker game, only with algorithms and neural networks instead of cards. Quite the intriguing spectacle, wouldn't you agree?
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! For those of you keen on staying abreast of AI startup funding and more, I highly recommend subscribing to our esteemed Inside Venture Capital newsletter. And do bear in mind, dear friends, in the realm of startups, change is the only constant!"
Host 2:Absolutely splendid! It's imperative for individuals to comprehend and engage with AI. After all, it's poised to play a substantial role in our future. And who's to say, perchance we'll find ourselves conversing with AI hosts in the not-so-distant future!
Host 1:"Indeed! And let's not overlook Robovision, a startup pioneering an AI-powered computer vision platform for machinery manufacturers. They've recently secured a substantial $42 million in Series A funding. Quite the impressive feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Ah, but hold on to your seats, my dear listeners. There's more to come. It seems that Cohere, a Canadian AI startup, is currently engaged in advanced negotiations to secure a staggering $500 million. Quite the ambitious endeavor, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Ah, but let's not overlook the impressive strides of Target Global and Astanor Ventures. And how about Luminance, a legal AI tech startup? They've managed to secure a remarkable $40 million in Series B funding. Quite the feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! Hume, an AI startup specializing in emotionally intelligent conversational AI, has just concluded a remarkable $50 million funding round. That's akin to purchasing 50 million delightful ice cream cones, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:That's an abundance of ice cream, indeed! Emotionally intelligent AI, you say? It seems they're endeavoring to have our devices comprehend our mood swings better than our dear friends do.
Host 1:"Amidst all the tech and crypto buzz, let's not overlook the true game-changers - the startups. I've got some intriguing news about AI startups and their funding escapades."
Host 2:Ah, you know I do relish a captivating startup narrative. It's akin to witnessing an exhilarating football match, albeit with a surplus of zeroes at the denouement.
Host 2:"Legal AI? Now that's a specialized field! I'm rather curious, who's providing the financial backing for them?"
Host 2:"Half a billion? That's quite the hefty sum! Are there any other major players in the funding game?"
Host 2:"That's quite the substantial sum, isn't it? And who's at the helm of this funding endeavor?"
Host 2:"Ah, what might be on the horizon for Meta, I wonder?"

Google could charge for AI search features / FDA clears AI tool for diagnosing sepsis / U.S. and EU could unveil AI collaboration [EN]
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