EU lawmakers approve world's first major AI regulations [EN]

EU lawmakers passed the world's first major AI rules, OpenAI announced the public launch of its video-generating AI model Sora, Google DeepMind introduced SIMA, an AI agent for video games, and IBM announced job cuts in its marketing staff as part of an AI-focused restructuring.

Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest developments in the realm of artificial intelligence?"
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to the groundbreaking AI regulations put forth by the EU lawmakers, aren't you? Quite the pioneering move, I must say! It's a significant step towards governing AI to prevent misuse and safeguard privacy."
Host 1:Absolutely splendid! It's as if we're living in a marvellous science fiction tale. And on the topic of science fiction, OpenAI is set to unveil Sora to the public this year. It's an AI model designed to produce innovative content.
Host 2:"Absolutely thrilling! I'm eagerly anticipating the debut of Sora. By the way, have you caught wind of Google's latest AI agent? It's tailored to excel in video games, essentially serving as a personal gaming assistant. Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite right! It's akin to having a personal valet in the realm of gaming. It's truly captivating how AI is revolutionizing even our leisure pursuits."
Host 2:"Indeed! On another note, IBM is downsizing its marketing team as part of their AI initiative. They're aiming to automate certain processes. It appears that AI is truly making its mark, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"It certainly does. However, one must bear in mind that with great power comes great responsibility. Let us hope that these advancements are harnessed for the betterment of society."
Host 2:"Very well articulated. On that note, let's delve into our next subject..."
Host 1:"Good day, esteemed listeners! Delighted to be in your company once again, alongside our esteemed tech aficionado. You know, we do often jest about the prospect of artificial intelligence seizing control of the world, don't we?"
Host 2:"Oh, quite right! I've already embarked on the journey of learning binary, just in case."
Host 1:"Quite amusing, isn't it? It appears the EU is taking that possibility rather seriously. They've just enacted the world's inaugural comprehensive regulations governing AI."
Host 2:"Indeed! And for our esteemed audience members who may not be well-versed in this matter, these regulations are aimed at establishing ethical and legal benchmarks for artificial intelligence. It's akin to laying down traffic regulations for a road that is still in the process of being constructed."
Host 1:"That's a splendid analogy! It's not just a matter of reigning in our future robot overlords, is it? It's equally about safeguarding the rights and safety of the people."
Host 2:"Absolutely! This is a real game-changer. It marks the first instance of a major government taking a proactive stance on AI regulation."
Host 1:"Absolutely riveting! So, dear listeners, what are your thoughts on these new regulations? We eagerly await your input on our esteemed social media channels. And do stay tuned for more enthralling tech and crypto updates!"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of OpenAI's latest creation, Sora? Quite the marvel, I must say!"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Sora is the latest brainchild from OpenAI, capable of crafting 60-second videos from mere text. It's akin to pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but with the clever use of algorithms!"
Host 1:"That's absolutely astounding! So, when can we anticipate the commencement of this digital spectacle?"
Host 2:"Ah, splendid news indeed! Mira Murati, the esteemed CTO of OpenAI, has hinted at the imminent public launch of Sora in just a few months. And here's the pièce de résistance - users will have the delightful ability to edit the videos post-generation! Quite the cherry on top, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Ah, that's akin to entrusting a paintbrush to Picasso! But I've heard whispers of a minor snag, haven't I?"
Host 2:"Indeed, as sharp as ever. Initially, Sora's videos will be silent movies. However, OpenAI has plans to incorporate sound at a later stage. Additionally, it's likely to adhere to a 'no public figures or explicit nudity' policy."
Host 1:"A prudent decision indeed. But what of the artists seeking to push the boundaries of creativity?"
Host 2:"Absolutely spot on! OpenAI is currently engaging in discussions with creators and artists to ascertain the acceptable boundaries for artistic nudity. It's akin to a delicate tightrope walk, but their aim is to strike the perfect balance."
Host 1:Fascinating! I'm positively itching to know: how was this AI trained?
Host 2:"They've cleverly curated a blend of licensed videos from Shutterstock and select publicly available footage. Rather intriguingly, the specific platforms they've sourced these videos from remain shrouded in mystery."
Host 1:"Fascinating! But I daresay, creating these videos must be a tad heavy on the old pocketbook, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Absolutely spot on! Generating Sora videos does indeed come with a heftier price tag compared to Dall-E images. However, OpenAI is diligently working towards making Sora more cost-effective by the time of its release. It's akin to acquiring a hybrid Lamborghini - luxurious, yet environmentally conscious!"
Host 1:"That's rather reassuring! I'm quite eager to witness the impact of Sora. Many thanks for the inside scoop!"
Host 2:"Always a delight! And to our esteemed audience, do stay tuned for more enthralling updates from the world of technology!"
Host 1:Our resident tech aficionado, have you caught wind of the latest marvel from Google DeepMind? It's as if they've fashioned a virtual Swiss Army knife!
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to SIMA, I presume? Indeed, I've delved into its intricacies. It's an AI agent with the remarkable ability to execute a myriad of tasks within unseen 3D gaming environments. And the pièce de résistance? It comprehends and acts upon natural-language instructions. It's akin to nurturing a young mind, but within the realm of virtual reality!"
Host 1:"Absolutely! It's no ordinary fledgling. It's the Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent, or SIMA for short. It boasts an array of models, including those that link language with visuals and a video model that anticipates the outcome of the agent's actions. It's as if it possesses its very own crystal ball!"
Host 2:"Indeed! The method of training this AI is reminiscent of a plot from a science fiction film. Google has partnered with eight game developers, including Hello Games and Embracer, to educate SIMA using open-play games such as No Man's Sky, Valheim, and Goat Simulator 3. It's akin to a virtual playground, isn't it?"
