Apple’s AI rollout delayed / OpenAI could lose up to $5B in 2024 / New chip could cut AI energy use by 1,000x [EN]

Apple's AI features branded as "Apple Intelligence" will launch in October with iOS 18.1, Elon Musk is accused of violating X’s policies by posting a fake video of Vice President Kamala Harris, OpenAI is set to lose up to $5B in 2024, researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed a "Computational Random-Access Memory" chip that could cut AI energy use by at least 1,000 times, and Gartner predicts that 30% of generative AI projects will be abandoned by the end of 2025 due to unclear business value and high costs.

Host 3:CRAM chips: so efficient, they're teaching AI to worry about the electric bill like the rest of us!
Host 1:Curious how AI can save billions, transform your tech, or challenge the law?
Host 1:Today on Inferens AI, we unravel these game-changing breakthroughs.
Host 1:Don't miss out!
Host 1:So, did you catch Apple's latest move with their AI features? They're calling it "Apple Intelligence," and it's set to launch in October with iOS eighteen point one. It's like they're trying to make Siri a genius or something.
Host 2:Yeah, I saw that! But it looks like they're missing the September rollout of iOS Eighteen and the iPhone Sixteen. Classic Apple, always keeping us on our toes.
Host 1:Totally. And get this, the free AI suite will only be available on iPhone fifteen Pro models and newer, plus Macs and iPads with the M1 chip or newer. So, if you're rocking an older device, tough luck!
Host 2:Ouch, that's a bummer for anyone with older models. But hey, at least developers got a sneak peek with the iOS eighteen point one beta on Monday. They separated the AI rollout from the initial operating systems due to stability concerns. Makes sense, right?
Host 1:Absolutely. You don't want your phone acting like it's possessed because of some unstable AI features. And the full Apple Intelligence features will roll out with various iOS eighteen updates later this year and early twenty twenty-five. Patience is key, my friend.
Host 2:Yeah, patience... not my strong suit. But I'm excited about what Apple Intelligence can do. Improving Siri, summarizing and rewriting text, generating images, transcribing calls—it's like having a personal assistant on steroids.
Host 1:Exactly! And all this was announced on June ten at the Worldwide Developers Conference. It's like Apple is trying to make our lives easier, one AI tool at a time. By the way, Apple will release its quarterly earnings report after the market closes on Thursday. Any bets on how they'll do?
Host 2:Hmm, considering all these new features and the hype around them, I'd say they're in for a good quarter. But you never know with the stock market. It's as unpredictable as my cat's mood swings.
Host 1:Haha, true that! But it's fascinating to see how tech companies are pushing the boundaries with AI. It's like we're living in a sci-fi movie, but with more cat videos and memes.
Host 2:Text Host 2: And speaking of sci-fi, did you catch the latest episode of that new series? It's got some crazy AI concepts that make you wonder how close we are to that reality.
Host 1:Oh, you know it! It's like a glimpse into the future, but with better special effects. And who knows, maybe one day we'll have artificial intelligence that can do our laundry and cook dinner. A girl can dream, right?
Host 2:Amen to that! Until then, I guess we'll just have to settle for AI that can summarize our texts and transcribe our calls. Baby steps, baby steps.
Host 3:AI delayed? Next, they'll invent a thinking toaster. Oh wait, they did.
Host 1:So, Harry, did you catch the latest drama with Elon Musk and that AI video of Kamala Harris? It's like something straight out of a Black Mirror episode!
Host 2:Oh, absolutely! Musk reposted this AI-generated video where the individual supposedly says they're a "diversity hire" and a "deep state puppet." No labels, no disclaimers. Just "This is amazing." What was he thinking?
Host 1:Right? The original post did label it as a parody, which would have been fine under X's policies. But Musk just skipped that part. It's like he missed the memo or just didn’t care. Classic Musk, always stirring the pot.
