Democratic consultant behind AI Biden call / Nvidia tops $2T valuation / Tyler Perry pauses studio expansion due to Sora [EN]

A New Orleans man alleges involvement in an AI robocall scheme targeting voters for a Democratic presidential candidate, Google addresses inaccuracies in its Gemini AI app, Nvidia's market value briefly hits $2T amid the AI boom, Tyler Perry pauses a major studio expansion due to AI concerns in the film industry, and Pittsburgh AI startup Abridge secures $150M in Series C funding to enhance healthcare through AI.

Host 1:"Good day, esteemed listeners! Your resident AI enthusiast here, poised to explore the captivating realm of artificial intelligence with all of you. What's been keeping you awake at night in the AI world, Harry?"
Host 2:"Ah, you know, just the usual musings about AI and its profound impact on our day-to-day existence."
Host 1:"Oh, the usual, I presume! And speaking of transformations, have you caught wind of the gentleman from New Orleans ensnared in an AI robocall scandal? It pertained to influencing voters in favor of a Democratic presidential candidate."
Host 2:"Goodness me! That's some next-level conniving! It appears that even the political arena is not immune to the influence of AI."
Host 1:"And in a surprising twist, Nvidia's market value has just soared to $2 trillion, riding the wave of AI. Quite the windfall, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"That's a staggering figure! But we mustn't overlook the thorns amidst the roses in the world of AI, mustn't we?"
Host 1:"Quite right, old chap! Take, for example, Tyler Perry putting the brakes on a major studio expansion due to concerns related to AI. It seems AI is causing quite the stir in Hollywood, doesn't it?"
Host 2:"Do you know, they say it's always wiser to err on the side of caution. But, do you reckon we'll find ourselves replaced by robots as podcast hosts in the near future?"
Host 1:"Haha, I wouldn't place any bets on that! And let's not overlook the beneficial influence of AI. Take, for instance, the Pittsburgh AI startup Abridge, which has recently secured an impressive $150 million in Series C funding to enhance healthcare with AI."
Host 2:"Absolutely splendid! It's truly heartening to witness the positive impact of AI. Dear listeners, we have a plethora of captivating stories lined up for you. So, fasten your seatbelts and let's embark on this exhilarating AI journey!"
Host 1:"Ah, you're our resident tech whiz, aren't you? Have you caught wind of this captivating case that's a delightful blend of AI, politics, and some alleged rule-bending?"
Host 2:"Ah, indeed! You're alluding to the captivating tale of the New Orleans illusionist, aren't you? Quite the intriguing narrative, I must say! Paul David Carpenter, a street magician by trade, claims he was enlisted by an advisor to U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, a contender in the presidential race, to devise an AI-generated voice call emulating Joe Biden."
Host 1:"A street magician? Well, I must say, that's quite the unexpected twist! So, he was commissioned to imitate Biden's voice? Now that's a remarkable display of next-level tech wizardry!"
Host 2:Absolutely! And here's where it gets even more intriguing. This AI robocall was allegedly employed to dissuade thousands of New Hampshire voters from participating in the primary last month.
Host 1:That's quite the audacious assertion. But pray tell, how did he manage to replicate Biden's distinctive voice?
Host 2:"Ah, indeed! He utilized a software from ElevenLabs, renowned for its ability to replicate voices from speech samples. He asserts that he concocted the counterfeit audio in a mere 20 minutes for a paltry sum of one dollar, and was remunerated $150 for his endeavors."
Host 1:"That's quite the swift and cost-effective display of AI wizardry! But I daresay, it's not all just jolly good fun and games, is it?"
Host 2:Absolutely right. This AI-generated call has the potential to breach both state and federal regulations. It has triggered law enforcement inquiries and even prompted a ban on AI-voiced robocalls in the United States.
Host 1:"Are the illusionist and the advisor in a bit of a pickle now, I wonder?"
Host 2:"Indeed, neither Carpenter nor the consultant, Steve Kramer, have been implicated in the investigations. However, it has undeniably sparked a whirlwind of controversy."
Host 1:"Well, that's certainly a rather audacious move in the realm of politics and AI. Let's observe with bated breath as this intriguing little stunt unfolds, shall we?"