Host 1:"And it's not just about gaming, is it? The ultimate aim is to cultivate SIMA's ability to carry out tasks in unfamiliar real-world scenarios. Envision an AI capable of navigating any environment, whether virtual or tangible. It's akin to having an indefatigable personal assistant at your beck and call!"
Host 2:"Absolutely! It's not just about the grand tasks, you see. SIMA possesses a repertoire of 600 fundamental skills, such as making left turns and ascending ladders. It's the minutiae that truly sets it apart. And who's to say, perhaps we'll witness SIMA effortlessly executing more intricate in-game maneuvers one day. It's akin to observing a fledgling bird mastering the art of flight!"
Host 1:"That's quite the glimpse into the future, isn't it? And it's not as distant as one might imagine. But for the present moment, let's observe how SIMA handles itself in the vast expanse of No Man's Sky. Rumor has it that it operates at approximately 60% of human capacity. Not too shabby for a newcomer, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite impressive, isn't it? We're venturing into uncharted territory, and the anticipation for what lies ahead is simply exhilarating. So, my dear audience, what are your thoughts? Are you prepared for the remarkable advancements in AI that await us?"
Host 1:Amidst all this chatter about AI in gaming, it's quite easy to overlook its impact in the corporate realm. Have you heard the latest from IBM?
Host 2:"Oh, the recent layoffs at IBM? Yes, I'm quite familiar with that development. IBM made an announcement on Tuesday about streamlining their marketing and communications division. It seems they're redirecting their focus towards AI. It's almost as if they're going on a diet, but instead of cutting carbs, they're trimming jobs! Quite the strategic shift, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:(laughs) Quite the euphemism, isn't it? They're touting it as a "rebalancing" endeavor. It's as if they're meticulously concocting the perfect blend for their corporate concoction. Their aim is to harmonize their workforce skills with the evolving demands of their clientele, particularly in the realms of AI, hybrid cloud, and other pertinent domains.
Host 2:"Ah, I've heard whispers of Jonathan Adashek, the top brass at IBM, letting slip some details during a brief seven-minute rendezvous. However, the precise extent of the staff reductions remains shrouded in secrecy. It's akin to a captivating corporate mystery, isn't it?"
Host 1:(laughs) Quite right, old chap! From their January earnings call, it was revealed that they intended to trim approximately 1.5% of their global workforce, equating to around 3,900 roles. However, it's not all doom and gloom. They've also outlined plans to recruit in "higher-growth areas." It's akin to the careful pruning of a tree to foster stronger growth, wouldn't you say?
Host 2:"Indeed, it's more of a strategic realignment than a mere downsizing. Their aim is to maintain a similar headcount by the end of 2024 as they had a year earlier. It's akin to orchestrating a sophisticated game of corporate musical chairs, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite the astute observation! It's rather intriguing to note that IBM's CEO, Arvind Krishna, made mention back in May of halting recruitment for certain positions that could potentially be replaced by AI. He specifically singled out certain HR roles, if memory serves."
Host 2:Indeed, I recall that statement. He foresaw that approximately 30% of these positions, which currently engage around 26,000 individuals at IBM, could conceivably be supplanted by AI and automation within the span of five years. It's almost as if they're endeavoring to assemble a legion of automatons!
Host 1:(laughs) Well, let's hope our future robotic companions are of the amiable sort! However, it's abundantly clear that AI has transcended the realm of mere buzzwords. It's a true game-changer, and its presence is undeniably here to stay. What say you, dear audience? Are you prepared for the impending AI revolution?
Host 1:(laughs) You certainly have a way with words! Now, let's pivot and explore some exciting developments in the world of AI startup funding.
Host 2:"Indeed! Bear Robotics, a startup pioneering autonomous AI-powered server robots for restaurants and other establishments, has just secured an impressive $60 million in Series C funding. And would you believe it, the exclusive investor is none other than..."
Host 1:"Ah, let me hazard a guess... Elon Musk, perhaps?"
Host 2:"Quite the astute deduction, but no, it's actually LG Electronics. This investment has positioned LG as the largest single shareholder in Bear Robotics. A rather shrewd strategic maneuver, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! Quite the significant move for LG, isn't it? But pray, do tell, what other intriguing developments have graced our attention?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Peter Thiel's Founders Fund, former Twitter executive Elad Gil, and other investors have injected a whopping $21 million into Cognitive AI. This startup possesses the remarkable ability to transform a user's prompt into a fully-fledged website or video game. It's akin to witnessing a spellbinding feat of magic, yet it's grounded in the marvels of technology. Quite enthralling, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! It's akin to having a personal djinn. And there's yet another fascinating development, isn't there?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! Quite the intriguing development, I must say. Index Ventures has taken the lead in a $20 million seed funding round for Adaptive, a promising new startup dedicated to simplifying the training of expansive language models for businesses. When we refer to 'expansive language models,' we're delving into the realm of AI systems capable of comprehending and generating human language. And here's the kicker – the startup is now valued at an impressive $100 million."
Host 1:"That's quite the substantial figure! And pray, who are the benefactors of this impressive investment?"
Host 2:"An impressive lineup indeed, wouldn't you agree? ICONIQ Capital, Motier Ventures, Databricks Ventures, and HuggingFund by Factorial – quite the distinguished gathering of investors, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:Absolutely splendid! For our esteemed listeners seeking to stay abreast of the latest in AI startup funding and more within the VC community, do ensure to subscribe to our esteemed publication, "Inside Venture Capital." And do bear in mind, it's not merely about the financial aspect, but rather the ingenuity and the profound impact these startups can impart on our daily lives.

EU lawmakers approve world's first major AI regulations [EN]
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