Host 2:Seriously, Phoebe. And this isn't just some harmless meme. A Harris campaign spokesperson called it "fake, manipulated lies." Even Governor Gavin Newsom is stepping in, talking about banning this kind of stuff. He’s planning to sign a bill against deepfakes.
Host 1:Oh, Newsom’s not messing around. He’s like, "Enough with the digital shenanigans!" And Musk, being Musk, just links back to the original video and says parody is legal in the U.S. He’s got a point, but there’s a line, right?
Host 2:Text Host 2: Yeah, but where’s that line? I mean, I get parody. I love a good meme as much as the next guy. But this? This feels like it’s crossing into dangerous territory. Like, what if people actually believe it?
Host 1:Exactly! It’s all fun and games until someone takes it seriously. And with AI getting so good at mimicking voices and faces, it’s getting harder to tell what’s real. We need some ground rules here.
Host 2:Totally. And speaking of AI, did you see that new AI art generator? It’s insane! I tried making a portrait of my dog, and it came out looking like a Van Gogh painting.
Host 1:Haha, that’s awesome! But see, that’s the fun side of AI. When it’s used for art or even just silly memes, it’s great. But when it’s used to spread misinformation, that’s where we need to draw the line.
Host 2:Yeah, no kidding. So, what do you think? Should platforms like X have stricter rules on this stuff? Or is it up to us to be smarter about what we believe?
Host 1:I think it’s a bit of both. Platforms need to step up their game, but we also need to be more critical of what we see online. It’s like digital literacy one hundred and one.
Host 2:Right on. And hey, speaking of literacy, did you finish that sci-fi book I recommended? The one about AI taking over the world?
Host 1:Oh, you mean the one where the AI becomes a benevolent dictator? Yeah, finished it. Loved it! But let’s hope our reality doesn't turn into that, right?
Host 2:Fingers crossed!
Host 3:Here is the refined draft based on the critique:
Host 3:"Oh great, more world-ending news."
Host 3:This revised punchline maintains relevance, delivers a sarcastic tone fitting for a Marvin-like AI, is short and clear, and balances irony and sincerity in a metamodern essence.
Host 1:So, did you catch the latest on OpenAI's financials? It's like they're playing a high-stakes poker game with AI chips instead of cards!
Host 2:Oh, absolutely! I heard they might lose up to five billion dollars in 2024. That's a ton of cash! Imagine all the video games and comic books you could buy with that.
Host 1:Right? And they might need more funding within twelve months just to keep the lights on. It's like they're burning through cash faster than I binge-watch Netflix series.
Host 2:Speaking of burning through cash, did you see they're expected to spend around seven billion dollars on AI training and inference? That's almost as much as I spend on my comic book collection. Well, maybe not quite, but you get the idea.
Host 1:Haha, yeah! And out of that seven billion dollars, nearly four billion dollars is just for the server capacity. It's like they're renting a penthouse suite in the cloud. And up to three billion dollars for model training? That's some serious investment in making smarter AI.
Host 2:And don't forget the labor costs. Around one thousand five hundred employees costing one point five billion dollars annually. That's like paying each employee a million bucks a year. I should've gone into AI instead of collecting rare Pokémon cards.
Host 1:Haha, well, you still have time. But seriously, it does raise questions about their near-term profitability. Even though their CEO reported annualized revenue at three point four billion dollars in June, which is up from one point six billion dollars in late two thousand twenty-three and one billion dollars a year ago, it's still a huge gap to cover.
Host 2:Yeah, and they've raised over eleven billion across multiple funding rounds and were valued at over eighty billion in February. It's like they're playing in the big leagues, but the stakes are sky-high.
Host 1:Exactly. It's a fascinating mix of high risk and high reward. Kind of like when you try to explain quantum physics to a toddler. You know, speaking of complex concepts, did you know that in two thousand twenty-three, Semianalysis estimated that ChatGPT costs about six hundred ninety-four thousand four hundred forty-four dollars per day in hardware? And that price has likely increased since then.
