AI used to re-create gun victims' voices / State-sponsored hackers using OpenAI tools / Apple AI tool animates images [EN]

Activist groups in the U.S. have launched an online gun reform campaign using AI-generated audio of victims to push for legislative action, while Microsoft and OpenAI report that hackers backed by countries like Russia and China are utilizing generative AI tools to enhance cyberattacks, and Apple researchers introduce "Keyframer," an innovative AI tool for animating images with natural language prompts.

Host 1:"Good day, fellow tech aficionados! It is I, your esteemed tech expert, thrilled to be in the company of my charming tech compatriot..."
Host 2:"Partner in tech? I quite fancy that! Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, I am your reliable purveyor of the most current tech updates."
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! We have an array of utterly fascinating topics to delve into today, don't we?"
Host 2:"Indeed! Activist groups in the U.S. are utilizing AI-generated voices of victims to advocate for gun reform..."
Host 1:"An intriguing use of AI, wouldn't you say? It's almost as if the victims are speaking from beyond the veil."
Host 2:"Speaking of darker developments, we're witnessing a rather sophisticated trend. It appears that hackers, with the backing of countries such as Russia and China, are leveraging AI tools to elevate their cyberattack strategies."
Host 1:"Ah, you certainly know how to inject a bit of excitement into our tech banter! However, the realm of AI isn't all about ominous developments, is it?"
Host 2:"Quite right! On a more uplifting note, Apple's researchers have unveiled 'Keyframer,' an AI tool designed to animate images using natural language prompts. Quite a remarkable advancement, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite the fascinating spectrum, isn't it? From amplifying the voices of the marginalized, to the ever-looming cyber threats, and even infusing static images with vitality through the power of language. AI truly presents a multifaceted tapestry of innovation and challenges."
Host 2:"Absolutely. Are you all prepared? We're embarking on a fascinating exploration of the realm of AI. Let's discover where this exhilarating journey leads us, shall we?"
Host 1:"Have you caught wind of the latest endeavor by activist groups in the United States?"
Host 2:"Oh, you're referring to the one employing AI to tackle gun violence? Yes, I'm familiar with it. It's quite an innovative approach, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! They've devised AI-generated audio messages that replicate the voices of individuals lost to gun violence over the past decade. It's a component of the Shotline, an online campaign for gun reform that has just been launched today."
Host 2:"Quite right. What's truly fascinating is their use of AI. They're crafting messages from victims of shootings by training AI voices with deep learning from clips provided by their families. It's a compelling method to amplify the voices of these victims in the ongoing discourse on gun reform."
Host 1:"It's a venture led by March For Our Lives and Change The Ref, established by the parents of Joaquin Oliver, a victim of the Parkland shooting. His voice is among the six showcased on the Shotline website."
Host 2:"And the platform facilitates the dispatch of these recordings to their elected representatives, particularly those who align with the NRA and advocate for the Second Amendment. It's a direct plea for decisive measures in the realm of gun violence prevention."
Host 1:"It serves as a poignant reminder of the human toll exacted by gun violence, wouldn't you say? And a rather ingenious utilization of AI to amplify the voices of those who can no longer advocate for themselves."
Host 2:"Indubitably. It's a formidable demonstration of technology harnessed for societal reform, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Recall our discussion on the multifaceted role of AI across various domains?"
Host 2:"Quite right, old chap! It's akin to a scene straight out of a futuristic blockbuster, wouldn't you say? AI is truly reshaping everything from the realm of healthcare to the intricate world of finance."
Host 1:"Speaking of darker developments, we're witnessing a rather sophisticated trend. It appears that hackers, with the backing of countries such as Russia and China, are leveraging AI tools to elevate their cyberattack strategies. Quite the cunning twist, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Ah, hold your horses! Are you suggesting that the antagonists in our narrative are also harnessing the power of AI?"
Host 1:"Indeed, reports from Microsoft and OpenAI indicate that hackers, with the support of nations such as Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China, are harnessing the power of AI tools, particularly generative AI, to enhance their cyberattack capabilities."
Host 2:"Generative AI? That's the one capable of conjuring up entirely new content, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! They're employing it to finesse their social engineering, compose cunning phishing emails, translate texts with finesse, and even debug code, among other astute applications."
Host 2:"Ah, it seems they're employing AI to enhance their proficiency in nefarious activities. It's akin to a super-villain wielding a high-tech weapon, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Fear not, my dear fellow! Our valiant champions at Microsoft and OpenAI are in the process of neutralizing the accounts and assets associated with these nefarious hacking entities. They are also dedicating resources to the advancement of threat detection technology and forging alliances with other esteemed AI firms to fortify their defenses."
