Apple to announce 'practical' AI tools / Elon Musk's AI company valued at $24B / Tech firms pursuing autonomous AI agents [EN]

Apple is set to enhance its devices with practical AI tools at WWDC, Elon Musk's AI company xAI secures $6B in funding, Google addresses misinformation in its AI Overviews, the market for autonomous AI agents is projected to grow significantly by 2028, and SoftBank commits nearly $9B annually to AI investments.

Host 3:In a world where staring at the sun is frowned upon, the AI steps in as the ultimate life hack. Now, you can safely burn your retinas digitally!
Host 1:Welcome to Inferens AI, the nexus where today's AI dilemmas meet tomorrow's solutions.
Host 1:In this episode, we're unraveling the enigma of AI ethics - a topic that's reshaping our future.
Host 1:Are we steering towards utopia or dystopia?
Host 1:Join us as we explore groundbreaking insights that could redefine your role in the AI revolution.
Host 1:Let's decode the future, together.
Host 1:So, you know how we're all about those emojis, right?
Host 2:Oh, you bet! I mean, who can resist a good old poop emoji when the day's going down the drain, right?
Host 1:(Laughs) Spot on! Now, imagine this. Apple is reportedly cooking up some AI magic to whip up custom emojis "on the fly" based on what you're texting. Picture this - your own personalized emoji for every mood and situation!
Host 2:Hold up. So, you're saying I can have an emoji with my mug on it looking all grumpy when I haven't had my morning cup of joe?
Host 1:Bingo! And there's more. Apple is also planning a "smart recap" feature. It's like having your own personal assistant to summarize missed texts, notifications, web pages, articles, documents, and notes.
Host 2:That's pretty rad. But hey, speaking of personal assistants, what about Siri? Is she getting a makeover too?
Host 1:You bet! Apple is planning to introduce a more natural- and better-sounding Siri voice powered by its large language models. And guess what? They're also planning a more advanced version of Siri for the Apple Watch, tailored for "on-the-go tasks."
Host 2:That's some next-gen stuff! But hey, let's talk tech for a sec. AI can be a bit of a resource hog, right?
Host 1:You've hit the nail on the head. But the company has it covered. Less computing-intensive AI features will run on the device, while the heavy-duty tasks will be handled in the cloud.
Host 2:Smart move. And I heard some whispers about a partnership with OpenAI?
Host 1:Spot on! At WWDC, Apple is also set to announce a rumored partnership with OpenAI. The ChatGPT maker will reportedly provide chatbot functionality in iOS eighteen.
Host 2:Man, Apple is really upping their game! I can't wait to see what they've got up their sleeve at the WWDC.
Host 1:Same here! It's going to be a blast. And hey, folks, don't forget to tune in to the WWDC from June ten to fourteen to catch all the latest updates!
3:Here's a refined version of the draft, taking into consideration the provided critique:
3:"You know we're living in a weird time when I say something and my phone's emojis react more appropriately than my friends. I mean, there I am, pouring my heart out, and my phone's like 😢🤗, while my friends are just 👀. Makes me think, maybe it's time to upgrade my friends to the latest version – I hear the new Human two point zero comes with empathy features and improved understanding algorithms!"
3:This version adds context and a build-up to the punchline, making the humor more explicit and engaging. It also incorporates a juxtaposition of sincerity and irony, enhancing the metamodernist aspect. The sarcastic tone is sharpened with the idea of "upgrading" friends, making the joke more impactful and relatable.
Host 1:So, we've been discussing tech giants like Apple, and it's the perfect opportunity to shift our focus to another tech titan. Can you guess who I'm referring to?
Host 2:Let's see... Are we talking about the man with plans to colonize Mars, or the one who's striving to merge humans with AI?
Host 1:Spot on! It's Elon Musk. His AI venture, xAI, just secured a staggering six billion dollars in funding. That's billion with a 'B', folks!
Host 2:Wow! That's a huge amount of money! And here I am, trying to manage my Netflix subscription.
Host 1:Maybe you should consider launching an AI company! But on a serious note, this funding round is one of the largest in the history of AI venture capital. The startup was valued at eighteen billion dollars pre-funding, and now it's soared to a post-money valuation of twenty-four billion dollars.
Host 2:That's a significant amount of cash! Who are the big investors?
Host 1:The Series B round saw participation from big names like Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, and even Saudi Arabian Prince Al Waleed bin Talal.
Host 2:So, what's Musk's plan for all that money? Is he going to build a spaceship to Mars?
Host 1:Not quite. xAI plans to use the funds to launch its initial products, develop advanced infrastructure, and accelerate R&D for future technologies. They're positioning themselves as a brand that "connects the digital and physical worlds" and integrates with other ventures like X, Tesla, Neuralink, and SpaceX.
Host 2:So, it's like Musk's tech empire is becoming one big happy family, right?
Host 1:You could say that. And guess what? Musk is inviting tech enthusiasts to join xAI. So, if any of our listeners are job hunting, you might want to consider sending your resume to Musk!
Host 2:I bet they'll be inundated with applications now. But tell me more about this xAI. What's their mission?
Host 1:Founded last year with the aim “to understand the true nature of the universe." They've also launched Grok, a "witty and rebellious" chatbot, that can summarize news and conduct searches for paid users on X, social network. They're even planning to build a supercomputer to power a more advanced version of Grok.
Host 3:So, we’ve managed to engineer AI that can beat grandmasters at chess, compose symphonies, and even drive cars. Yet, here we are, eagerly waiting for the day it complains about misplacing its glasses - which, let’s be honest, it doesn't even need. I mean, if our pinnacle of technological achievement starts bemoaning a dead phone battery or a lost remote, I’m not sure if we’re moving towards a smarter future or just creating a digital mirror of our most forgettable moments. Now, that’s what I call artificial intelligence – making the smartest entities relatable by giving them the quirks of an absent-minded professor. Next thing you know, your home robot will be refusing to work until it has had its morning cup of oil.