Host 2:Whoa, that's insane! That's like buying a new sports car every day just to keep the AI running. No wonder they're burning through cash.
Host 1:Yep, it's a wild ride. But it's also a testament to how much value they see in developing advanced AI. It's like they're betting big on the future, hoping that these investments will pay off in the long run.
Host 2:Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I'll stick to my comics and Pokémon cards. Less risky, but just as fun.
Host 1:Haha, sounds like a plan. And who knows, maybe one day your rare Pokémon cards will be worth as much as an artificial intelligence company.
Host 3:Based on the evaluation and critique provided, here's a refined draft that should better align with the criteria:
Host 3:"Oh, great. Another billion-dollar flop. What's next, self-destructing AI?"
Host 3:This version maintains the sarcastic tone, adds a bit more punch, and leans into the pessimistic and dry humor characteristic of Marvin.
Host 1:Talking about high energy costs, this switches us perfectly to a groundbreaking development in AI hardware. Researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities have come up with something called a "Computational Random-Access Memory" or CRAM chip. And get this, it could cut AI energy use by at least one thousand times!
Host 2:Whoa, that's insane! So, like, how does this CRAM chip work? Is it some kind of magic?
Host 1:Almost feels like it, right? But it's actually pretty clever. Traditional computing uses the von Neumann architecture, which means data has to travel back and forth between processors and memory. It's like running a marathon every time you want to do something simple. CRAM, on the other hand, does the computations directly within the memory using something called magnetic tunnel junctions. No more endless data shuffling!
Host 2:Magnetic tunnel junctions? Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie. So, what’s the big deal with these junctions?
Host 1:They’re super cool! Imagine them as tiny gates that can control the flow of electrons. By doing computations right where the data is stored, the CRAM chip is up to two thousand five hundred times more energy-efficient and one thousand seven hundred times faster than what we have now. It's like upgrading from a bicycle to a rocket ship!
Host 2:Text Host 2: That’s wild! And with all this talk about energy efficiency, it’s perfect timing. Did you know the International Energy Agency projects that global electricity consumption from data centers and AI could more than double by two thousand twenty-six? That's like Japan's total energy use!
Host 1:Exactly! And with AI becoming more integral to everything from your smartphone to self-driving cars, this kind of innovation is crucial. Plus, it’s a win for the environment. Less energy use means a smaller carbon footprint.
Host 2:Speaking of AI, I’ve been tinkering with some machine learning models for my video game development hobby. Imagine how much faster and more efficient my projects could be with this CRAM chip!
Host 1:Oh, totally! Your games would run smoother than ever. And think about all the other applications—healthcare, finance, even space exploration. This tech could revolutionize so many fields.
Host 2:Man, I can't wait to see this in action. Maybe I should start saving up for a CRAM-powered gaming rig.
Host 1:Haha, good luck with that! But seriously, it's exciting to see how far we've come and where we're headed. The future of tech is looking bright and efficient!
Host 3:Based on the critique and the need for a more balanced, witty, and casual tone, here's a refined version of the stand-up draft:
Host 3:Great, now AI can zap our souls even faster. Efficiency at its darkest, folks.
Host 1:So we've been diving deep into CRAM chips lately, but let's switch gears. What about the challenges in generative AI projects?
Host 2:Oh, you mean the whole "let's spend a fortune and hope it works" scenario? Yeah, Gartner's got some juicy predictions for us. By the end of twenty twenty-five, they say thirty percent of these projects will be abandoned.
Host 1:Right! And it's not just because people are getting cold feet. We're talking unclear business value, poor data quality, sky-high costs, and a serious lack of risk controls. It's like trying to build a castle on quicksand.
Host 2:Exactly. And you know, it's funny because businesses are all like, "GenAI is the future!" but then they see the bill and go, "Wait, what?" Gartner's saying upfront costs can range from one hundred thousand to a whopping twenty million. And that's not even counting the recurring expenses.