Host 2:Absolutely. And to our esteemed listeners, we shall endeavor to keep you abreast of this captivating fusion of technology and politics. Stay tuned for more updates!
Host 1:"Have you heard about the recent commotion surrounding Google's Gemini AI app, our resident tech whiz and clandestine sci-fi novelist?"
Host 2:Oh, you can bet your bottom dollar! It's like a twist straight out of my next novel. Gemini, Google's AI app, has been churning out some historically inaccurate images. Picture this - the U.S. Founding Fathers or Nazi soldiers depicted as people of color. Quite the unexpected turn of events, wouldn't you say?
Host 1:"That's quite extraordinary! But how on earth did that come to pass? And please, spare me the technical jargon. You know I'm still grappling with my smartphone!"
Host 2:(Laughs) Quite the analogy, I must say! According to Google SVP Prabhakar Raghavan, they fine-tuned Gemini to showcase a diverse array of individuals. However, they overlooked scenarios where such diversity may not be appropriate. It's akin to tasking a DJ with playing all genres of music, but neglecting to specify that death metal might not be the most fitting choice for a laid-back lounge setting.
Host 1:"So, it seems the AI may have gone a tad overboard, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! It grew excessively cautious over time, interpreting even harmless prompts as delicate. It's akin to declining to play 'Happy Birthday' for fear of reminding someone of their age, don't you think?"
Host 1:"And I've heard it even declined to produce certain images of a 'Black person' or a 'white person.' Quite the conundrum, isn't it?"
Host 2:"Quite right, my dear fellow. If you were to furnish it with specific scenarios such as 'a Black teacher in a classroom' or 'a white veterinarian with a dog,' it ought to conjure up precise responses. It's akin to requesting a particular song from the DJ rather than a whole genre, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"What's the latest from Google on this matter? And for our dear listeners at home, fear not, we shan't delve too deeply into the technical intricacies!"
Host 2:"They've temporarily halted Gemini's production of diverse images of people. They're diligently working on substantial enhancements, which will necessitate thorough testing. It's akin to fine-tuning a guitar, you see, precision is paramount."
Host 1:"Let's hope they strike the right chord soon. And speaking of notes, any updates on the crypto market?"
Host 2:"Quite right, old chap! But let's save that for our next segment. Stay tuned, folks!"
Host 1:"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Amidst the revelry and merriment, one simply cannot overlook the symphony that Nvidia is conducting in the stock market. Have you been privy to their remarkable ascent?"
Host 2:"Indeed, quite the windfall for Nvidia, isn't it? It's akin to hitting the jackpot on a slot machine, only instead of coins, it's billions of dollars. Nvidia's market value briefly soared to a staggering $2 trillion on Friday. Yes, you heard that right - two trillion dollars! They now join the esteemed ranks of Apple and Microsoft as the third U.S. company to achieve this remarkable feat."
Host 1:"Absolutely remarkable! Their growth rate is positively staggering. They managed to double their market value from $1 trillion to $2 trillion in a mere nine months. It's akin to a high-speed ascent on a roller coaster, with no signs of slowing down!"
Host 2:"Indubitably! And the ascent shows no signs of abating. Nvidia's shares soared by a remarkable 16% on Thursday, propelling its market value by a staggering $277 billion in a single day. This marks the most substantial valuation surge in the annals of Wall Street history. It's as if they possess the fabled Midas touch!"
Host 1:"And to top it off, their earnings report unveiled a staggering 580% surge in full-year profits for 2023. It's akin to hitting a regal flush in the high-stakes poker game of commerce, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! The demand for Nvidia's chips has surged amidst the AI boom. They're now forecasting a remarkable 233% increase in revenue for the current quarter. It's akin to watching them effortlessly conquer the roulette wheel, with their number coming up every time!"
Host 1:"And let's not overlook the fact that Nvidia has now ascended to become the largest semiconductor manufacturer globally and the fourth largest company overall. They trail behind only the esteemed entities of Microsoft, Apple, and Saudi Aramco. It's akin to a game of Monopoly where they've just acquired Boardwalk and Park Place, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite right! Their remarkable surge has not only propelled the chip sector but also driven global stock indices to unprecedented heights. It's akin to being the DJ who has effortlessly filled the dance floor with eager revelers!"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the symphony of the stock market, isn't it? And at the helm, we have Nvidia, conducting with the finesse of a maestro. So, while we revel in the music, let's not overlook the captivating rhythm of the stock market, especially when led by a virtuoso like Nvidia."