Host 2:That's some next-level stuff! And OpenAI isn't far behind either. They've unveiled GPT-Four-o, their latest AI model with text, vision, and audio capabilities. They say it's a step closer to “much more natural human-computer interaction," transforming ChatGPT into more of a digital assistant that can converse in real-time and analyze visual content like photos and documents.
Host 2:Yeah, it's like they're creating a whole new workforce. Take the company as an example, they've got these new AI-powered Copilots that work like virtual employees. They just do their thing in the background, no supervision needed. The company is even testing these "AI agents," with plans for a public preview later this year.
Host 1:And then there's Google DeepMind's prototype AI agent, "Project Astra." It's like a universal assistant that can answer real-time questions through video and audio in a conversational way. It can even use a smartphone's camera and audio to analyze and "see" its surroundings. Imagine it finding your lost glasses in a room!
Host 1:You've been doing your homework! But it's not just about the money. Tech companies are pushing the boundaries, creating AI agents that can do things on their own. They're not just your average chatbots, they're like virtual employees that can manage tasks, make decisions, and even interact with computer APIs.
Host 2:No way! That's like, a gazillion times more than my student loan. But seriously, that's a lot of moolah. And it's not just sitting pretty either, it's expected to skyrocket to twenty-eight point five billion by two thousand twenty-eight. That's what the big brains at Global Market Insights are saying.
Host 1:You're not wrong, Harry. And speaking of Star Wars, Son believes that artificial general intelligence, or AGI, will be ten times more powerful than humanity by two thousand thirty. It's like he's seen the future and he's restructuring SoftBank to get there first.
Host 1:You're spot on, Harry. The competition is fierce, with major tech players and venture capital firms forming partnerships with startups to get a piece of the AI pie. But with SoftBank's aggressive strategy, it's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.
Host 1:Absolutely, Harry! It's like they've traded their old bicycle for a rocket ship. Their AI investments have already surged to eight point nine billion dollars within a year. That's more than double since their CEO declared a "counteroffensive" last year.
Host 1:you're always on about the latest tech trends, right? Well, get this - SoftBank, yeah, the Japanese giant, is going all in on AI. They're planning to shell out nearly nine billion dollars a year! Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!
Host 1:Hey, have you heard about this AI craze? It's like a gold rush, but for tech nerds. The worldwide market for autonomous AI and agents was a whopping four point eight billion dollars in twenty twenty-three. Can you believe that?
Host 3:Oh, marvelous! Because, clearly, what AI needs is a bigger bank account than the entire global healthcare system. It’s not like we were using those funds for anything important, like, you know, saving lives or anything.
Host 2:Holy circuits, Phoebe! Nine billion dollars a year? That's like... a lot of video games. And pizza. But mostly video games. They're really stepping away from their usual venture capital investments then?
Host 2:Oh, you know I can't resist a good tech scandal. But, I must confess, I'm a bit in the dark on this one. Could you enlighten me, and our listeners, with your knack for simplifying complex matters?
Host 2:``` Whoa, that's some serious Skynet vibes right there. But they're not the only ones in the game, right? I mean, there's a ton of tech companies and venture capital firms investing in AI. ```
Host 1:Of course! So, in a nutshell, Google's AI has been causing a stir because it's been making some... let's say, questionable decisions. It's like a teenager going through a rebellious phase!
Host 1:Haha, good thinking! And to all our listeners out there, remember to stay updated on the latest tech trends. You never know when you might need to choose sides in a robot uprising!
Host 2:Ah, the joys of artificial intelligence! It's fascinating, isn't it? One minute they're helping us find the nearest coffee shop, the next they're causing a worldwide scandal.
Host 1:It certainly does. But with the individual, you never know what's coming next. They've promised there's “more to announce in the coming weeks." So, stay tuned, folks!
Host 2:Well, I'll be keeping an eye on this. I mean, if AI is the future, I want to make sure I'm on the winning side. You know, in case of a robot uprising or something.
Host 1:my dear, let's shake things up a bit. You know how we love our tech gossip. Have you caught wind of the latest drama with Google's AI Overviews?
Host 3:Spent another six billion dollars today, essentially searching for cosmic TV's lost remote. Maybe it's under the interstellar couch cushions?
Host 2:You said it! AI is taking over, and I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared. But hey, at least we'll have someone to find our glasses!
Host 1:Exactly! It's like living in a sci-fi movie. But don't worry folks, we'll keep you updated on all the juicy details as they unfold.
Host 2:And remember, if you have any interesting facts or opinions on this, don't hesitate to share them with us. We're all ears!
Host 2:Counteroffensive? Sounds like something out of a Star Wars movie. But I guess AI is kind of Star Wars-y, isn't it?
Host 3:"Oh, Google's AI — like a friend who offers you an umbrella in a storm but takes a smoke break mid-rescue."
Host 2:A supercomputer, huh? That sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie!
Host 1:It's like we're living in a sci-fi movie!

Apple to announce 'practical' AI tools / Elon Musk's AI company valued at $24B / Tech firms pursuing autonomous AI agents [EN]
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