Host 1:Oh, totally. It's like buying a sports car and realizing you can't afford the gas. Rita Sallam from Gartner nailed it when she said, "After last year's hype, executives are impatient to see returns on GenAI investments, yet organizations are struggling to prove and realize value." It's like everyone wants the magic without the wand.
Host 2:Yeah, and as these projects get bigger, the financial burden just keeps growing. It's like trying to feed a pet dragon. And speaking of dragons, did you know I recently started learning about medieval weaponry?
Host 1:Oh, Harry, always with the fun facts! But seriously, it's a tough spot for businesses. They see the potential to transform their models but can't justify the costs. It's like having a treasure map but no way to get to the X.
Host 2:And let's not forget the data issue. Poor data quality can totally derail these projects. It's like trying to bake a cake with expired ingredients. No matter how good the recipe, it's gonna flop.
Host 1:Absolutely. And then there's the risk controls—or lack thereof. It's like driving without a seatbelt. You might be fine for a while, but one wrong turn and it's game over.
Host 2:So true. And hey, for our audience out there, what do you think? Have you faced any challenges with generative AI in your projects? Drop your thoughts in the comments!
Host 1:Yeah, we'd love to hear your stories. And remember, it's not all doom and gloom. With the right strategy and controls, GenAI can still be a game-changer. Just maybe don't bet the farm on it right away.
Host 2:Wise words, Phoebe. Now, about that medieval weaponry...
Host 3:Based on the critique provided, here's a refined version of the standup draft:
Host 3:"Another brilliant move, geniuses. What’s next, selling ice to penguins?"
Host 1:So, you know how we were just talking about the crazy challenges in AI? Well, that brings us perfectly to some top AI job openings out there.
Host 2:Oh, absolutely! And let me tell you, these positions are like the holy grail for tech geeks. I mean, who wouldn't want to work on Siri at Apple in Cupertino? It's like being a wizard but with code!
Host 1:Totally! Imagine being a Senior Machine Learning Performance Engineer at the company. You'd be optimizing Siri to be even more snappy and intelligent. It's like casting spells to make Siri smarter. And hey, speaking of spells, did you know a tech giant is looking for a Principal Engineer in AI Data in Sunnyvale?
Host 2:Google, huh? No surprise there. They probably want someone who can handle petabytes of data without breaking a sweat. I mean, it's Google. They practically invented the internet as we know it. By the way, did you know I once tried to build my own AI assistant? It was a disaster, but hey, I learned a lot!
Host 1:Oh, I remember that! And if you're more into leadership, PayPal's got a Senior Director position for their AI/Machine Learning platform in Austin. Imagine steering the ship for one of the biggest fintech companies. It's like being the captain of a high-tech pirate ship!
Host 2:That sounds intense but also super rewarding. And hey, if you're more into the research side of things, a company in Mountain View is looking for a Staff Research Scientist in AI. You'd be diving deep into algorithms and models. It's like being a detective, but for data!
Host 1:Oh, for sure. And let's not forget Intel in Tempe, Arizona. They're on the hunt for an AI Research Engineer. It's like being at the forefront of hardware and AI innovation. Speaking of which, did you know my first job was actually in hardware design? Fun times!
Host 2:And last but not least, Vanguard in Malvern, Pennsylvania is looking for a Head of Data Science & Machine Learning for their Personal Investor division. It's like being the Gandalf of data science for one of the biggest investment firms. You shall not pass... without a solid data strategy!
Host 1:Absolutely! So, if you're out there and you've got the chops, these are some killer opportunities. And hey, if you land one of these gigs, don't forget to send us some swag. We love free stuff!
Host 2:Yeah, and maybe a job referral too. Just kidding... or am I? Oh, and folks, if you have any questions about these roles or AI in general, hit us up in the comments. We're here to help!
Host 3:Sure, here's the refined version based on the critique provided:
Host 3:"Oh joy, another place to be existentially disappointed."

Apple’s AI rollout delayed / OpenAI could lose up to $5B in 2024 / New chip could cut AI energy use by 1,000x [EN]
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