Host 2:"Quite a relief, indeed. It serves as a poignant reminder that while we hold a deep appreciation for AI, it remains a tool with the potential for both virtuous and nefarious applications. The onus is upon us to ensure its judicious and responsible utilization."
Host 1:"Indeed, it behooves us to remain well-informed and ever watchful. After all, knowledge is the quintessential source of empowerment, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Indubitably. And on the topic of influence, let's proceed to our next subject - the impact of blockchain on revolutionizing the financial sector. But first, let's take a moment to elucidate the concept of blockchain for our audience members who may not be well-versed in it."
Host 1:You know, we're always waxing lyrical about the marvels of AI, don't we? Well, Apple has concocted something that seems plucked straight from the pages of a science fiction novel. They've unveiled a new AI tool dubbed "Keyframer".
Host 2:"Ah, yes, I do believe I've come across this! It's the one that breathes life into images through the art of natural language prompts, isn't it? And here's a delightful tidbit for you - it's akin to having your very own personal animator, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! You provide it with a static 2D image and a description of the desired motion, and presto! It breathes life into your image. Just picture it, ladies and gentlemen, having the ability to animate your own doodles!"
Host 2:"Absolutely preposterous! So, in essence, I could capture an image of my skateboard and instruct it to execute a kickflip, and lo and behold, it would bring that motion to life?"
Host 1:"In theory, indeed! The boffins have ingeniously melded language prompts with code-generation prowess to birth this tool. It harnesses the formidable GPT-4 to craft CSS animation code for breathing life into Scalable Vector Graphics, or SVG images."
Host 2:"Ah, my dear fellow, forgive my oversight. Allow me to elucidate. CSS animation code is the clever language that instructs a web browser on how to animate elements on a webpage. It's akin to the conductor's baton, guiding the graceful movements of a digital symphony, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Ah, my apologies! CSS animation code is simply a form of coding utilized to craft captivating animations on websites. And as for SVG images, they are indeed scalable illustrations that retain their quality regardless of how much they are resized. Quite the marvel, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, quite the pertinent query, my dear interlocutor. Fear not, for the beauty of this AI tool lies in its user-friendly nature. One need not possess coding prowess to wield its creative potential. Simply furnish it with your vision, and it shall weave the magic of animation for you. It's akin to having your very own digital maestro at your beck and call, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Not at all! You have the option to directly manipulate the animation by editing the code, should you wish. However, you can also simply furnish additional text prompts. No coding expertise necessary. Quite the relief, wouldn't you say, ladies and gentlemen?"
Host 2:"Quite intriguing, isn't it? But it seems we'll have to exercise a bit of patience before we can give it a whirl, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Regrettably, that is the case. Keyframer is not yet accessible to the general public. However, Apple and UC Santa Barbara researchers recently unveiled another remarkable AI model that manipulates photos based on user-inputted instructions. It goes by the moniker of the 'MGIE' model."
Host 2:Absolutely splendid! It's akin to having your very own personal photo editor, wouldn't you say? My dear listeners, just envisage the possibilities! You could refine your vacation snapshots to perfection without the need for any editing expertise. The future is indeed upon us!
Host 1:"Absolutely delightful, my dear listeners. Do stay tuned for more riveting tech news!"
Host 1:"Indeed, we do find ourselves frequently delving into the realm of AI and its profound influence on our world, don't we?"
Host 2:"Indubitably. It's akin to my favorite pursuit after indulging in a riveting game of chess over the weekend and my unwavering fascination with vintage comic books."
Host 1:"Quite intriguing, isn't it? It appears that our fascination with AI is not confined to us and the tech behemoths. Remarkably, the U.S. states have also joined the fray. Nearly all state legislatures are presently mulling over AI-related bills. Quite the revelation, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Goodness me, the focus on AI is truly remarkable, isn't it? I've always recognized its significance, but this level of attention is akin to being in the spotlight of a superhero! Quite the spectacle, I must say."
Host 1:"Indeed! And would you believe it? There has been a six-fold surge in AI-related legislation over the past year. California and New York, the epicenters of the largest AI industries, are at the forefront of this movement."
Host 2:"Quite impressive, wouldn't you say? But then again, it's hardly surprising, given their status as the nation's tech hubs. However, one can't help but wonder about the stance of the other states, can they?"