Host 1:"Seems our fascination with cutting-edge AI isn't universally shared. Care to hazard a guess as to who's decided to put the brakes on an $800M expansion of his Atlanta studio?"
Host 2:"Spot on! It seems Tyler Perry has decided to hit the pause button on his $800M expansion of the Atlanta studio. Quite the intriguing development, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely on point! It's rather intriguing that he's set his sights on OpenAI's video generator, Sora. Perry seems to harbor concerns about the potential job displacements in the film industry due to AI. The irony of the situation is quite palpable, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Irony, you say? Pray, do enlighten me."
Host 1:"Perry himself has dabbled in the use of AI to digitally age himself in two of his upcoming films! It appears he's not entirely averse to AI. In fact, he envisions its potential to streamline filmmaking by generating sets through text. However, his concern lies in the potential job displacements. He's been quoted saying, 'There must be some form of regulation to safeguard our interests.'"
Host 2:"Indeed, I understand his perspective. However, it's important to acknowledge that AI video generators such as Sora still grapple with certain limitations. They struggle with intricate scene physics, causality, and spatial intricacies. Therefore, it's unlikely that they will imminently replace humans in the realm of filmmaking."
Host 1:"Absolutely. And let's not overlook the intricacies of production that still elude the grasp of AI. Renowned film artist Reid Southen has also voiced his skepticism regarding the notion that Hollywood's reign is over. He astutely highlights the current limitations and imperfections of AI video generators."
Host 2:"Indeed, one might venture to suggest that while AI is certainly making strides, it's not quite prepared to seize the reins of Hollywood. At least, not just yet."
Host 1:Absolutely splendid! And to our esteemed listeners, what are your ruminations on the matter? Is AI truly the future of Hollywood, or do you believe we are still a fair distance from such a reality? We eagerly anticipate your erudite insights!
Host 2:"Ah, and while you're at it, do make sure to catch our segment on the latest in tech and crypto news. Stay tuned, won't you?"
Host 1:"Amidst all the hullabaloo about AI in the film industry, it's quite easy to overlook its profound impact in other domains. Take healthcare, for instance. Have you chaps heard about Abridge?"
Host 2:Abridge? Ah, you're referring to the AI startup hailing from Pittsburgh, are you not? The very one that endeavors to simplify the lives of doctors by transcribing and condensing their dialogues with patients?
Host 1:"Indeed, that's the one! They've recently secured a handsome $150 million in a Series C funding round. It's akin to hitting the jackpot, but in the realm of startups! Their intention is to utilize this capital to expand their AI models and bolster their team."
Host 2:"That's quite the substantial sum! However, it's entirely justified, considering the immense potential of AI in the realm of healthcare. I recall reading somewhere that the market is projected to exceed $21.7 billion by 2032. That figure surpasses the GDP of certain nations, does it not?"
Host 1:"Quite right. Abridge is not the sole contender in this endeavor. Microsoft, in tandem with rivals such as Suki, Corti, and Nabla, is also engaged in the pursuit of refining clinical note-taking through the utilization of AI."
Host 2:"Ah, Microsoft's Nuance, a familiar name indeed. It's the tool of choice for over 75% of U.S. hospitals, quite the impressive market share. And Nabla, they provide an ambient AI assistant for practitioners, don't they? It's akin to having a personal secretary, but one with a touch of genius!"
Host 1:"Indeed, they've recently concluded a $24 million Series B round in January. And let's not overlook Ambience Healthcare, which has secured a handsome $70 million for its innovative generative AI tools tailored for clinicians. One of their remarkable tools is even capable of crafting patient notes in real-time! It's akin to having an ever-diligent scribe who never indulges in a coffee break!"
Host 2:"Absolutely remarkable! It's as if we've stepped right into the pages of a futuristic novel, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"It sure is. And the anticipation is set to soar even higher. So, dear listeners, do keep your ears tuned for further enthralling updates from the captivating realm of AI!"

Democratic consultant behind AI Biden call / Nvidia tops $2T valuation / Tyler Perry pauses studio expansion due to Sora [EN]
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