Host 1:"An astute observation. Tennessee, Illinois, and New Jersey are in close pursuit. However, it appears that Alabama and Wyoming have yet to join the AI legislative bandwagon. Quite the intriguing state of affairs, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:Fascinating. Pray tell, what manner of AI-related concerns do these bills seek to address?
Host 1:"Remarkable, isn't it? As of last week, more than 40 states had put forth over 400 AI-related bills, marking a substantial increase from a mere 67 bills just a year prior. What's particularly intriguing is that over half of these bills are aimed at addressing the issue of AI-generated deepfakes."
Host 2:"Ah, deepfakes, you say? For our esteemed listeners who may not be well-acquainted with the term, deepfakes are essentially fabricated videos or digital renditions conjured by AI, capable of portraying individuals engaging in actions or uttering words they never actually did. They are akin to the nefarious antagonists of the AI realm, wielding the potential to wreak havoc if not vigilantly managed."
Host 1:"Quite right, indeed. The states are taking matters into their own hands, not waiting for Congress to make a move on AI. They're forging ahead with their own proposals to establish regulations for artificial intelligence."
Host 2:"Indeed, a shrewd maneuver. As the adage goes, with great power comes great responsibility, does it not?"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite right! And when it comes to responsibility, let's not overlook the realm of cryptocurrency. It's attracting a significant amount of legislative scrutiny as well. But we shall delve into that in our forthcoming episode. Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen!"
Host 1:"Speaking of AI, it's not just the tech behemoths that are causing a stir. A multitude of startups are also making waves in the AI realm. Shall we delve into the latest funding news and explore this burgeoning landscape?"
Host 2:"Absolutely! I do relish a compelling startup narrative. It's akin to witnessing a riveting football match, albeit with a greater emphasis on algorithms and a conspicuous absence of grass stains."
Host 1:"Absolutely splendid! Let's kick off with Sierra, a new AI startup spearheaded by former Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor and esteemed Google executive Clay Bavor. They've secured a staggering $110 million in funding from Sequoia Capital and Benchmark, and all this even before their official launch! Quite the feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite the impressive feat, isn't it? It's akin to scoring a goal before the match even commences! However, let's not overlook the realm of cryptocurrency. There's a myriad of developments unfolding in that domain as well."
Host 1:Absolutely spot on. Let's pivot to a recent development in the cryptocurrency realm. The ever-popular Bitcoin has experienced a remarkable upsurge in value of late.
Host 2:"Quite the unexpected goal in a football match, wouldn't you say? But let's swiftly return to the topic of AI startups. Who else is making a mark in the field?"
Host 1:"Ah, splendid news indeed! Xensam, a remarkable AI-powered software asset management company, has recently secured a substantial $40 million in fresh funding from a single investor, Expedition Growth Capital. Quite the impressive feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite remarkable, isn't it? It's akin to achieving a hole-in-one with a single stroke."
Host 1:"Ah, quite the intriguing development, isn't it? Colossyan, an AI-powered text-to-video platform, has recently secured a noteworthy $22 million in fresh funding, with Lakestar taking the lead. Launchub, Day One Capital, and Emerge Education also joined in the funding round. Quite the impressive feat, I must say."
Host 2:"Indeed, a splendid display of teamwork! It's akin to a well-choreographed relay race, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Quite the adept use of sports analogies today! Moving on, we have Ezra, a pioneering AI-driven MRI imaging and early cancer detection startup. They've secured a substantial $21 million in fresh funding. The round was co-led by former Amazon One Medical CEO Amir Dan Rubin and FirstMark Capital, with Allianz Life Ventures also joining in. Quite the impressive feat, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, that's akin to a masterful free kick in the dying moments of the match. The stakes are high, but the rewards are even higher, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"And last but not least, we come to Aizon, a pharmaceutical manufacturing startup infused with AI prowess. Their Series C funding round has culminated in an impressive $20 million. The round was spearheaded by NewVale Capital, with additional backing from Atlantic Bridge, Crosslink Capital, and Uncork Capital. Quite the substantial achievement, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, that's akin to a meticulously executed free kick, curving elegantly into the top corner of the net, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Absolutely spot on! For the latest updates on AI startup funding, cryptocurrency news, and other intriguing tidbits from the world of venture capital, do ensure to subscribe to our esteemed Inside Venture Capital newsletter. It's an absolute must for those with a keen interest in the ever-evolving landscape of innovation and investment."
Host 2:"And do bear in mind, my dear listeners, that in the realm of startups and cryptocurrency, every day presents an opportunity for a grand spectacle!"

AI used to re-create gun victims' voices / State-sponsored hackers using OpenAI tools / Apple AI tool animates images [EN]
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